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1、实习计划成功的三大法宝一托福阅读机经背景 作者: 日期:智课网TOEFL备考资料实习计划成功的三大法宝一托福阅读机经背景 Many companies approach hiring interns all wrong. Hiring interns for your company means more than just finding someone to get coffee or run errands for full-time employees. Interns can be the future of your company. Last year, nearly 60 pe

2、rcent of internsjoined their companies as full-time hires. Properly run internship programs become invaluable recruiting pipelines because they provide the company with field-tested employees. You dont have to worry if the interns can do the job or will fit into the company culture; theyve already p

3、roven their abilities. Hiring the best interns, however, isnt always easy and making sure they accept your full-time offer can be even more difficult especially if theyre talented. So here are three of the best ways to find the right candidates for your internship program and ensure that they accept

4、 a full-time offer if and when you make one. Seek out creativity when hiring interns It is 2013, so why are you still hiring like its 1980? If you want creative interns, you probably need to consider creative ways of attracting them to your company. You need big ideas to keep your company moving for

5、ward, and people with vision and enthusiasm are attracted to companies willing to take calculated risks. Hackathons have become one of the more visible and creative ways that technology companies are recruiting top technology talent. Evernote, for example hosted its first Hackathon in Koreain an eff

6、ort to recruit top Korean students. One advertising firm had interns apply to their position using the mobile app Draw Something. Candidates with the most creative drawings were selected to move forward in the process. Tests like these allow employers to see the practical and creative skills of pote

7、ntial interns. Hackathons, for example, push potential interns to quickly solve problems and work within teams, sometimes alongside full-time employees. Social media is another great way to attract interns. If you are not using social media as part of your intern hiring strategy, then you are missin

8、g out, as 26 percent of college students are using Twitter. Using media directed at certain schools or course focuses can help to quickly create attention for your company. Consider paying your interns With the high costs of hiring full-time employees, bringing on unpaid interns sounds like a magic

9、bullet, but this is far from true. You are likely to come across hoards of potential interns who are begging for experience and wouldnt hesitate to work for free. But going this route can have detrimental effects on your internship program and can put your company in legal hot water. With the job ma

10、rket in a shaky place, it is becoming more common for postgraduates to be taking internships with potential employers. These postgraduates have real expenses, and taking unpaid internships can deter many of them from joining your company. Even if they do accept, 3 to 6 months of no pay can put them

11、in a very difficult financial situation and may ruin the internship period. Receiving a paycheck also gives your interns a better sense that the company values their skills. Furthermore, from a legal standpoint, it is extremely difficult to have unpaid interns these days, and many companies are gett

12、ing burned for running free intern programs. Since 2011, there has been a surge in litigation surrounding the use of unpaid interns. The most recent example is the suit against Fox Searchlight Pictures, which is a huge blow to the media and entertainment industry that has traditionally been reliant

13、upon unpaid interns. Apparently, the 2008 “500 Days of Summer” and 2010 “Black Swan” films used unpaid interns for secretarial and janitorial support. Not exactly a learning experience. Most attorneys would recommend hiring an intern as a part-time employee with salary at least equal to minimum wage

14、. Part-time employees generally have limited or no company benefits, such as health benefits, vacation and sick time, paid holidays, and unemployment compensation, unless required by state labor laws and/or company policies. Treat your interns like full-time employees Like any employee, interns want

15、 to feel like they are a part of the company. Many employers adopt the mentality that their interns are not real employees and therefore slack on making them feel like part of the team or adopting standard legal practices to onboard them. One of the biggest errors that companies make when bringing on interns (especially in small organizations like startups), is to not properly inform their full-time employees how to treat i


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