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1、市场营销管理习题案例册目 录市场营销管理习题1第1章 市场与市场营销1第2章 市 场营销环境总论3第3章 消费者市场及其购买行为6第4章 组织市场及其购买行为8第5章 竞争性营销战略11第6章 目标市场战略13第7章 产品策略与管理17第8章 价格和价值管理21第 9章 分销渠道设计与管理25第10章 整合营销沟通27第11章 市场营销计划 与执行33市场营销管理案例35导言:如果进行案例分析35案例1 海王集团品牌整合40案例2 iPad降价带来的烦恼44案例3 雅芳的渠道转型之痛46案例4 哈奇公司的“三位一体”营销传播策略49市场营销管理习题第1章 市场与市场营销一、概念题1. 判断1)

2、 市场是商品交换的场所 2) 市场营销观念坚持以生产者为中心 3) Marketing is a philosophy that stresses customer satisfaction and a set of activities used to implement this philosophy 4) The societal marketing concept involves considering societys long-term best interests along with the satisfaction of customer wants and needs 2

3、. 选择(可多选) 1) 市场营销理论20世纪初诞生在_。A、美国 B、法国 C、日本 D、英国 E、德国2) 从营销的角度看待市场,市场是由_、_ _和_有机组成的总和。A、供求 B、人口 C、场所 D、购买力 E、购买欲望3) When a company sets its goals and strategies based on what the current plant equipment can produce, what products engineering can design, and what the company itself can do best, it is

4、 said to have a: a. marketplace orientation b. sales orientation c. marketing orientation d. customer orientation e. production orientation 4) Firms with a orientation focus on the internal capabilities of the firm rather than on the desires and needs of the marketplace.a. sales b. production c. mar

5、keting d. customer e. retailing3. 简答 1) AMA对“市场营销”的最新定义是什么?2) Does a sales-oriented firm defines its business in terms of the benefits its customers seek?二、理解题1. 判断1) 服务企业的所有雇员都需要坚持顾客导向,因为顾客会抱怨较差的服务 2) 市场营销观念促使企业提供消费者买得起又愿意买的产品和服务 3) The ultimate goal of most marketing-oriented firms is profitabilit

6、y that results from satisfying the wants and needs of its consumers 4) While most marketing organizations rely on various forms of promotion to succeed, sales-oriented organizations emphasize effective use of each of the four Ps 2. 选择(可多选) 1) 社会营销观念强调_利益、_利益、_利益的协调一致。A、社会 B、银行 C、消费者 D、公众 E、企业和职工2) 坚

7、持生产导向的企业不适合在下列哪种情境下生存?A、几乎没有竞争 B、供不应求 C、市场需求不断变化 D、企业生产的就是市场需要的3) Four competing philosophies strongly influence the role of marketing and marketing activities within an organization. The following terms refer to these philosophies EXCEPT:a. sales orientation b. societal marketing orientation c. mar

8、keting orientation d. profitability orientation e. production orientation4) One problem with the approach to marketing is its failure to consider whether what the firm produces most eff iciently also meets the needs of the marketplace. a. customer orientation b. societal orientation c. discount orie

9、ntation d. marketing orientation e. production orientation3. 简答1) 为什么把需要与欲望两者区别开来对营销者是很重要的?2) Should a marketing-oriented firm d efines its business in terms of the benefits its customers seek, why?三、分析与应用题1. 请浏览戴尔(DELL) 公司、惠普(HP) 公司以及联想(Lenovo)集团的网站,查询与电脑有关的描述,试用现代营销理念给予评价。 2. Tom and Dave craft wo

10、oden replicas of antique trunks. They decided to start their own business because they had successfully made beautiful trunks as gifts for their wives and mothers, the construction was relatively easy, they owned the woodworking equipment, and they were both talented cabinet mak ers by trade. Whats

11、the orientation of Tom and Daves business, why? Please express your opinion in detail.3. 在市场营销观念成为众多企业经营哲学后,一位经理这样阐述自己的看法:“人们并不了解自 己需要的东西, 他们只需要了解的东西”。试评价之。4请走访离你较近的一家电子商城或手机专卖店,佯装成一个欲购买手机的顾客,仔细观察手机销售空间的情况,并和销售人员进行10分钟左右的攀谈,通过观察和交流,运用你在本章所学的知识,对该手机专柜给予评价,对于存在的 问题尝试提出改进意见。第2章 市场营销环境总论一、概念题1. 判断1) 市场营

12、销环境是瞬息万变的_2) 市场营销的间接环境是客观的,不可 控的因素_3) The process of environmental scanning involves collecting and evaluating information from the external environment 4) Couples in which both husbands and wives have jobs are called baby boomers 2. 选 择(可多选) 1) 市场营销环境大致可分为_和_。A、宏观环境 B、直接营销环境 C、间接营销环境 D、微观环境 E、中观环境2

13、) 影响企业营销活动的微观环境因素除企业自身外,还有_。A、 供应商 B、竞争者 C、营销中介 D 、顾客 E、公众3) When a company implements strategi es that attempt to shape the external environment in which it operates, it is engaging in:a. mold planning b. environmental ma nagement c. conditioning d. mar ket control e. counter-threat management4) Th

14、e process of collecting and analyzing information about the external conditions that affect a business and its customers is called:a. defensive marketing b. economic manipu lation c. e nvironmental scanning d. outer directednesse. legislative planning3. 简答 1 ) 机会威胁综合矩阵是什么?2) What does GDP mean?二、理解题1. 判断1) 企业抓住并利用了市场机会就一定能赚钱_ 2) 对环境威胁,企业只能采取对抗策略_3) While a single firm c



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