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1、目录 1998年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 1999年华东师范大学英语翻译考研真题及详解 2000年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2001年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2002年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2003年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2004年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2005年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2006年华东师范大学405翻译考研真题及详解 2007年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2008年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2009年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解 2010年华东师范大学805翻译(A)考研真题及详解 2011年华东师范大学80

2、5翻译考研真题及详解 2012年华东师范大学805翻译(A)考研真题及详解 1998年华东师范大学翻译考研真 题及详解 . Translate into Chinese the following extract from “The Rose,” written by Logan Pearsall Smith in 1918. The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she ha

3、d brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome (it was before the time of railways) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the

4、road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them,

5、and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the suns beam, till at last the who

6、le little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars. That morning, finding they would have to wait while their carriage was being repaired, they had driven in a local conveyance up to the city on the mountain, where they had been told they would find better quarters; and there th

7、ey had stayed two or three days. The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting place of the notabilities of the little city; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hairtall and straight and still with the figure of a you

8、th, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchiowould in fact be eighty in the following year. He was the last of his family, the waiter addedthey had once been great and rich peoplebut he had no descendants; in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a

9、 story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married. The old gentleman, however, seemed cheerful enough; and it was plain that he took an interest in the strangers, and wished to make their acquaintance. This was soon effected by the friendl

10、y waiter; and after a little talk the old man invited them to visit his villa and garden which were just outside the walls of the town. So the next afternoon, when the sun began to descend, and they saw in glimpses through door-ways and windows, blue shadows beginning to spread over the brown mounta

11、ins, they went to pay their visit. It was not much of a place, a small, modernized, stucco villa, with a hot pebbly garden, and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish, and a statue of Diana and her hounds against the wall. But what gave a glory to it was a gigantic rose-tree which clambered over

12、the house, almost smothering the windows, and filling the air with the perfume of its sweetness. Yes, it was a fine rose, the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it. And as they sat there, drinking the wine he offered them, he alluded with the cheerful indiff

13、erence of old age to his love-affair, as though he took for granted that they had heard of it already. Notes: 1. Siena: name of an Italian town 2. Conte: (Italian) Earl 3. molto vecchio: (Italian) very old 4. Signora: (Italian) madam 【参考译文】 老太太总以自家花园里那棵高大的玫瑰树为荣。她非常喜欢告诉别 人,数年前她初次结婚时从罗马带回来的枝条,是如何长成如今这

14、般高 大的。那时,她与丈夫乘马车从罗马旅行归来(那时还没有火车),途 经锡耶那南部的崎岖路段时,马车坏了,他们被迫就宿于路边的小屋 里。住宿条件当然非常差;她一夜未能安眠,一早便起身穿好衣服,立 于窗前,感受着扑面而来的席席凉风,等待着黎明的到来。事隔多年, 她仍然记得那情景。明月高悬在青山群峦之上,远处山峰上的小镇逐渐 明亮起来,月亮慢慢消退,晨曦把群山涂得粉红。突然之间,一束阳光 照亮了城镇。城里的窗户相继明亮起来,反射出耀眼的光芒。最后,整 个小城宛若繁星,在天空中不停闪烁。 早上,得知须等些时日马车才能修好,他们便搭乘当地车辆去了山 顶小城。有人告诉他们在那可以找到更好的住处。他们在那

15、逗留了两三 天。 他们居住在当地一个名流云集的简易酒店里。在他们当中,一位英 俊、瘦高个儿而又健谈的老人引起他们的注意。他乌黑明亮的眼睛,雪 白的头发,个子高高的,腰板很直,像年轻人一样。但是酒店的侍者却 自豪地告诉他们实际上这位伯爵已届高龄,明年是他的80寿辰。侍者还 说到伯爵是这个家族的最后一员,曾是豪门大户,但一生无子嗣。但事 实上,这个侍者还甚是得意地说,伯爵情场失意,终生未娶,似乎是一 件本地值得炫耀的事情。 然而,这位老先生似乎过得挺开心;显然对陌生人很感兴趣,愿意 与之结交。很快这位和善的侍者促成了他们之间的认识。聊了一会儿, 老人就遨请他们参观他在城外的别墅和花园。因此,第二天

16、下午,日落 之时,当他们从门口和窗口瞥见蓝色的阴影覆盖了褐色的山峦时,就动 身去造访这位老伯爵了。其实别墅比较一般,只是一座拉毛粉饰的现代 小别墅,铺有石头的花园里有些热,石盆中的金鱼无精打采,戴安娜和 她的猎犬的雕像倚墙而立。然而,一颗巨大的玫瑰树为这座别墅增色不 少,它高过屋顶,几乎遮住了窗户,散发出诱人的花香。“嗯!确实是 一棵美丽的玫瑰树,”在他们的赞美声中老先生自豪地说,而且他很乐 意为这位女士讲述玫瑰树的故事。当他们坐在那儿,喝着老人提供的葡 萄酒时,老伯爵忘却了自己已届高龄,向大家娓娓道起自己当年的爱情 故事,就好像他理所当然地认为他们早已经听说过似的。 摘自洛根皮尔索尔史密斯玫瑰树 . Translate into English the following quotations from a speech delivered by Chinese President Jiang Zemin at Harvard University on November 1, 1997. 哈佛建校三百六十年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学 家和企业家,曾出过六位美国



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