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1、目录 2003年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2004年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2005年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2006年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2007年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2008年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2009年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2010年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2011年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2012年华东师范大学244二外英语考研真题及详解 2003年华东师范大学244二外英语 考研真题及详解 . Vocabula

2、ry (10%) Directions: Choose the best ONE answer to fill in the blank with or replace the underlined part in each of the sentences. 1. Much to our delight, fruits are so abundant that the prices of them no longer _ greatly. A. modify B. fluctuate C. convert D. flourish B【答案】 句意:令我们高兴的是,水果是如此的丰富,其价格不会

3、 再大幅度地波动。fluctuate波动。modify修改。convert改变。flourish繁 荣。 【解析】 2. Our company _ after long negotiations to build a double-purpose bridge across the river. A. contacted B. consulted C. contracted D. constructed C【答案】 句意:经过漫长的谈判,我们公司承包建一座双用桥。 contract承包;订约。contact联系。consult请教;商议。construct建造。 【解析】 3. When I

4、 returned very late at midnight, I found the lift in our building out of _ again. A. order B. function C. work D. practice A【答案】 句意:当我深夜回来的时候,我发现我们楼里的电梯又出 了故障。out of order出故障,为固定搭配。 【解析】 4. The old man has a serious heart attack and is dying, _. A. without breath B. under breath C. short of breath D

5、. below breath C【答案】 句意:这位老人心脏病发作,奄奄一息,呼吸困难。short of breath呼吸困难;呼吸急促。 【解析】 5. Tom was greatly disturbed by the bad news, so the sentences he was reading made no _ to him though he was trying hard to compose himself. A. feeling B. sense C. message D. meaning B【答案】 句意:汤姆被听到的坏消息打断了思路,所以他正在读的 句子对他来说没有任何

6、意义,尽管他努力地使自己镇定下来。make no sense毫无意义,为固定搭配。 【解析】 6. You can be _ that your son will attain his goal through his hard working. A. ensured B. assured C. insured D. confirmed B【答案】 句意:你放心,你的儿子一定会努力学习,达成目标。be assured that.放心,为固定搭配。ensure确保。insure确保;给保 险。confirm证实。 【解析】 7. There was a thick snow in the str

7、eet, but when the sun came out, the snow began to _. A. dissolve B. melt C. vanish D. disappear B【答案】 句意:街上雪很厚,但太阳出来时,雪就开始融化了。 melt融化。dissolve溶解。vanish消失。disappear消失。 【解析】 8. Mary tried in vain to _ her boss into letting her have a holiday. A. tempt B. convince C. impose D. reason D【答案】 句意:玛丽努力劝说老板让

8、她去度假,没有成功。reason sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事。tempt诱惑。convince使信服。impose 【解析】 把强加于。 9. Its impossible for the two companies to co-operate with each other because there is a basic _ of interest between them. A. conflict B. contradiction C. contest D. competition A【答案】 句意:这两家公司不可能相互合作,因为他们之间有根本 的利益冲突。co

9、nflict of interest利益冲突,为固定搭配。 【解析】 10. The committee learned a lesson from the disturbance that _ decisions often led to bitter regrets. A. instant B. urgent C. hasty D. prompt C【答案】 句意:委员会从这次混乱中吸取到了教训:草率的决定会 导致痛苦的懊悔。hasty decision草率的决定,为固定搭配。hasty草率 的。instant立即的。urgent紧急的。prompt迅速的。 【解析】 11. One of

10、 the consequences of advanced cognitive ability has been the emergence of cultural life. A. pertinent B. perceptive C. compiling D. commendable B【答案】 句意:高级认知能力的一个后果就是文化生活的产生。 cognitive认知的。perceptive感知的。pertinent相关的。compiling编译。 commendable值得赞美的。 【解析】 12. In that period, the superiority of virginity

11、and sexual abstinence over marriage was generally taken for granted. A. restriction B. desire C. temptation D. prohibition A【答案】 句意:在那个时期,贞洁和节制性欲的优越性通常被认为 是理所当然的。abstinence节制。restriction限制;约束。desire欲望。 temptation引诱。prohibition禁止。 【解析】 13. The gifted boy has won the big prize, as he has a great facul

12、ty for playing the piano. A. teaching staff B. natural ability C. unsatisfiable ambition D. proficient skill B【答案】 句意:这个有天赋的小男孩赢得了大奖,因为他有弹钢琴 的才能。faculty强调人天生就有的才能。natural ability天生的能力。 teaching staff教职人员。unsatisfiable ambition不可满足的野心。proficient skill熟练的技能。 【解析】 14. When the bomb exploded in the squa

13、re, crowds of people fled from there and several women and children were trampled to death. A. squeezed B. crashed C. stamped D. squashed C【答案】 句意:当炸弹在广场爆炸时,人们从那里逃了出来,有几 个妇女和儿童被踩踏致死。trample踩;践踏。stamp用脚踩踏。squeeze 挤;压榨。crash撞碎;坠毁。squash压碎;挤压。 【解析】 15. Im quite hesitant about whether to accept the job.

14、 I suppose my decision will to a large degree depend on the sentiment I have for my family here. A. feeling B. conception C. idea D. fascination A【答案】 句意:我很犹豫是否要接受这份工作,我想我的决定很大 程度上取决于我对我家人的感情。sentiment感情;情绪。feeling感觉; 感情。conception设想;概念。idea想法。fascination魅力。 【解析】 16. China will launch a manned satel

15、lite within three or four years to make a probe of the moon. A. invasion B. examination C. explanation D. exploration D【答案】 句意:中国将在三、四年内发射一颗载人卫星,对月球进 行探测。probe探测。exploration探测。invasion入侵。explanation解释。 【解析】 17. If your ID card expired, youll have to get a new one. A. is overdue B. comes to an end C.

16、 is valid D. gets lost A【答案】 句意:如果你的身份证过期了,你就必须去办一张新的。 expire期满;终止。be overdue过期的。come to an end结束。be valid有效 的。get lost丢失。 【解析】 18. Most of us dont think that the elderly president will be inaugurated for his third term. A. put into office B. reelected C. terminated D. ushered in B【答案】 句意:我们大多数人认为这个年迈的总统不会迎来他的第 三个任期。inaugurate使正式就任。get reelected获得连任。terminate终 止。usher in开辟。 【解析】 19. Dirt accumulates very fast if one doesnt clean the house every


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