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1、精选简单的常用英语口语句子 【篇二】简单的常用英语口语句子 1、用记忆拥抱着过去,用希望拥抱着未来。 With memory embraced in the past, embrace the future with hope. 2、涌进心头的是潮水,溢出眼眶的是眼泪。 Is the tide flooded into my mind, overflow eyes tears. 3、把简单的事情千百次地做好就是不简单。 The simple things well is not simple one thousand times. 4、不是谁什么都有,也不是谁什么都没有。 What is no

2、t who have, also is not who have nothing. 5、爱是一种责任,不爱了,也要尽到责任。 Love is a kind of responsibility, the love, also want to their duty. 6、灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。 Lose heart disappointed, disappointed shake, shake raw failure. 7、即使是世界老大,也不可能谁都听它的。 Even if is the worlds eldest brother, who is not likely to lis

3、ten to it. 8、骄傲是胜利的敌人,努力是成功的朋友。 Pride is the enemy of the victory, efforts are successful. 9、没人给你台阶下,还是自己搬把椅子吧。 No one give you the steps, or moving the chair yourself. 10、诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。 Honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values. 11、生死之交义薄云天,酒肉朋友淡如恶水。 The difference betwe

4、en life and death kwan tai, fair-weather friends light such as waters. 12、从无用的知识之中可以得到那么多乐趣。 From the useless knowledge can get so much pleasure. 13、每天早晨叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想。 Every morning wake you up is not alarm clock, but dream. 14、都是水何必装醇,都是色狼又何必装羊! Is why alcohol, water is a sex maniac why a sheep! 15

5、、知识要用心体会,才能变成自己的智慧。 Can knowledge to realize attentively, become your own wisdom. 16、流光容易把人抛下,任誓言在风间流走。 Time to throw people, as a pledge between the wind out. 17、有些事情无须抬杠,表面服从偷偷反抗。 There are some things that dont need to return to, the surface subject to secretly resistance. 18、珍惜现在所拥有的幸福,活在当下。 Hap

6、piness, cherish what you have now live in the present moment is the best. 19、美国钱男多美女少,中国钱男少美女多。 The male more beauty, less money, Chinese male beauty much less money. 20、像孩子一样,永远相信希望,相信梦想。 Like a child, always believe in hope, believe that dream. 21、那一刻我看到了天使的微笑,在云端闪耀。 The moment I saw the angel smi

7、le, shining in the cloud. 22、修养,要知羞而学,知错而改,知耻而思。 Accomplishment, to know shame and learn, say it, shame-awareness and think. 23、如果今天后悔昨天,那明天就会后悔今天。 If regret yesterday, today, tomorrow, then will regret today. 24、去看海吧,你会发现自己的烦恼有多么小。 Go to the sea, you will find how small your troubles. 25、成长是场蓄谋已久的阴

8、谋,错了便是错了。 Growth is a plot plan, wrong is wrong. 26、想要别人尊重你,首先就要学会尊重别人。 Want others to respect you, first learn to respect others. 27、不要对我太好,以免我以身相许你又不要。 Not too good to me, lest I ass you dont again. 28、会在快乐时微笑,也要学会在困难中微笑。 In the happy smile, also want to learn to smile in difficulties. 29、你把别人想得太复

9、杂,是因为你也不简单。 You to think of others too complicated, because you will not be easy. 30、没有伟大的意志力,就不可能有雄才大略。 No great willpower, is impossible to have eminently. 31、听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。 Heard that happy is very simple. As soon as flushes simply to the time dilute. 32、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Dont say love eas

10、ily, promises the promise is debt! 33、追求的目标越高,需要放弃的东西就越多。 The higher goal, the more you have to give up things. 34、你给世界一个微笑,世界会给你许多微笑。 You give a smile to the world, the world will give you many smiles. 35、不是他算的准,而是您活在他的算计之内。 Is not he is accurate, but you live in his calculation. 36、成功的秘笈是:坚持、坚持、再坚

11、持。 Success is the biggest secret: insist, insist on, hold on. 37、成功的喜悦中往往夹杂着几分失败的苦涩。 The joy of success, often mixed with somewhat bitter failure. 38、回不去的只有昨天、等不到的也只有明天。 Dont go back only yesterday, also not only tomorrow. 39、在醒着的时间里,追求你认为最有意义的。 In waking hours, the pursuit of what do you think the

12、most meaningful. 40、岁月如诗,用心体会者方能悟出诗文美妙。 Time such as poem, experience who can realize poems wonderful with your heart. 41、人善被人欺, “ 做人要狠点 ” 是有道理的。 People were good by others, to hard money is justified. 42、你认为比你笨的人往往就是比你聪明的人。 Do you think you stupid than people tend to be smarter than you. 43、每个人的内心都

13、充满了魔鬼,学会控制他。 Each person s heart is full of the devil, learn to control him. 44、读懂读透一部书,胜似浅尝辄止读一百部书。 Read read a book, a radix stemonae tasted better than reading. 45、在比夜更深的地方,一定有比夜更黑的眼睛。 In deeper than night, there must be more black eyes than night. 46、只要肯开口赞美别人,你将会是的赢家。 As long as open praise oth

14、ers, you will be the biggest winner. 47、对前途要看得乐观些,对人心要看得悲观些。 Want to see more optimistic for the future, for the heart to see more pessimistic. 48、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。 Conscience is by the knowledge of the people and the whole way of life. 49、若不能做成功的君主,别让我做失败的勇士。 If you cannot succeed in doing monar

15、ch, dont let me do the warriors of failure. 50、人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。 There is no eternal night, the world no eternal winter. 51、要铭记在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Must engrave on mind; Every day is the happiest day in a year. 52、真知灼见,学而不厌;好事善举,行之不倦。 Insights, study; Good good, line of tireless. 53、跟着人群走下去吧,就这样微笑的走

16、到尽头。 Go to follow the crowd, so smile come to an end. 54、每个梦想,都是在现实中坚持不懈才实现的。 Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality. 55、成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 Mature not heart grow old, tears in circles can also is smile. 56、致天下之治者在人才,成天下之才者在教化。 To the world of governance in the talent, into the world of people in the enlightenment. 57、感恩的眼睛看一个世界,是一个美丽的世界。 Gratitude is the eyes to see a world, a beautiful world. 58、常常责备自己的人,往



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