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1、Chapter 7; Electronic Structure of Atoms,Electromagnetic Radiation Flame Test/ Emission Spectra Quantized Energy Levels Bohr Model/ Rydberg Equation Principal Energy Levels, n First Ionization Energy 2nd , 3rd, 4th, etc Ionization Energy,东莞电工培训,Chapter 7; Electronic Structureof Atoms,Sublevels (s, p

2、, d, f) Photoelectron Spectroscopy Electron Configuration Valence Electrons/ Core Good/ Bad Point of Atom Model Quantum Theory Dual Nature of the Electron Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,Chapter 7; ElectronicStructure of Atoms,Quantum Numbers (n, l, ml, ms) Oribtal Diagrams Paramagnetism and Diamag

3、netism,Electronic Structure Model,Experimental Evidence Line Spectra Ionization Energies Photoelectron Spectrum Intensity/detail of Line Spectra,What it means Electrons in quanitized n # electrons in each n # electrons in each n and each sublevel Indicates n have sublevels associated with them,Elect

4、ronic Structure,Order of orbitals (filling) in multi-electron atom,1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s,7.7,What is the electron configuration of Mg?,Mg 12 electrons,1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s,1s22s22p63s2,2 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 12 electrons,7.7,Abbreviated as Ne3s2,Ne 1s22s22p6,What is the electron configuration of

5、 Cl?,Cl 17 electrons,1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s,1s22s22p63s23p5,2 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 17 electrons,Electron Configurations of Cations and Anions,Na Ne3s1,Na+ Ne,Ca Ar4s2,Ca2+ Ar,Al Ne3s23p1,Al3+ Ne,Atoms lose electrons so that cation has a noble-gas outer electron configuration.,H 1s1,H- 1s2 or He,F 1s22s22p5,

6、F- 1s22s22p6 or Ne,O 1s22s22p4,O2- 1s22s22p6 or Ne,N 1s22s22p3,N3- 1s22s22p6 or Ne,Atoms gain electrons so that anion has a noble-gas outer electron configuration.,Of Representative Elements,8.2,Na+: Ne,Al3+: Ne,F-: 1s22s22p6 or Ne,O2-: 1s22s22p6 or Ne,N3-: 1s22s22p6 or Ne,Na+, Al3+, F-, O2-, and N3

7、- are all isoelectronic with Ne,What neutral atom is isoelectronic with H- ?,H-: 1s2,same electron configuration as He,8.2,Electron Configurations of Transition Metals,Completely filled or half-completely filled d-orbitals have a special stability Some “irregularities” are seen in the electron confi

8、gurations of transition and inner-transition metals.,Electron Configurations of Cations of Transition Metals,8.2,When a cation is formed from an atom of a transition metal, electrons are always removed first from the ns orbital and then from the (n 1)d orbitals.,Order of filling; 3s3p4s3d But when r

9、emoving electrons to form + ions for transition metals Order of removing electrons; 4s3d3p3s,Electronic Structure,Good Points Electrons in Quantized Energy Levels Maximum # electrons in each n is 2n2 Sublevels (s,p,d,f) and # electrons they hold,Bad Points Electrons are placed in orbits about nucleu

10、s Only explains emission spectra of H2 Does not address all interactions Treats electron as particle,There are less interactions to take into account in H than other elements,Interactions Attraction between + nucleus and negative electrons,Interactions Attraction between + nucleus and negative elect

11、rons Repulsion between electrons in same energy level. Shielding effect of filled principal energy levels.,Quantum Theory Revised Electronic Structure Model,Dual Nature of the Electron Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,Dual Nature of Electron,Previous Concept; A Substance is Either Matter or Energy M

12、atter; Definite Mass and Position Made of Particles Energy; Massless and Delocalized Position not Specificed Wave-like,Dual Nature of Electron,Electron is both “particle-like” and “wave-like” at the same time. Previous model only considered “particle-like” nature of the electron,Heisenberg Uncertain

13、ty Principle,Act of measuring the position and energy of electron changes the position of electron Better one variable is known (energy); the less well the other variable is known (position),Orbitals Replace Orbits,Orbits- Both electron position and energy known with certainty Orbitals Regions of sp

14、ace where an electrons of a given energy will most likely be found,Quantum TheoryOrbitals Replace Orbits,Orbits,Orbitals,Schrodinger Wave Equation (Y) Describes size/shape/orientation of orbitals,7.5,Wave Equation is based on Dual Nature of Electron (Electron both particle and wave-like at the same

15、time.) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (Orbitals describe a region in space an electron will most likely be.),Wave Equation (Y),Wave Equation describe the size, shape, and orientation of the orbital the electron (of a given energy) is in. There are four variables in the function -n; Energy and size

16、 of orbital l; Shape of orbital ml; Orientation of orbital ms; Electron Spin,(n, l, ml, ms),Each electron has a unique set of 4 Quantum Numbers Each orbital described by the Quantum Numbers can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.,Schrodinger Wave Equation; 1st Quantum Number,Y = fn(n, l, ml, ms),principal quantum number n,n = 1, 2, 3, 4, .,7.6,distance of e- from the nucleus,Y = fn(n, l, ml,


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