2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers整体 外研版必修1

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers整体 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers整体 外研版必修1(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Period 1,Module 2 My New Teachers,Introduction + Function and Speaking,Introduction 1. Brainstorming (4m) Bring out as many adjectives used to describe a person as possible.,amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious shy strict stupid ,Are they positiv

2、e or negative? Put them into two boxes.,positive,negative,amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious shy strict stupid ,Introduction 2. Description(5m),Use the words below to describe people you know. Can you think of more words or phrase to describe th

3、em?,amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious shy strict stupid,1. All good teachers talk a lot. 2. I think teachers need to be strict. 3. I like teachers who are amazing and can laugh with their students. 4. The most popular teachers are always very k

4、ind. 5. Good teachers always return homework quickly. 6. Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands. 7. You should be able to ask your teacher questions at any time during a lesson. 8. It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised.,Introduction 3. Discussion (5m) Do you agree wi

5、th the following statements?,Introduction 4. listening(5m) Listen to Alex, an English student, tick the statements that he agrees with. Compare your statements and Alexs.,Introduction 5.Vocabulary(5m) listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.,1. I do think that teachers need to be _, but they

6、 dont need to be very _. 2. I like teachers who are _. 3. And I agree with the statement that most _ teachers are very _. 4. How can a student learn if the teacher isnt _?,strict,strict,amazing,popular,kind,organised,Speaking 1. Description(8m) Describe at least 2 of the teachers ,using the adjectiv

7、es that you have just learned.,.,Which of them do you like best? And why?,Speaking 2. Guessing Game(5m),Describe some of the teachers that you and your classmates know and ask your classmates to guess who he or she is.,You may begin like this:,He is my favourite teacher. I enjoy his classes very muc

8、h because,Who is he?,Speaking 3. Dialogue(8m) Talk about the parts of school life you enjoy most and why.,Sentence patterns: A: Do you enjoy? B: It is all right, but I prefer A: Why is that? B: Because Im not good at,school subjects school activities ,Homework-Task of the lesson,Tell your partner ab

9、out your favourite teacher and give the reasons why you like him or her ,using the words or expressions that you have learned today to have a description.,Period 2,Module 2 My New Teachers,Reading and Vocabulary,Reading 1. Revision (4m) Answer the following questions and share the answer with your p

10、artner.,1. Who was your favourite teacher in Junior High? 2. What adjectives will you use to describe your favourite teacher in Junior High? 3. What adjectives will you use to describe the teacher you dont like in Junior High?,Reading 2. Lead-in(3m),What adjectives will you use to describe me-your n

11、ew English teacher? What about other teachers? (use as many adjectives as possible),Look at the pictures. What are your first impressions of the three teachers?,Reading 3. Read for Main idea (5m) Read the text fast and check your prediction and get more information.,Mrs Li _ Mrs Chen _ Mr Wu _,Who i

12、s the most popular teacher? Who is the kindest teacher ? Which teacher are students most afraid of? Which teachers explain things clearly?,Reading 4. Comparison(5m) Read the text and get more detailed information.,nervous,shy, kind,patient,strict, serious, not smile,good-looking, energetic, amusing,

13、English,physics,Chinese literature,explain, avoid, smile,organised, clear, explain exactly,talk, wave, tell,slowly , wonderful , make progress,never be my favourite lesson, do well in,respect a lot,Reading 5.Discussion(8m) Discuss the following questions .,Of the three teachers which one do you like

14、 best? Why? Would you like Mrs.Chen to be your physics teacher? Why or why not? Would you like Mr. Wu to be your Chinese teacher? Why or why not?,Reading 6. Vocabulary (5m),.,admit appreciate avoid hate joke literature respect scientific summary,The young man _ that he stole the money. I love readin

15、g good _. Thank you so much, I really _ your help. It is very interesting to do_ experiment. I _ being late for school. Write a _ of this text. Use about 100 words. I try to _ boring people. I _ you because you work hard and are a good person. That _ was very amusing.,admitted,literature,appreciate,

16、scientific,hate,summary,avoid,respect,joke,Reading 7. Words and phrases(5m) Find the words and phrases that match the definitions.,How someone seems to you the first time you meet them In the wrong way Be brave enough to do things Move your hand through the air handsome,1. first impression 2. incorrectly 3. d



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