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1、高考英语-易混淆形近词单词辨析Advice/AdviseAdvice是不可数名词: Judy gave mark good advice. Advise是副词: Jack advised Ben to avoid the questionable chicken salad.Affect/EffectAffect 普遍用作动词: Judys humming affected Marks ability to concentrate. Effect 常用作名词: Ben was sorry for the effect his humming had.其区别类似于 “alter” or “res

2、ult”即改变和结果。Among/AmongstAmong常见于美式英语. Amongst 常见于英式英语.Among/BetweenAmong 用于表面几个对象之间松散的关系: Judy found a letter hidden among the papers on the desk. Between 用于表明一个对象与另外一个对象,或者几个对象之间的关系: Judy spent all day carrying messages between Mark and the other classmates.Assure/Ensure/InsureAssure 用于表示某事必然发生,或者真

3、实性: Judy assured Ben that no one would cheat at Bingo. Ensure 值保证: Judy took steps to ensure that no one cheated at Bingo. Insure 指保险: Mark was glad the Bingo hall was insured against damage caused by rowdy Bingo players.Breath/BreatheBreath 名词指进出肺部的空气:Judy held his breath while Ben skateboarded dow

4、n the stairs. Breathe 是动词呼吸: After Marks spectacular landing, Ben had to remind himself to breathe again.Capital/CapitolCapital 指大写字母,省会,资金: Judy visited Braslia, the capital of Brazil. Capitol 立法大楼,议会大楼: Judy visited the cafe in the basement of the capitol after watching a bill become a law.Complem

5、ent/ComplimentComplement 补充,补足,用来指搭配出现: Judys lime green boots were a perfect complement to his jacket. Compliment 奉承: Judy received many compliments on her purple fedora.Disinterested/UninterestedDisinterested 指无私: A panel of disinterested judges who had never met the contestants before judged the

6、singing contest. Uninterested 指不感兴趣,讨厌: Judy was uninterested in attending Bens singing class.Defence/DefenseDefense 美式英语. Defence 英式英语.Emigrate/ImmigrateEmigrate 指离开某地: Bens grandfather emigrated from Canada sixty years ago. Immigrate 搬去某地: Marks sister immigrated to Ireland in 2004.E.g./I.e.同为拉丁语缩

7、写, e.g.表示 “for example,” 而 i.e. 指 “that is.”Empathy/SympathyEmpathy 同感,共鸣。Sympathy 同情别人悲惨的经历.Farther/FurtherFarther指空间距离: Judy can run farther than Ben. Further 指抽象关系: Judy is further away from finishing his project than Ben is.Flaunt/FloutFlaunt 指炫耀: Chester flaunted his stylish new outfit. Flout 指

8、鄙视,瞧不起: Posey flouted the business-casual dress code by wearing a tiara and flip-flops.Gaff/GaffeGaff is 鱼叉: Judy completed his sailor costume with a gaff borrowed from his uncles fishing boat.Gaffe 失态: Mark made a gaffe when she accidentally called Mark by the wrong name.Gray/GreyGray 美式英语. Grey 英式

9、英语.Historic/HistoricalHistoric 著名的,影响深远的: Judy visited the beach in Kitty Hawk where the Wright brothers made their historic first airplane flight. Historical 符合历史事实的: Posey donned a historical bonnet for the renaissance fair.Imply/InferImply指不言明,不明说: Judy implied that Mark was in trouble, but he wo

10、uldnt tell her why. Infer根据情况推断: Judy inferred that Judy was nervous about something from the way he kept looking over his shoulder.Its/ItsIts “it is”的缩写: Judy needs to pack for her trip because its only two days away. Its 所有格 : Chester is obsessed with both the book and its author.Lay/LieLay 放置: Po

11、sey will lay out her outfit before she goes to bed.Lie 躺下: Chester will lie down for a nap. Lay 过去式是 laid: Judy laid out her outfit. Lie 过去式 lay: Mark lay down for a nap over an hour ago.Lead/LedLead名词,铅: Judy wore a lead apron while the dentist X-rayed her teeth. Led动词带领领导lead的过去式: Judy led the way

12、.Learned/LearntLearned美式英语. Learnt 英式英语.Loose/LoseLoose 形容词,松散: Judy discovered that the cows were loose. Lose 动词,失去,失败,输: Judy was careful not to lose his ticket.Principal/PrinciplePrincipal 名词,形容词。 名词指学校或者组织负责人: Judy was called into the principals office. 形容词,指非常重要: The principal reason for this m

13、eeting is to brainstorm ideas for the theme of Judys birthday party. Principle 名词, 指纪律,规矩: Judy doesnt like surprise parties as a matter of principle.Inquiry/EnquiryInquiry 美式英语. Enquiry 英式英语.Stationary/StationeryStationary 指静止的状态: The revolving door remained stationary because Judy was pushing on i

14、t the wrong way. Stationery高级信纸: Judy printed his rsum on her best stationery.Than/ThenThan用于比较: Judy runs faster than Chester. Then 用来描述时间顺序: Ben took off running, and then Mark came along and finished her breakfast.Their/There/TheyreTheir “they”的所有格: Judy and Mark took their time. There 地点: It too

15、k them an hour to get there. Theyre 是 “they are”的缩写: Are Jack and Mark coming? Theyre almost here.To/TooTo介词表方向:Judy walked to school. She said hello to Mark when she saw him. To 不定式: Judy waited until the last minute to do her homework. Too 也,意思与“also”相似: Judy waited too long to do her homework, too.Toward/TowardsToward 美式英语. Towards 英式英语.Whos/WhoseWhos who is”的缩写: Whos calling Chester at this hour? Whose所有格: Judy, whose phone hadnt stopped ringing all morning, barely ate anything for breakfast.


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