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1、大学英语六级真题卷-阅读理解长难句拆解,翻译Schools are not just a microcosm (缩影) of society: they mediate it too.译文:学校不仅仅是社会的浓缩,它能反映最真实的现实。词法:mediate,动词有表达,传递的意思。此处的意思,要结合文章的主旨来理解。逻辑推理:本句是引出文章主要内容的作用。真实目的是通过学习表现社会贫富差距。概括力极强的句子,在英语中要寻找真实的具体意义,见下句。The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equ

2、ipping them better to understand and handle the world outside- at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons.译文:一流大学既想减少(外部)社会带给学生的压力,又想让学生深刻得了解社会,深入得接触社会两全其美:不让学生经历风雨又想丰富他们的见识。大学英语六级真题翻译理解要点:破折号的出现,说明本句话前后意思一致。while即表示同时,又表示转折。即不想社会干扰学生,又想学生多接触社会,这是一处矛盾。所以,at once 此处表述一个时间做两件事。这里学校既想又想,正是下文

3、提及的两处ideals。This is ambitious in any circumstances and in a divided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright(直接地).译文:这种完美的理想太难实现,而且在不和谐,贫富差距大的社会,会导致尖锐的矛盾。大学英语六级真题长难句解析翻译要点:ambitious,这里是耗时,耗力,难以实现的意思。文章的理解,要超越单词零散词义的干扰。这句话有一个潜在的递进:不但不容易实现,而且会导致尖锐矛盾。第一段:提出文章主旨,学习的既想学生免受社会干扰,又想学生多接触社会的矛盾。由

4、学校的这个矛盾,直接引出下文社会的问题。Trips that many adults would consider the adventure of a lifetime-treks in Borneo, a sports tour to Barbados-appear to have become almost routine at some state schools.译文:一些成年人一辈子才会去一次的婆罗洲徒步,巴巴多斯体育旅游,竟然是一些公立学校的日常设置。大学英语六级长难句解析这里,trips后面是定语从句,that 在定语从句中作consider的宾语,被提前,正常语序即consi

5、der that the adventure of 。主句主语与谓语之间空间距离大,是长难句形成的主语方式。Parents are being asked for thousands of pounds.译文:家长们交了几千英镑的费用。大学英语六级长难句解析翻译要点:谓语被动。Though schools cannot profit from these trips, the companies that arrange them do.译文:学习不会从中渔利,但是安排旅游的公司肯定要牟利。大学英语六级真题长难句解析翻译要点:主句谓语省略。Meanwhile, pupils arrive at

6、 school hungry because their families cant afford breakfast.译文:与此同时,学生因为买不起早餐挨饿上学。大学英语六级真题长难句拆解翻译要点:此处,meanwhile,主要是体现对比。The Child Poverty Action Group says nine out of 30 in every classroom fall below the poverty line.译文:儿童贫困行动组织表示:每个班里都有30%的学生未脱贫。大学英语六级长难句拆解翻译要点:这是原文几段删减得出的。所以练习上下文,是理解的关键,不能被单词意思束

7、缚。The discrepancy is startlingly apparent.译文:这种差距显而易见。大学英语六级真题长难句翻译理解要点:结合上句话,指贫困差距。Introducing a fundraising requirement for students does not help, as better-off children can tap up richer aunts and neighbours.译文:为学生募捐也没有,因为即使小康之家的孩子也得靠更有趣的亲友接济。大学英语六级真题长难句翻译要点:此处真正的意思是,即使是有钱人,也是泥菩萨过江自身难保。所以募捐用处不大。

8、说明贫困阶级经济现状,但是依然为教育投入巨资。赠:夜猫子,浅睡眠,深睡眠YR: Hey Jessica! What are you doing on Friday?JESSICA: Hmm, I dont know yet. What up?YR: Some of us are planning a sleep over at my apartment. 我们几个都是夜猫子,准备好好看场家庭影院,再睡到自然醒! We are all late cats!JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU,thats not how we say it. We call people who stay up la

9、te night owls!YR: Night owls?JESSICA: Exactly. Owl is spelled o-w-l, owl, 是猫头鹰。Night owl, 就是夜猫子。不过我可不是夜猫子, I usuallyhit the hayaround 10.YR: Wait a second.hit the hay? 我知道hay是稻草的意思,你.你为什么要打稻草啊?JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU! Hit the hay is just a common way of saying to go to sleep. 就是睡觉的意思。YR: 哈!真有意思,hit the hay

10、! Hmm, Im quite the opposite - I usually hit the hay very late, definitely after mid-night!JESSICA: I really want to join you guys, but I never enjoy sleepovers. Im alight sleeper. So normally I cant sleep well on sleepovers.YR: Light sleeper? 让我来猜猜,就是觉轻的意思,对吗?JESSICA: Bingo! A light sleeper can be

11、easily awakened.YR: 哦!那一睡着就雷都打不醒的人要怎么说呢?Jessica: Its just the opposite! You can call themsound sleepers.YR: A light sleeper, 觉轻的人;a sound sleeper, 觉沉的人。我想,我们的sleepover party可能真的不太适合你! 那下次别的活动我再叫你吧!Jessica: Okay! Now tell me what youve learned today!YR: 第一:夜猫子叫做night owl;第二:睡觉可以说hit the hay;第三:睡得沉的人是a sound sleeper, 觉轻的人则是a light sleeper!


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