模拟试题(翻译)一 演示文稿课件

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1、,模拟题一1. I suggested he should _ (学会适应新的 , 环境)。,答案:learn to adapt himsel to the new condition. 本题考查的是动词短语adapt to 的用法。应该注意adapt后应接反身代词oneself。,2. Mikes uncle insists _ (不要呆在这个宾馆里)。,答案:on not staying in this hotel. 本题考查的是动词短语insist on 的用法。应注意on后面应该接动名词形式。,3. He always did well at school _ (尽管时不时要做兼职工作

2、)。,答案:in spite of having to do part-time job now and then/though he has to do part-time jobs now and then. 本题考查的是让步状语从句和固定词组 now and then 的用法。,4. _ (无论我们碰到什么问题)。 Well help one another to overcome them.,答案: Whatever problems we may come across/run into, 本题考查的是条件状语从句中 whatever 的用法。注意 “碰到问题”常用come acro

3、ss或run into.,5. With _ (气温下降得如此之 快), we couldnt go on with the experiment.,答案:the temperature falling so quickly, 本题考查的是伴随状语,with后应接动名词形式。,模拟题二 : Translation1. I dont mind (你推迟作决定), as long as it is not too late.,答案: your delaying the decision/your delaying makingthe decision/your putting off making

4、 the decision; 本题考查动 mind的用法。mind 后面应该用动名词形式。另外还考查“推迟”的译法。推迟 “delay”后面也要动名词形式。,2. Without proper lessons, you could _ _(沾染上很多坏习惯)when playing the piano.,答案:pick up a lot of bad habits本题考查动词短语 “沾染”的译法。,3. Between 1974 and 1977, the number of overseas visitors_ (增加了27)。,答案:increased by 27%。本题考点是动词incr

5、ease的用法。其后应该用介词by. Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases. 谚语 财富会用尽,学识用了会增长。 Increased means and increased leisure are the two civilizers of man. 不断增长的财富和随之而增加的闲暇时间是人类文明的两大要素。,4. In a sudden burst of anger, the man_ (撕碎了手边的一切物品)。,答案: tore up everything within reac

6、h. 本题考查动词短语“撕碎”以及“手边的”的用法。reach n. 伸手可及的地方、范围: You should keep medicines out of the reach of the children. 你应该把这些药放在孩子们够不 着的地方。,5. _(天一变黑) than she realized it was too late to go home. No sooner had it become dark.,答案:No sooner had he left school than it began to rain本题考查壮语从句 no sooner than 句型倒装的用法,

7、应注意no sooner 后一定要用过去完成时。.Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had she when it began to rain .,模拟题三:Translation1. By the time you get to New York, I _(该已经动身往伦敦去了)。,答案: will have left for London.考查:时态和动词固定短语:leave for 。注意:此处by the time 指“在之前”;句子要用将来完成时态。将来完成时表示将来某时会已发生的事情。By the end of this year, we shall have been

8、 here two years.She will have taught English in this school for ten years by the time you graduate.将来完成时用来表示一种揣测。We worked together for a year. He wont have forgotten me. 我们在一起工作过一年,他大概不会忘记我。They will have arrived home by now. 到这时他们可能已经到家了。,2 Sometimes children have trouble _(把事实同想象区分开来) and may bel

9、ieve that such things actually exist.,答案:separating the fact from the fiction本题考查:短语: have trouble (in) doing sth.的用法;区分 A 和 B , 用: separate A from B. 也可以用:distinguish A from B.,3.There was a big hole in the road which _(耽搁了路上交通)。,答案:held up the road traffic.或 delayed the vehicles.考查:“耽搁”的翻译法。,4. No

10、ne of us _ (预料到他会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.,答案:expected that he would turn up.expected that he would appear /show up 考查:时态;“出现”的翻译法。,答案: as much time 考查: as.as结构。,5The boy spent _ (同样的时间) watching TV as he did studying.,模拟试题四: translation 1. The shop assistant was dismiss

11、ed as she _ _(被指控欺骗顾客)。,答案:was charged with cheating customers 或 was accused of cheating customers.控告:accuse of因某事控告某人, book登记, 预订, 控告 charge with 因某事控告某人 delate 弹劾, 控告, 告发 impeach sb. with a crime控告某人犯罪 implead 控告起诉 inculpate使.有罪, 控告 indict起诉, 控告, 指控, 告发 sue控告, 向.请求, 请愿考查:语态和动词固定短语: be charged with

12、 / be accused of ,答案:was completely lost in / was absorbed in考查:动词固定短语:“沉浸于”的被动表达法。注意时态一致性。,2. Anna _ (彻底地沉浸在) reading a piece of science fiction and didnt hear the phone call.,答案:owing to fierce competition.考查:表客观原因的“由于”和短语“激烈竞争”的译法。,3. _(由于激烈竞争) among the airlines, travel expenses have reduced dra

13、matically.,答案:whoever comes first / the person who comes first考查:whoever 引导从句的用法。,4.They always give the vacant seats to _(先来的那个人)。,答案:calling on / visiting a very important customer 考查:动词短语call on 和现在进行时态。,5 Our manager is _(拜访一位重要客户) now and he will be back this afternoon.,答案: should have arrived

14、then 考查: 虚拟语气的用法;关键词:otherwise;暗示用虚拟语气;对过去的假设用should + 完成时态 。,模拟试题五: translation 1. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he _(当时应该已经到了).,2. Urban crowdedness _(将大大地缓解) if only the fees charged on public transport were more reasonable.,答案: would be greatly relieved 考查: 虚拟语气及缓解

15、一词的翻译法;if only 是虚拟语气的标志,3. Showing some sense of humour can be an _(对付紧张情形的有效方法).,答案:effective way to deal with / cope with /handle stressful situations 考查:“对付”的译法;“有效的”用effective的表达 。,4. We can accept your order on condition that _(你提前付款).,答案: you pay in advance 考查: “提前”的译法,5. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, of which only fourteen _(被认为是官方语言).,答案: are recognized/considered as official (ones) 考查: 被动语态及固定短语“被认为”的用法;注意用动词复数 。,模拟试题六: translation 87They_ (被拒绝进入)the military exhibition because they were



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