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1、 . . . Unit 1 How can I get there ?Period oneTeaching contents :Part A Lets learn . Teaching aims:1. To enable the students to master the four skills words :library ,post office ,hospital ,cinema, bookstore ,and science museum.2. To enable the students to ask for the ways and give the direction ,use

2、 the following sentences;Excuse me ,where is the library?Its near the post office .Teaching focus : To master the four skills words :library, post office , hospital, cinema, science museum, bookstore and three skills wordsTeaching difficulties: To master the four skills words: library ,post office,

3、hospital ,cinema, bookstore Teaching methods: 1. Ask and answer 2. Practice in pairs or in groups Teaching aids :1. some word cards2. A recorder 3. Multi-media player Teaching procedure:Step1. Review 1. T The teacher and the whole class greet each other as usual talk about the day ,the date and the

4、weather 2. Ask the Ss : How do you go to school ? I go to school by plane/by bus /on foot Where is your home? Its near the post office /hospitalStep 2.Lets learn 1. Tell the students : I want to read some books :Where can I go ?(use the multi-media player) tell the Ss :I can go here ,then show the p

5、icture of library .Ask :Where is it ? Its library. (word card)2. The teacher says:I have a new book. I bought o tom Xinhua bookstore . You can buy all kinds of books ther .Show “bookstore”3. The teacher takes out a letter and says : I want to post the letter .Can I go to the bookstore ?Where can I g

6、o ?4. We want to see a film ,Where can we go ? Teach :post office 5. The teacher pretend to have a bad cold and says “I m not well today .Where can I go ?Teach “hospital”At last ,the teacher plays show the picture of science museum ,bank ,school ,zoo ,store ,supermarket Step 3. Drill Use the multi-m

7、edia player to ask and answer :Teacher and students ,teacher and student . student and student Where is the -? Its near the -?Step4. Homework 1. Copy the new words on the EB2. Complete the ABBb design: Unit Two How can I get there ? Where is the library /post office -? Its near -. The second periodT

8、eaching content : Pair work Teaching aims: 1.To straighten the places: library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank science museum school supermarket etc. 2.To master the sentences : Where is the museum? Its in front of /near /next to/behind/far from-Teaching focus: Ss can ask for the ways and

9、 give direction. Where is the -? Its -. Difficulty points: The use of preposition : near in front of next to behind far from Teaching methods: Ask and answer Teaching aid:A recorder computerTeaching procedure:Step one: Review 1. Revise the places what we have learnt yesterday.2. Dictation : library

10、post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum .3. ask and answer. Where is the library ? Its the post office. Step Two: Presentation1lead in : in front of behind next to far from Say: I stand in front of the blackboard. Or I stand in front of somebody. Somebody stands behind of me .S1 sit nex

11、t to S2 .point to the other student ; I far farm S3.2Encourage the Ss say: Where is the library? Its near /in front of /behind/next to/far from-.Step Three: Drill Ask and answer several times Step Four: Homework Finish the AB.Bb design: Sentences: Where is the museum? Its in front of/behind/next to/

12、far from-. New words: The third period Teaching contents:Part A lets try & lets talkTeaching aims: 1. To enable the Ss to master the four skills sentences Where is the cinema, please ? Its next to the hospital.2. To improve the Ss listening ability. Teaching focus: To master the sentences of four sk

13、ills and can use them freely.Teaching difficulties:1. Ask for the ways and give the direction. To involve these sentences. Where is the cinema /post office /library-? Its next to the hospital/bookstore/bank/science museum-. Is it far from here ? No ,its not far.2. To grasp the four skills sentence structure:Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.Teaching aids: A map A recorder Words cards; cinema hospital post office


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