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1、,DO YOU REMEMBER?,Anime,-In Japanese culture,Japan is the largest anime(日本动漫) power in the world.The animation(卡通) development modle has distinctive ethnic(种族的) characteristics.The development of Japanese animation can be approximately(大约) divided into four stages.,The history of Japanese anime,1917

2、-1945:the birth of Japanese anime 1946-1973:Explore period 1974-1989:Mature period 1990- now:Twenty-first-century period,19171945:Germination stage The birth of Japanese animecolorless age,1917 The first Japanese animation(卡通),YuanXieGeZhan,1933,Japans first sound cartoon.,Womens power and the world

3、,19461973:Explore period Desire for peace,Astro Boy,Long live peace,Mechanical era,19741989: Mature period,Mechanical warships,Gundam, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross ,Saint Seiya ,Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏): Aesthetic, natural, fresh, to convey the harmony among the day, the earth,the people and the

4、God., Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(风之谷), castle in the sky (天空之城), My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫), Spirited Away (千与千寻) Pure and aesthetic of animation created the myth of Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏) ,Miyazaki hayao,January 5,1941 The 75th Oscar best full-length animation Japan Manga Artists Association Award

5、,1990:Twenty-first-century period,The era full of enthusiasm,Guess!,Lets go ,Ikkyu,Dont be hurry, rest, rest a little bit。,Sailor Moon ,Detective Conan,Exploration ,Crayon Shin-chan,Doraemon,Dragon Ball,Slam Dunk,EmotionI want to tell you ,Normal life K-ON!,Inuyasha,夜如水,皎月欲醉,红衣碎影古树边镜朱颜,时代已穿越,遂寻破魔玉之四

6、魂剪不断,叙不清,轮回相见,忆不起,桔梗花颜欲说休,欲说断,昔日之缘,今非昨人来与你相恋 忆昔日,彼此并肩,抹不去硝烟漫天曾记否,樱树誓言,化作落英缤纷风间,The Prince Of Tennis,Naruto,火影忍者,“我向来有话直说,说到做到,这就是我的忍道! “我一直都想证明:努力是能够超越天才的!” “不相信自己的人, 连努力的价值都没有。”,Vampire Knight,吸血鬼骑士,黑暗中你沉重的呼吸是清晨中最熟悉的雾你温热的胸口缓慢流动着悲伤与寂寞别人不知道你的思绪,而我最清楚你从来不看我一眼,因为你忘记了一切,knowing all these things ,falling in love with anime,what are you waiting for!,Thanks for listening,


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