北京中医药大学远程教育学院 2020年新教材《《英语2》第3次作业.doc

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1、您本学期选择了“英语2”说明:本次作业总分为60分,您的得分为60分 A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1. He _ his Marxist knowledge _ the events around him. 1分A.repliedtoB.appliedtoC.appliedwithD.repliedwith2. She had returned, unknown to me, _ the previous afternoon. 1分A.byB.onC.atD.in3. The news announcer gave a comment on the _ social problems

2、. 1分A. consciousB.confusedC. cautiousD. current4. On hearing the order to search for a lost child, the policemen _ at once. 1分A.set outB.set asideC.set downD.set back5. After the revolution, the political _ of that country remained tense. 1分A.airB.weatherC.atmosphereD.climate6. I shall be _ pleased

3、to come to your birthday party. 1分A. tooB. only tooC.onlyD.only just7. This picture will _ to you some ideas of the beauty of the scenery. 1分A.passB.handC. giveD.convey8. It is said that several top officials _ in the bribery. 1分A. were joinedB. were participatedC.were includedD.were involved9. The

4、reporter failed to _ the story. 1分A.track backB.track throughC.track alongD.track down10. What _ the movement of the heavenly objects like the earth, the sun, and the moon? 1分A.contactsB. controlsC.contractsD. communicates11. If you have no _ use for this book, Ill give it to someone else. 1分A.conti

5、nualB.spareC.latterD.further12. I_ up some English while on my holiday abroad. 1分A.brushedB.lookedC.pickedD.took13. I _ to be charged with stealing his watch. 1分A.was excusedB.conformedC.was wrongedD.was wrong14. He shall consider it lucky to have _ the accident. 1分A.enduredB.lived afterC.lastedD.su

6、rvived15. He didnt understand the point, _ I had to explain further. 1分A.whichB.whileC.whereuponD.that16. Please _ a bill for these goods. 1分A. make outB. listC. make upD. write up17. There was nothing to be seen _ a few lights. 1分A.but forB. butC. except thatD.besides18. We had a so long and _ poli

7、tical meeting that we felt _. 1分A. exhaustedexhaustedB.exhaustingexhaustedC.exhaustedexhaustingD. exhaustingexhausting19. The old woman was speaking to him kindly _ his own grandmother. 1分A.as ifB. likeC.asD. in order20. She _ in vain to get onto the crowded bus and had to wait for the next one and

8、risk being late for work. 1分A.testedB.foughtC.triedD.managed21. He failed his exam, _ proves that he wasnt working hard enough. 1分A.whatB.of whichC. whichD.this22. His son was found guilty, which brought _ to the whole family. 1分A.disgraceB.impressionC.flameD.interest23. At first I didn t like my ne

9、w job, but after a while I _ enjoy it. 1分A. turn toB.went toC. change toD. got to24. Now many employers have _ to regard a masters degree as minimum training. 1分A.giveB.comeC.managedD.insisted25. With a wave if his head, the magician made the rabbit _. 1分A. goB. hideC. vanishD.escape26. What he want

10、ed most was _. 1分A.comfortableB.consoleC.comfortingD.comfort27. You ought to _ your food properly before swallowing it. 1分A.brushedB.lookedC.pickedD.took28. He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice as if his thought _. 1分A.went far awayB.were far awayC.had been far awayD.was far away29. He did not thank

11、me for the present. That is _ annoyed me. 1分A.the thing whatB.whateverC.whatD.which30. Everyone knows that water _ oxygen and hydrogen. 1分A.is consisted ofB.is made fromC.is composed ofD.consists in31. What is _ him is that it is difficult to find his son a good job. 1分A.doublingB. dissuadingC.distu

12、rbingD.distracting32. Ill have a cup of coffee and _. 1分A.two pieces of breadB.two pieces of breadsC.two piece of breadsD.two breads33. The factory has been _ black smoke from its chimneys. 1分A.giving outB.emittingC.sendingD.spreading34. _ what he said, he was not even there when the crime was being

13、 committed. 1分A.ConcerningB.As toC.According toD.Judging by35. Dick has _ his childish habits. 1分A.outdoneB.outnumberedC.outletD.outgrown36. Having been _ work for nearly three months, the poor fellow has little money left now to buy himself food. 1分A.offB.back toC.atD.out of37. The purple butterflies fluttered about visiting each flower _ turn. 1分A.forB.ofC.inD.on38. John Kennedy was_ of the United States. 1分A.thirty- five presidentB.thirty-fifth presidentC.the thirty-fifth presidentD.the thirsty-five president39. The paint is still wet._! 1分A.Dont be sure t


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