小学英语:猜词句意思( 苏教版六年级上)

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《小学英语:猜词句意思( 苏教版六年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语:猜词句意思( 苏教版六年级上)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、六年级英语上册 6A猜词句意思班级_姓名_分数_根据句意猜测划线部分词组的意思,选择一个最佳答案.( ) 1. I am on the go all day long. I am very tired.A. 跑来跑去 B. 忙忙碌碌 C. 出差在外 D.到处旅游( ) 2. Look! Our baby is going on all fours.A. 爬行 B.四面八方 C.四脚朝天 D.四海为家( ) 3. Ann never smokes, but she has lung cancer () from her husbands second hand smoke. A. 抽二手烟 B.

2、 抽过期香烟 C.被动吸烟 D.共同抽烟( ) 4. She has a home page on the Internet about her business.A. 家谱 B. 家庭故事 C. 家史 D.主页( ) 5. We work like dogs to finish the job on time.A. 像狗一样工作 B. 拼命工作 C.驯服地干活 D.不愿干活( ) 6. Your father is feeling free and easy today, so you can ask him for money.A. 很随和 B自由自在 . C. 闲来无事 D.无事可做(

3、) 7. The students give the singer a big hand.A. 刷一巴掌 B. 揪一把 C. 热烈鼓掌 D.帮一个大忙( ) 8. We cant plan for this meeting, so lets just go and play it by ear.A. 随机应变 B. 听之任之 C. 边说边玩 D.听听音乐( ) 9. He doesnt know what hes talking about. Hes full of hot air.A. 热气腾腾 B. 满腔热情 C. 空话连篇 D.慷慨激昂( ) 10.He is yellow and is

4、 not going to fight (战斗) for his rights. A. 胆怯 B.患黄胆病 C. 全身发黄 D.神智模糊( ) 11.Stop talking with him. He is a hothead. A.头脑膨胀 B.满头是汗 C. 脾气暴躁 D.正在发烧( ) 12.Put on your thinking cap. Im sure you can give me the right answer. A.戴上神奇的帽子 B.思想要武装 C.有思想包袱 D.开动脑筋( ) 13. Im very tired. Lets call it a day. A.到此为止

5、B.称它一天 C. 通一天电话 D.在白天拜访( ) 14. People visit the Big Apple from all over the world. A.观赏大苹果 B.买特大苹果 C游览纽约 .D.畅游世界( ) 15.He is angry and begin to call me names. A.点我的名 B.对我谩骂 C.直呼其名 D.称兄道弟( ) 16. Let me give you a hand with your bags. A. 帮你拿着 B.增加收入 C. 把手伸进 D.把手挪开( ) 17. We all get together and have a

6、 ball. A.玩一个球 B.玩得开心 C.登上气球 D.进行球赛( )18.They are going to give him a black eye. A. 给它脸部化妆 B.请他参加化妆舞会 C.让他大开眼界D.打他个鼻青脸肿( )19.- How old are you?- Im thirty-five.- You dont say. A.别瞎说 B.别说话 C. 真的马吗? D. 让我猜( ) 20. Those new shoes sell(出售) like hotcakes. A.卖不出去 B.销路好 C.大减价 D. 吆喝着卖 ( ) 21. When your mothe

7、r sees your dirty trousers, youll in for it.A.道歉 B.吃苦头 C.洗干净 D.脱去( ) 22. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his book. Its in two two. A. 一分为二 B.一文不名 C.三心二意 D.一举两得( ) 23. He is know-little. I cant speak to the wind.A.百费唇舌 B.纸上谈兵 C.随风而逝 D.和风交谈( ) 24. I dont like Mr Chan, He is an old woman. A. 老太婆 B.

8、喜欢罗嗦的人 C.没有妻子的老头 D.女人气的南人( ) 25. Lu Xun is Mr Zhou Shurens pen name. A.笔名 B.假名 C.艺名 D.真名( ) 26. He is the fish out of water. A.离开水的鱼 B.不合群 C.需要水的鱼 D.水中鱼( ) 27. The little boy runs and runs until he is blue in face. A.浑身发热 B.精疲力竭 C.鼻青脸肿 D.精神焕发( ) 28.Ten to ten the train will be late. A.很可能 B.十分之一 C.十

9、二点五十 D.十比一( ) 29.It is not right for you to look down on poor people. A. 站在高处看 B.看不起 C.抬头看 D. 盯着看( ) 30. If you are right, Ill eat my hat.A.如果是你对,我就吃我的帽子。 B. 如果你对的话,我就把帽子扔了。C. 你要是对了,我就不是人。 D. 如果你对的话,我就和你绝交。( ) 31. She eats like a bird. Dont give her the bread. A. 吃得很快 B. 像鸟一样吃饭 C. 吃得极少 D.吃得很多( ) 32.

10、 Tom wants to give his mother a happy surprise(吃惊), but his younger brother let the cat out of the bag. A.给了妈妈一只猫B.弄丢了礼物C.泄漏了秘密D.让猫跑了出来( ) 33.His family is poor, so he can only go to the cinema between times. A. 偶尔 B. 买便宜票 C. 看晚场D.演一半进场( ) 34. Dont laugh at me. We are in the same boat. A. 在同一条船上 B.

11、坐的船形状相同C. 处境相同 D.一起上船( ) 35. What is the Chinese for “ six of one and half a dozen (一打)of the other”?A.六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C. 半斤八两 D. 见一面分一半( ) 36. What is “吹牛”in English? A. talk big cow B. talk big horse C. blow cow D. talk big( ) 37. I am just a rabbit at football. A. 身手敏捷 B. 踢得很差 C.主力队员 D.踢后卫( ) 38. Wh

12、at three letters turn a girl into a woman? A. SUN B. DAB C. EYE D. AGE( ) 39. We dont want it. It is “a white elephant”. What is it? A.一件无用而累赘的东西 B.一头白象 C.白给的东西 D.白色陷阱( ) 40. “I am not quite myself.” Means “ Im _.” A. feeling blue B. not very well C. OK D. very sorry ( ) 41. Dont play a double game.

13、 It is not good. A.有双重身份 B.说双关语 C. 玩双重游戏 D. 耍两面派( ) 42. -She says she is too busy to speak to you. -Busy, my foot! She just doesnt want to.A.你踩了我的脚 B.我的脚疼 C.说得对 D.我不相信( ) 43. - Please put yourself in my shoes. Let me go. -All right.A.你要穿我的鞋子B.你应该从我的角度想想C.你可以试试我的鞋子D.你必须照顾我一下 ( ) 44.Making kites is ch

14、ilds play. All of us can do it. A. a game B. good for children C. not too hard D. very easy ( ) 45. At English Corner, the students are talking in English in the open air. A. 在开放的空中 B.在室外 C.开了大门 D.在宽松气氛中( ) 46. After a football game, I often drink like a fish. A.象鱼一样喝水 B.喝少量的水 C.喝很多水 D.游一次泳( ) 47. If you cant e


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