山东省临清二中英语课件:必修2 Module 4 Fine Arts reading(外研版必修2)

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《山东省临清二中英语课件:必修2 Module 4 Fine Arts reading(外研版必修2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省临清二中英语课件:必修2 Module 4 Fine Arts reading(外研版必修2)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop Arts,art,artist,brush,ink,paint,painter,painting,draw,drawing,oil painting,landscape,portrait,watercolour,style,imitate,realistic,art gallery,alive aspect imitate movement observe ordinary reality style,1.the way in which sth is done 2.to watch carefully 3.a style o

2、f painting adopted by a group of artist 4.to copy 5.living or full of life 6.not special or unusual 7.one of the separate parts of sth 8.the way sth really is,1,2,3,4,(A),(B),(C),(D),1.Who is the painter of the picture? 2.What do people think of him? 3.Who started Cubism? (立体派) 4.What is the feature

3、 of Cubism?,Passage A,Retell the passage with the help of the following words and phrases .by.; .is considered to be.; .started Cubism; Cubist artists.objects and people, with.showing.,1.Who is the painter of the picture? 2.What do you know about him? 3.What is pop art?,Roy Lichtenstein,a contempora

4、ry American artist a.example of.,modern art movement aimed to,Passage B,1.Who is the painter of it? 2. What is the painters style of painting? 3.What is Chinese painting known for? 4.Why are the painters paintings special?,Passage C,From the passage, what do you learn about Qi Baishi and his paintin

5、gs? one of. followed.style. is known for. observed,1. What is the painters style of painting? What is he famous for? 2. What should artists do in his opinion?,show reality; imitate it Instead, the “life” of,Passage D,1. Which picture does Wuhang like/dislike? Why? 2. Which pictures does Sarah like?

6、Why?,Passages E and F,Oral Practice,Topic: Of the four pictures which one do you like best? Why? Help: 1)like; love;be fond of; be crazy about; .is wonderful; .is great dislike; hate; cant stand; get tired of .is awful 2)lively; alive;vivid; delightful; realistic stupid; ugly;awful; strange,self-ass

7、essment,I. Words and expressions: alive; aspect; imitate; observe;reality;style Cubism;extraordinary;aim to do; get tired of; be crazy about; I cant stand; be fond of;be known for;consider.to be. II. Learn sth about some famous artists: Picasso; Roy Lichtensten; Qi Baishi; Xu Beihong,Discussion,Afte

8、r reading passages A to D, do you know how to describe a person?,Homework:,Write a passage (about 60-80 words), describing a famous person.(a politician; a musician; a painter; a writer; a pop singer; an actor/actress and so on) 1. General evaluation (总体评价) 2. Life 3. Style/feature 4. Your opinion,Thank you for your attention,


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