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1、.,1,BEC中级口语考试简介,.,2,BEC中级口语考试大纲,BEC口语考试形式为两考官对两考生。一位考官负责提问,主持考试并进行总体评分;另一位考官不参与提问,专门进行单项评分。口试时间为14分钟。BEC中级口语考试的内容,形式及要求如下:,.,3,.,4,.,5,BEC中级口语考试的评分标准,BEC中级口语考试的评分包括两部分:一位考官根据考生的整体表现给出总体印象分(0-5分),另一位主考官根据语法词汇,话语组织,发音,互动交际四方面给出单项分(0-5分): 1. Grammar and vocabulary 语法和词汇 2. Discourse management(your abi

2、lity to speak about the topic in question in a logical way and for the right length of time) 语言组织(测试的是话题陈述时的逻辑性和对时间的控制能力) 3. Pronunciation 发音 4. Interactive communication(your ability to share and participate in a conversation with the other candidate and with the interviewer) 互动交流(测试的是与考官和搭档的分享与参与能

3、力),.,6,Speaking Test Part 1:Suggeted exam technique,Make sure before you go to the speaking test, that you can: 1. Describe what your job or your studies consist of. 2. Talk about your ambitions/hopes for the future. 3. Say what you like/dislike about your job/studies. 4. When you go into the interv

4、iew, speak clearly so you can be heard. 5. Dont answer the questions with one or two words- answer with one or two sentences. 6. When you answer a question, give a reason for your answer or an example.,.,7,中级口语考试仿真样题,Part Interview ( about 3 minutes) In this part interlocutor asks some questions to

5、each of the candidates in turn. Candidates have to give information about themselves and express personal opinions.,Questions for Phase 1: Where are you from? What do you do? What do you like best about your studies? How do you describe your hometown?,Questions for Phase 2: Whats your career ambitio

6、n? Do you think it is necessary for employers to offer staff training? Why? What do you think of the spirit of teamwork in business?,.,8,Part Mini-Presentation ( about 6 minutes) In this part each candidate is asked to choose one from three business topics ( A, B, C) and give a short talk on it for

7、about one minute. Candidates have one minute to prepare. After that, they have to answer a question their partner asks about their talk.,A: What is important when preparing for a job interview? find more information about the organization getting some advice from friends B: What is important when ho

8、ping to improve customer service? reward for customers customers needs analysis C: What is significant in motivating employees? training opportunities career development opportunities,.,9,Part Collaborative Task and Discussion ( about 5 minutes) In this part candidate are given a card of situation d

9、escription. They have 30 seconds to have a quick look at the card and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic together. They should give reasons for their decisions and opinions. The oral examiners will just listen to their discussion and then ask them a few questions related to the topic.,.,10,Sp

10、eak Test Part 1 应试技巧(Interview ),1)第一阶段的问候和介绍非常简单,相当于热身练习,该部分主要是用来活跃气氛,缓解考生的紧张情绪,所以考生只需作简单回答,就事论事,两三句话就可以。,2)考生在听考官提问时要细心,通常考官先问考生A,同一问题轮到考生B时,考官会用what about you, how about you, what do you think 等句子替换原来的问题,然后再从考生B开始发问,并进行新一轮的问答。如果没有听清楚考官提出的问题可要求考官重复问题。,3)第二阶段是与商务工作相关的话题,考生应有自己的观点。考官所提出的问题较多的专业词汇,考生

11、应听清后再作答,每个话题两三句话就行。,4)考生要充满自信,谈话时注意自己的语音,语调语速,表达要清晰,简洁,明了。,5)考生应充分利用这一热身部分尽快熟练并适应考官和同伴的语音,语调等,为接下来的考试做好准备。,.,11,常用表达和句型(Interview),1)表示随声附和的句式:,Youre right. Thats it. Thats right. Quite right. Absolutely. Certainly. Sure. Definitely. Of course. Exactly. Great. Fine. No problem,.,12,2) 给自己争取思考时间或进行解释

12、的表达法:,As everybody knows, As we all know As far as I am concerned, When it comes to ( career plans), You know, well, let me see, I mean, What I mean is that Thats to say, ,.,13,3) 要求对方重复的表达:,Pardon, could you repeat the question? Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Would you please say it again? I m

13、isses your point. Sorry, I dont quite follow you. I dont quite see what you mean. Do you mean ?,.,14,常谈话题(interview),Phase 1 Greetings and introductions,1). Do you work or are you a student? 2). What do you like most about your job/studies? 3). Do you enjoy studying English? Why?,- I am a college st

14、udent in . I major in . - I work in I am a ,- I like making friends with people around. Thats the most interesting part of my job. - I love reading English novels. It helps improve my English.,- Sure, I like it very much. It is a beautiful language an it is widely used in the world.,.,15,4). Why do

15、you take BEC oral test?,- I want to find a job in a foreign-invested enterprise. A certificate of BEC Vantage is a basic requirement in such companies. Besides. Id like to prove my ability in oral English by taking the test.,.,16,5). How are you getting along with your classmates or colleagues?,- No

16、t bad. My colleagues are warm-hearted and helpful. They help me in many ways while working together. - I get along very well with my classmates. We help each other and learn from each other. They are best friends.,.,17,6). How would you describe your personality?,- I am open, straightforward and easy-going. Thats why I have a lot of friends. But sometimes I offend people around me because I always tell the truth without considering their feeling.,7). Do you like your


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