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1、大学英语b阅读理解全中文翻译版A man got into a train and found himself sitting opposite a woman who seemed to be about thirtyfive years old. Soon they began talking to each other, and the man said to her, Do you have a family? Yes, I have one son, the woman answered. Oh, really? said the man. Does he smoke? No, he

2、s never touched a cigarette, the woman replied. Thats good, the man continued. I dont smoke either. Tobacco is very bad to ones health. And does your son drink wine? Oh, no, the woman answered at once. Hes never drunk a drop of it. Then I congratulate you, maam, the man said. And does he ever come h

3、ome late at night? No, never, his neighbor answered. He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night. Well, the man said, hes a wise young man. How old is he? Hes six months old today. But he will grow up to be a gentleman, the woman replied proudly.有个男人上了火车,坐在他对面的是一个看起来35左右的女人。很快他们开始彼此交谈起来,男人对女

4、人说,“你有家庭吗?”“是的,我有一个儿子。”那个女人答道。“噢,真的?”男人继续问道,“他抽烟吗?”“不,他从来不抽烟。”女人答道。“真好”,那个男人继续道,“我也不抽烟。烟草对我们的健康有害。那你的儿子喝酒吗?”“噢,不,”女人立刻回道,“他滴酒不沾。”“那我真的祝贺你,女士。”男人继续问道:“那他会晚回吗?”“不,从不”,他的邻座说道,“他每天晚上一吃完晚饭就睡觉呢。”“喔”,那个男人说道,“他真是一个一个英明的小伙子。他多大了?”“他今天6个月大。但他长大后将会成为一个绅士。”那人自豪地说。1The man and the woman are talking about the wom

5、ans son. 男人和女人谈论的是女人的儿子。 A:T B:F2The woman thinks her son will be a gentleman. 女人觉得她的儿子将会是个绅士。 A:T B:F3The conversation took place on a train. 谈话发生在火车上。 A:T B:F4、The word disappointed probably best describes the mans feeling at the end of the conversation. disappointed这个词最适合来形容男人谈话结束后的心情。 A:T B:F5、T

6、he woman is so proud of her son that she does not really understand what the mans questions mean. 女人以儿子为豪,但是她并没有真正明白男人的问题。 A:T B:FKEY:AAABBA film crew was at the Circle Five Ranch to film a Marlboro commercial. This was in 1868, before they prohibited cigarette ads from American television. Darrell

7、Winfield was watching the crew set up the equipment. The scene included an actor crossing a river on horseback, but when the time came to shoot, the man was too drunk to ride. Someone from the crew saw Winfield and asked him if he would ride the horse for 50 dollars. Hell, said Winfield, for 50 buck

8、s, Ill jump that damn horse over the moon! To people in many countries, Winfield is just a familiar but nameless face, a simple cowboy with an advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is 55, a family man whos been married to the same

9、woman for 37 years and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Most surprisingly, hes a real, working cowboy who raises horses in his ranch in Wyoming.One of the most striking things about the Marlboro Man is that success hasnt changed him much. He says that complete strangers sometimes come up to him a

10、nd say, Ive met you,know you from somewhere. Whenever it happens, he says that he gets embarrassed.这是一部在圆五牧场拍摄的有关万宝路商业的电影。在1868年之前,美国电视还禁止播放香烟广告。达雷尔温菲尔德在剧组负责照看设备。场景原本包括一个演员骑着马过河,但到拍摄时刻,该名男子因喝醉而不能骑马了。有一个船员看到温菲尔德,并问他是否肯为50美元去骑马拍这个广告。 “该死, ”温菲尔德说, “为50美元,我将骑着这匹该死的马穿越月亮! ” 对于一些国家的人来说,温菲尔德仅仅是一个熟悉的,但无名的脸,

11、一个将西部和香烟的品牌连接起来的平凡牛仔。很少有人知道他是一个55岁并且已经结婚37年的家庭主男,他有5个孩子和7个孙儿女。最令人惊讶的是,他是一个地道的牛仔,在怀俄明州的牧场养着大量的马匹。有关万宝路男子最引人注目的事情是成功并没有改变他。他说,有时陌生人对他说, “我已经见过你,知道你哪儿来。 ”不论在什么时候,这样的事情发生时他说,他都会感到尴尬。1. Marlboro commercials were allowed on television in America before 1868. 万宝路广告在美国1868年被允许在电视上播出。 A:T B:F2. The word proh

12、ibited in the first paragraph mean forbidden.第一段中的prohibited意思是禁止。 A:T B:F3. When they filmed the ad, Winfield was too drunk. 当他们拍摄广告时,温菲尔德喝多了。 A:T B:F4. From the passage, we know that Winfield was a rich man.从这篇文章中,我们知道温菲尔德是个富有的人。 A:T B:F5. When people recognized Winfield, he felt uncomfortable.当人们

13、认出温菲尔德,他觉得不舒服。 A:T B:FKEY:AABBA大学英语b 完型填空全中文翻译版Mike always loves ships. When he was younger, he said, “Im going go into the army.” But his eyes were not very_21_ , and he did not get in. Then he said, “Im going to buy a small boat, and Im going to go around the world.” But boats_22_ very expensive a

14、nd Mike did not have much money. But last summer Mike found a swimming club near_23_ house. The lessons did not cost very much, and Mike began going to the club at every end of the week and having lessons. Now he is a good swimmer. Last week a little boy said to him, “youre very good swimmer. How do

15、 you learn to swim _24_?” “Im not good at all.” Mike said and he smiled. “Im in the water and I say to myself, there are dangerous fishes in this area! Then Im very _25_ , and I swim quickly.”迈克一直都喜欢轮船。当他年轻的时候,他说:“我将来要去参军”。但是他的眼睛不是很好,所以他没有如愿。后来他说,“我将会买一条小船,然后坐着小船去周游世界。”但是船都很贵,而迈克没有很多。但是在去年夏天迈克发现他家附近有一个游泳俱乐部。课程不需要花费很多,迈克开始每个周末都去俱乐部上游泳课。现在他是一个厉害的游泳健将。上周一个小男孩问他:“你是一个优秀的游泳健将。你是怎么学得能游如此之快?”“我游得一点也不好。”迈克笑着说道,“我在水中的时候,我告诉我自己,这个地区有危险的鱼类。然后我就很害怕,游得就很快


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