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1、- 1 - 英语试卷 一、单选题(共 20 题;共 40 分) 1._role Zhao Wei played in the film HuaMulan ! Nowonder shehas won an Ornamental Column Award(华表奖 ) A. How interesting aB. How an interestingC.What interestingD. What interesting a 2. My father hasalready decided to give up smoking. Congratulations!. A. Many hands mak

2、e light workB.Better late than neverC.It never rains but it pours 3.I am busy, _I cant go to play football with you? A. butB.becauseC.soD. because of 4. Did you have a good time at Lauras birthday party? Yes,indeed. Its several years _ I enjoyed myself so much. A. whenB.beforeC.sinceD. that 5.The nu

3、mber of smokers, _ is reported, hasdropped by 17 percent in just one year. A. itB.whichC.whatD. as 6.He was_at the sight of the_that the earthquake caused. A. frightened and shocked; destroyB. frightened and shocked; damage C.frightening and shocking; ruinD. frightening and shocking; harm 7.Tom, you

4、play football in the street. Sorry.Ido it again. A. neednt; wontB.mustnt; wontC.wont; cant 8.Some students have trouble _ grammar while others have difficulty _ new words. A. in; rememberB.with; to rememberC.on; rememberingD. with; remembering 9.I bought a dressfor only 10 dollars; it was a real _.

5、A. exchangeB.bargainC.tradeD. business 10. I dont like vegetables, Mum. on abalanced diet, you should try to eat some. A. KeepB.To keepC.KeepingD. Having kept 11. Doyou mind if I open the windows? - 2 - _ Ifeel hot aswell. A. Pleasedont.B.Id rather not.C. Goahead.D. Why dont? 12.His singing career b

6、egan to _ in the late 1990s. A. get offB. take offC.put offD. set off 13.On his way home, he had his pocket. A. stolenB.pickedC.robbedD. stealing 14._ great fun it was to visit the World Expoin Shanghailast year! A. WhatB. HowC.What aD. How a 15.I simply couldnt understand how it _ that you did so m

7、uch work within such a short time A. came aboutB.came backC.came upD. came along 16.Although the working mother is very busy, she still_ alot of time to her children. A. devotesB.spendsC. suppliesD. provides 17.It matters little _ a man dies, but _ matters much is _ he lives. A. how; what; howB. how

8、; it; howC.why; it; whyD. that; what; that 18.Who is the student our English teacher _ the spelling? A. had checkedB.had checkC. got checkedD. got check 19.Weather_,the picnic will be held as scheduled. A. permitsB.permittedC.should permitD. permitting 20.Peter was so excited _ he received an invita

9、tion from his friend _Chongqing. A. that; to visitB.when; to visitC.that; visitingD. when; visiting 二、填空题(共 3 题;共 17 分) 21.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Thisstory took place in 1903. Adam, an American businessman, was carried out to seaby a strong wind. A ship _ (spot) and rescued him, _ was

10、 how he got to London by accident. He at once went to the American embassy_ (ask)for help, but was refused. Two rich gentlemen invited him home because of a bet. They askedAdam a few questions, and Adam responded _ a polite manner. Theygave him a letter and askedhim not to open it until two pm. Adam

11、 left wondering _ would happen to him. 22. And it was the ship that brought you to England. Yes. The fact is that I earned my passageby working asan unpaid hand, which - 3 - _ _my appearance. I went to the American embassy to seekhelp, but (the brothers smile at each other.) 23.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多

12、于3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 According to a recent survey, violence did exist in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers also expressed their great concern about it. Experts hope the whole _ (social) pay more attention to the mental health of adolescents(青少年 ). Nowadays, school violence

13、is a hot issue.I think this is aphenomenon, _ callsfor our great concern. We should try every effort _ (prevent) violence happening at school for more andmore students would drop out of school _ their personal safety could not _ (guarantee). In fact, violence can be learned. Children learn violent b

14、ehavior from adults or from _ they seeon television or on _ Internet. If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence _ violence, for it will result in _ (much) fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. Ithink they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me from

15、the bad guys. All in all, every student should behave _ (he) and keep away from violence. 三、补全对话(共1 题;共 5 分) 24.阅读下面的对话,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 A:Id like to know how people lived in ancient times(古代 ). B:You can read some history books. A:_ But I still couldnt imagine the life style in the past. B:Perhapsyou may find answers in the history museums. A:Yeah._ B:Oh. Then you can go to Zhoukoudian( 周口店 ). A:_ B:Thenyou can visit Xian. There are a lot of historical relics(遗产) about the two dynasties.



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