最新人教PEP版小学六年级上册英语精品课件Unit6-01 Part B-第4课时B Let's learn

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《最新人教PEP版小学六年级上册英语精品课件Unit6-01 Part B-第4课时B Let's learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新人教PEP版小学六年级上册英语精品课件Unit6-01 Part B-第4课时B Let's learn(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 How Do You Feel?,六年级上册,第4课时,教学内容:B Lets learn,1.能够听、说、读、写有关健康和建议的单词及词组:wrong, ill, see the doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten. 2.能够正确使用上述单词和词组描述身体状况和提供建议。 3.能根据图片提示完成卡片游戏。,Learning goals,New words,Its very cold. You should wear more coat.,wear,穿,You

2、should eat more fruit.,more,更多的,He jumps(跳) into deep water.,deep,深的,When he is angry. He always take a deep breath.,breath,呼吸,take a deep breath,深深吸一口气,Please count from one to ten.,count,数数,count to ten,数到十,You should .,你应该去看医生。,see a doctor,Listen and fill the blank, then translate.,Lets learn,Yo

3、u should .,do more exercise,你应该多做运动。,You should .,wear warm clothes,你应该多穿点衣服。,You should and .,take a deep breath,count to ten,你应该深呼吸然后数到十。,What should I do?,You should wear warm clothes.,Play card games,Match the questions with its suggestion.,When I am cold.,When I am ill.,When I am angry.,When I

4、am worried.,You should take a deep breath.,You should wear more clothes.,You should relax and count to ten.,You should see a doctor.,问答建议的句型:,What should I do? You should ,see a doctor,count to ten,do more exercise,wear warm clothes,take a deep breath,You are ill, you should see a doctor.,Language p

5、oints,1. Dont _ angry. (be) 2. How _ Lisa feel? (do) 3. We should do more_. Keep our body healthy. (exercise) 4. _ father is ill. (you),一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,be,does,exercises,Your,exercise,( )1. Mike is ill. He should _ a doctor. A. see B. sees C. look ( )2. Im _. I should wear warm clothes. A. hot B.

6、 cold C. angry ( )3. Youre too fat. You should do _ exercise. A. many B. much C. more,二、单项选择。,A,B,C,三、连词成句。,1. I, what, do, should(?) _ 2. a, you, take, deep, should, breath(.) _ 3. does, how, feel, Sarah(?) _,What should I do?,You should take a deep breath.,How does Sarah feel?,Mom: Its seven oclock. 1._ Ann: Ok, mum. Mom: 2._ Ann: I have a headache.3. _ Mom: Oh. How do you feel now? Ann: 4._ Mom: 5._ Lets go to the hospital now.,四、选择合适的句子补全对话。,A. Not well. B. Its time to get up. C. You should see a doctor. D. Whats wrong? E. I think I cant go to school.,B,D,E,A,C,听写单词,Homework,与你的伙伴创编对话,


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