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《商务英语沟通 topic 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语沟通 topic 课件(43页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Topic 1: Basics of communication Chapter 2 The Communication Process 沟通的过程,The communication is a two-way process Elements in process models of communication Channel Sender Receiver Interference Context,sender message receiver feedback communication channel context noise,It might be delivered but li

2、e buried under a mountain of papers on the recipients desk. If the message is oral, the listener may forget it. Even worse, a message intended for one receiver might be interpreted by another one. A bystander might overhear your critical remarks about a co-worker, or a competitor might see a copy of

3、 your correspondence to a customer.,Decoding 解码 Even if a message does get to its intended receiver intact, there is no guarantee that it will be understood as the sender intended it to be . The receiver must decode it, attaching meaning to the words or symbols. As we have already seen, decoding is

4、not always accurate.,Your friendly joke might be taken as a deliberate offense, or a suggestion might be misinterpreted as an order. The request for “ next years figures” might mean the next fiscal year(财政年度), not calender year(日历年度). It is a mistake to assume that your messages will always be decod

5、ed accurately.,Noise (干扰),(2) Physiological Noises 生理干扰,A second kind of interference is Physiological Noise . Hearing disorders fall into this category, as do illnesses and disablities that make it diffcult to send or receive messages. it is hard to pay attention when you are recovering from a late

6、-night study session or have the flu.,(3) Psychological Noise (心理上的干扰) The third type of interference is psychological noise, that is , forces with the sender or receiver that interfere with understanding: egotism; hostility; preoccupation; fear; etc. (来自于外界威胁,害怕,个人想法,以自我为中心,偏见等),(4) Semantic Noise(

7、语义上的干扰) It is caused by using different languages; the use of jargon;different understanding of the message delivered; etc.,Case,江青会见外宾,要求翻译要严格按她的意思翻,不许走样。外宾一见到江青,立刻拍马屁道:Miss Jiang, you are very beautiful. 翻译照翻,江青心花怒 放,嘴上还要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”。翻译不敢怠慢,把江青的话翻成英文:Where? Where? 外宾一愣,还有这样的人,追问哪里漂亮的,干脆马屁拍到底:Every

8、where, everywhere. 翻译:“你到处都很漂亮。”江青更高兴了,但总是要客气一下:“不见得,不见得”。翻译赶紧翻成英文:You are not allowed to see, you are not allowed to see.,Please match each kind of noise in Column A with one of the examples concerning noise in Column B.,Context (情境),Communication is influenced by the context in which it occurs. Th

9、ere are several dimensions of context, including physical, social, chronological, and cultural. We will now take a brief look at each of them.,The Physical Context(物理语境),Communication always takes place in some setting. This physical context can influence the content and quality of interaction.,For

10、example, TOM wants to ask for a promotion, then how might this be received differently in each of the following settings. (You can choose any one of the settings and give Tom some suggestion ) In the bosss office In the work area, with others observing the conversation. Over lunch at a local restaur

11、ant. At a company picnic or party.,Discussion 1,The Social Context(社会/人文关系语境),The social context refers to the relationship between the communicators, as well as who is present. Imagine, for instance, the difference in asking a manager for a raise under a variety of different social contexts,You and

12、 the manager have been friends for several years, or you and the manager have no personal relationship. You are the same age as your manager, or she or he is 15 years older (or younger) than you You and the manager have gotten along well in the past, or you have had an ongoing personall conflict wit

13、h the manager. You and the manager are alone, or your only chance to ask for the raise comes with other employees around.,The chronological context 时间语境,It refers to the ways in which time influences interaction. A sample of time-related considerations shows the importance of adapting to the chronol

14、ogical context:,What time of day is it (first appointment in the morning or last in the afternoon. What are the communicators personal preferences for time ( a morning person or late person) Is it before, during , or after work hours? Is this a busy time of year (holiday season, tax time) Has there

15、just been a major layoff, downsizing, or profit loss?,You can boost your chances for success by paying attention to chronological factors. When calling someone or requesting a persons help, consider asking, “Is this a good time?” or “ Do you have time now , or would another time be more convenient?”

16、,Communication is contextual (情境的),All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship. Thus the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings.,Communication barriers 沟通障碍,Communication barriers 沟通障碍,Communication barriers occur as a result of a misunderstanding or misinterp


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