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1、2012 届高中英语一轮复习M8 Unit 3The world of colours and light 精品学案牛津译林版 - 1 - / 13 Unit3 The world of colours and light Module8 热点单 词 1. sculpt v. 雕刻,雕塑 sculpture n. 雕塑,雕刻品 sculptor n. 雕刻家 2. calculate v. 计算,估计 calculation n. 计算 (的结果 ),估计 calculator n. 计算器 3. adore v. 爱慕,崇拜 adoration n. 爱慕,受崇拜的对象 adorable a

2、dj. 值得崇拜的 4. experiment n 实验 experiment v. 做试验 experimental adj. 实验性的,试验性的 5. disgust n. 反感,厌恶 disgust v. 使反感 disgusting adj. 令人作呕的 6. repeat v. 重说,复述 repetition n. 重复,复制品 repetitive adj.重复的,啰嗦的 1. The abandoned boy abandoned all hope of seeing his brother again. abandoned那个被遗弃的男孩放弃了再次见到哥哥的全部希望。 2.D

3、istributors are distributing leaflets to the passers-by outside the store. Distributors销售人员正在向商店外的路人分发传单。 3.The government decides to negotiate with terrorists. Through negotiation , it is expected to reach a compromise. negotiation政府决定和恐怖分子谈判,通过谈判有望达成和解。 4.Many graduates from famous universities ca

4、nt find jobs after graduation. graduation很多名校的大学毕业生毕业后找不到工作。 5. I am disgusted to find that there are no seats available; I think thats disgusting. disgusting我感到很愤怒,就没座位了,这也太离谱了。 根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆) 1.达 芬奇不仅是欧洲最早的抽象派画家之一,他还是雕塑家,建筑学家和工程师。 Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the ear

5、liest European abstractionist , but also a sculptor , an architect , and an engineer. 2.文森特 凡 高是世界上最著名的艺术画家之一,他在艺术历史上产生过很深的影响并受到现 代印象派画家的崇拜。 Vincent van Gogh was one of the most famous artistic artists in the world. He had a deep influence on art history and is adored by modern impressionist painter

6、s. 根据中文写出英文短语 1. 预定,预约make a reservation 2012 届高中英语一轮复习M8 Unit 3The world of colours and light 精品学案牛津译林版 - 2 - / 13 2. 由 制成,用 制成be made out of 3. 喜爱,渴望have an appetite for 4. 过安宁的生活live a peaceful life 5. 从 到 range from to 6. 与 谈判negotiate with 7. 获准进入,被 录取be admitted to 8. 从头开始,白手起家start from scrat

7、ch 9. 在 的帮助下with the assistance of 10. 占了真正的便宜get a real bargain 11. 裁剪出cut out 12. 油画oil painting 13. 试一试have a go 14. 被粘到 上be stuck onto 15. 浸入,浏览dip into 1.so adj. / adv. that 从句如此 以至于 2.介词短语be 主语 (全部倒装句型 ) 3.Hardly when一 就(部分倒装句型) 4.Had sb. done, sb. would have done如果某人 的话,某人将会 选用下列短语的适当形式填空 com

8、pare with; devote to ; range from to ; take up; be admitted to; stick to; have an appetite for 1.If you have an appetite forknowledge, you wont think study is dull. 2.The teacher took upthe lesson where she left off yesterday. 3.Exercises range from using free weights, cables, machines, exercise bal

9、ls to even no equipment! 4.It is incomprehensible that they were admitted tothe program. 5.We dont want to hear your opinions;stick to the facts! 1、calculate vt. 计算 ;估计 ,推算 ,推测 be calculated to do / for sth. 旨在,打算做某事 It is calculated that 据计算 2012 届高中英语一轮复习M8 Unit 3The world of colours and light 精品学

10、案牛津译林版 - 3 - / 13 calculate on / upon = depend / rely on 指望 , 期待 It_is_calculated_that at least 47,000 jobs were lost last year. 据计算,去年至少丧失了47000 个工作岗位。 This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个广告是为引起家庭主妇们的注意而设计的。 We cant calculate_on having fine weather for the spo

11、rts meeting. 我们不指望有好天气开运动会。 我们能指望他们的帮助吗? Can we calculate on their help? 2、negotiate vi. being B. to read; of being C. reading; of being D. to read; reading C dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事。 4 、 bargain n. 廉价货;交易,协议 This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 2012 届高中英语一轮复习M8 Unit 3The world of co

12、lours and light 精品学案牛津译林版 - 4 - / 13 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。 make a bargain with sb. ( 与某人 )订立协议 He made a bargain with his wife “ You take care of the children and Ill cook.” 他跟妻子讲条件,“ 你看好孩子,我做饭。 ” 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。 If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price. vi. 讲价;谈条件 bargain with sb. for / ove

13、r / about sth. 就某事与某人讲价 5 、talented adj. 有才华的,有才能的 He is a talented composer and musician. 他是一位天才的作曲家和音乐家。 The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented. 该芭蕾舞蹈学校给有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的场所。 talent n. U 才能,才干;天才 talentless adj. 无才能的,平庸的 gifted adj. 有天赋的 be gifted at/ in sth.

14、在某方面有天赋 have a talent / gift for sth. 有 方面的天赋 ability “能力,才干 ” 。指个人表现出来的实际能力,既可以是天赋的,也可以 是后天培养而获得的本领。 talent “ 能力,才干 ” 。主要指与生俱来的超群显著的内在能力,如在艺术上等 方面的特殊才能,后常接for 短语。 We found him work more suited to his_abilities. 2012 届高中英语一轮复习M8 Unit 3The world of colours and light 精品学案牛津译林版 - 5 - / 13 我们为他找到了更容易发挥他

15、才能的工作。 He is a man of great musical ability. 他是个有卓越音乐才华的人。 She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted. 她很有天资,能够心想事成。 Porter has a(n) _ for making a difficult subject become understandable and interesting. A. knowledge B. ability C. talent D. skill C 句意:波特有一种能使深奥难懂的东西变得易懂和有趣的天赋。have a

16、 talent for 固定词组, 表示 “ 有 才能 ” 。 6 、 range vi. 变动,变化vt. 排列,将 排成行 range from to 从 到 变化 The pr ices of the dolls range_from $5 to $100. 那些布娃娃的价格从5 美元到 100 美元不等。 She ranged the books on the shelves. 她把书架上的书排列好了。 C & U 列,排;范围,区域 There is a_range_of_mountains in my hometown. 我家乡有连绵不断的山脉。 This gun has_a_range_of_300_meters. 这支枪的射程是300 米。 with / in the range of 在 范围内 a range of 一系列 in range with 和 排列 out of one s range 某人所不


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