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1、,The Chinese animal zodiac,Origin,In ancient times,in order to make people easily remember the years,our ancestors came up with an idea-using the animals to represent the years.A 12-year cycle used for dating the years.Every year is assignned an animal.,Rat Ox Tiger,Rabbit、Hare Dragon Snake,Horse Sh

2、eep Monkey,Rooster Dog Boar,The Chinese Zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle, each year in that cycle related to an animal sign. These signs are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar

3、calendar.,The Chinese Zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle, each year in that cycle related to an animal sign. Zodiac zodik 黄道带(天上的12个等分区,各有其名称和符号) Chinese Zodiac 生肖 animal sign (生肖)属相 is based on 基于 related to 与.相关,黄道带:大约在公元前5世纪,古巴比伦人首先使用了“黄道带”这一概念。他们把整个天空想象成一个大球,星体分布在球的表面,这

4、就是所谓的“天球”。“黄道”是太阳在“天球”上运动的轨迹,黄道两侧的区域就是“黄道带”。古巴比伦人还按照星座的名称,把“黄道带”分为12个区域,这就是“黄道12宫”。 黄道带:天球上黄道两边各9度(共宽18度)的一条带。日、月和主要行星的运行路径都处在黄道带内。古人为了表示太阳在黄道上的位置。把黄道分为十二段,叫“黄道十二宫”。从春分起依次为白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、室女、天秤、天蝎、人马、摩羯、宝瓶和双鱼。过去的黄道十二宫和黄道十二星座一致。由于春分点向西移动,两千年前在白羊座中的春分点已移至双鱼座,命名与星座已不吻合。,These signs are the rat, ox, tige

5、r, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar calendar. ox ks (阉割的)公牛 calculate 计算 according to 依据 lunar calendar 农历,The animal year when a person was born is called his / her Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth). Although it sounds

6、 a bit superstitious, Chinese people take their year of birth seriously. According to the soothsaying, people in their own Ben Ming Nian may offend “Taisui”, also called the God of Age. Most popular solution is wearing red underwear, socks or waist belts given by elders, for red is believed to bring

7、 them good luck.,The animal year when a person was born is called his / her Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth). Zodiac Year of Birth本命年 In the year of sheep 羊年 Eg: I was born in the year of sheep.,Although it sounds a bit superstitious, Chinese people take their year of birth seriously. superstiti

8、ous su:prsts 迷信的 take sth. seriously 把.看得很重要,According to the soothsaying, people in their own Ben Ming Nian may offend “Taisui”, also called the God of Age. soothsaying &su:se 占卜,预言 offend fnd 冒犯 offend Taisui 犯太岁 the God of Age 太岁,Most popular solution is wearing red underwear, socks or waist belt

9、s given by elders, for red is believed to bring them good luck. red underwear 红内裤 waist belts腰带 elder 长者,Monkey Idioms in English英语中与猴子相关的短语表达,Make a monkey out of (someone) 让某人出丑、难堪 He made a monkey out of me by abusing me in front of my girlfriend. 他当着我女朋友的面辱骂我,让我很难堪。 Monkey business 非法活动,骗人的把戏 Yo

10、u must stop the monkey business if you dont want to get into trouble. 你要是不想惹麻烦,就不要干那些非法的事。,A monkey on ones back 阻止某人成功的严重问题,历史问题 He was afraid that his past would always be a monkey on his back. 他担心他过去的问题将会永远成为他的包袱。 Monkey see, monkey do 有样学样 It is a case of monkey see, monkey do. She does everything that her cousin does. 她就是东施效颦,她表姐做什么,她就做什么。,。 Well, Ill be a monkeys uncle. 表示特别惊讶,不敢相信 Well, Ill be a monkeys uncle. I never thought Bill would remarry. 天啊!我从来都没想过比尔会再婚。 Monkey suit 制服,礼服 I hate going to weddings and wearing a monkey suit. 我很讨厌参加婚礼,也讨厌穿礼服。,


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