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1、感恩节了,细细想想,发现值得感恩的事情这么多,this list is just things come to my mind at this point. I might add some more when I have more time:)100 things I am grateful for:1. Life. I am grateful that I have this chance to come to this world and live my life.感谢生命,让我得以体验生活。2. Growing up fine. There were ups and downs, I

2、 am glad I turned out fine.健康平安地长大。虽然也有起起落落。3. Families. My parents and my sisters.They give me unconditional love. They are always there for me.感谢家人。父母亲和姐姐。他们给我无条件的恒久的爱。4. My husband. He has integrity. He is very patient and loving. He has a kind soul and a music heart. He makes me a better person.

3、我的先生。他诚实而值得信赖。耐心而仁爱。他有善良的灵魂和音乐般美丽的心灵。他使我成为更好的人。5. Friends. They make life so much fun and happier.朋友们。他们使我的生活更加美好。6. People who love me and loved me生命中曾经爱过我和依然爱我的人。7. People I love and loved. They all teach me or taught me something. I am forever grateful.生命中我曾经爱过的和始终爱着的人。他们都教给我一些东西。为此我永远心怀感激。8. Goo

4、d air. Isnt it wonderful to see crystal clear blue sky and snow white clouds during the day and sparkling stars at night?清新的空气。每天能看到湛蓝的天空,雪白的云朵,在夜晚能看到闪烁的星星,是不是一种福气?9. Clean running water. I sometimes take it for granted, but really, I cant live without a warm shower in the morning.洁净流淌的水。有的时候我们忘记了她的

5、珍贵。但是事实上,如果早上不能好好地洗一个淋浴,我不知道生活如何继续。10. Sunshine. It always makes my heart sing.阳光。她总是能使我的心幸福地歌唱。11. Art. As Pablo Picasso says: Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.艺术。毕加索曾经说,艺术能够洗去日常生活带给我们灵魂的尘埃。12. Good books. You cant open a book without learning something.好书。每次翻开一本书,总是有所收获。13.

6、Knowledge. It helps us realize our ignorance.知识。 帮助我们认知无知。14. Great movies.精彩的电影。15. Music. Its like my religion. I cant get enough of it.音乐。她如同我的宗教,我还从没有对音乐感觉厌倦的时候。16. The internet. Keeping me connected with.a lot of things.互联网。无法想象没有互联网的生活。当然,它使我与这个世界上的许多事情保持联系。17. Kindness. Even the smallest act

7、or word can make someones day.善良。即使最微小的善行和善言也可以使另外一个人的一天变得明媚。18. Honesty. Yes, truth always wins. This is the best way to keep your life simple and neat.诚实。没错,真相总是胜出。诚实是我们保持生活简单和有条不紊的最好的途径。19. Forgiveness. It is a gift you can give to yourself.原谅。不论是原谅他人还是原谅自己。这是我们能够送给自己的礼物。20. Smiles. Best make-up

8、for anyone.微笑。任何人最美的化妆品。即使在最晦暗的日子,也别忘记了微笑。有人会因为你的微笑爱上你。21. Challanges and hardships. They help me find my potentials and make me a stronger person.困难和挑战。很多时候他们帮助我们发现我们的潜能并使我们成为更坚强的人。22. My pets. Teddy and Sammy.oh, how much I miss you.我的狗狗们。Teddy and Sammy.非常非常的想念你们。23. Peace. Peace in the world and

9、 peace of mind.和平。生活在没有战火的年代和区域是一种幸福。拥有平和的心态同样是一种幸福。24. Love. Who can live without it?爱。如同空气。25. Questions. Asking questions or being questioned, great ways to learn.问题。质疑和被质疑,这是我们学习的最佳途径。26. Ability to cry.I am a real softie and I cried on TV shows. Whats wrong with that?有哭的能力。我是最最心软的人。看电视剧也会掉眼泪。不过

10、,这又有什么不好呢?27. Laughter and being able to laugh.笑。笑的能力。永远都不要失去她。28. Nature around me. My plants, the humming birds, even the squirels who eat my fruits. They are simply amazing.包围着我的大自然。我的花草,美丽的蜂鸟,即使偷吃我的果树上的水果的小松鼠一切都是如此奇妙。29. Travelling to and living in different countries.能够在不同的国家旅行和生活。30. Living in

11、 California, a truly beautiful place with almost the best weather.在加州生活。如此美丽的地方,气候更是好得无可挑剔。31. Recycling.回收。幸好有回收这回事,要不然这世界该变成什么样。32. Ability to learn things fast.快速学习的能力。33. Colors.色彩。34. Legs that works fine since I love wallking so much.我酷爱散步,幸好有健康的双腿。35. Health Insurance.医疗保险。36. Health. Health

12、of myself, my family and friends. all my loved ones.健康。我的健康,家人的健康,朋友的健康所有我爱的人的健康。37. Good sleep.优质的睡眠。38. Quality time.高品质的时间。我们的生命这么短暂,时光这么有限,尽量生活得更有意义吧。39. Memories.回忆40. Freedom.自由。41. Good wine.美酒。42. Access to fresh fruit and vegetables.新鲜的蔬菜和水果。43. A good cup of tea or coffee.or hot chocolate.

13、一杯好茶,好咖啡或者热巧克力。44. Good food.美食。45. Photographs. They record wonderful moments.照片。美好瞬间的记录。46. Having nice homes.舒适的家。47. Curiosity, but not being nosy.好奇心。但是不是多管闲事的那一种。48. Respect.尊重。49. My education.我所受的教育。50. Being literate.有书写的能力。51. The ability to dream.有梦想。52. Compassion.有爱心。53. Being a good li

14、stener.做好的倾听者。54. Being a good person with a kind heart.做一个善良的好人。55. My values and core beliefs, and the strength to always horner them.我的价值观和核心主张,并且有意志力去维护。56. Strength and knowing my weaknesses.了解自己的短处,同时也明了自己所长。57. All the mistakes that I have made that helped me to grow.曾经犯过的错误。他们帮助我更好的成长。58. The ability of remembering.好的记忆力。59. Being able to speak more than one language.懂得不只一种语言。60. The jobs I have had. Ive learned quite a bit.工作经历。那些都是好的学习。61. All my audiences from my previous job. All my fans and those who still follow me and commenton my blog. You are always my


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