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1、,第二部分 语法专项突破,第二部分语法专项突破 第一讲名词和冠词,一、近几年考查的名词词义辨析的主要形式 1相似词缀的名词词义辨析,表达,表示,表情,注意,留心,满意,满足,印象,(2012高考山东卷)My first impression of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良且有思想的年轻人。,2无一定关联性的名词词义辨析 (2013高考江西卷)Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with patience. 每当我

2、犯错时,老师都会耐心地把它们指出来。,好奇,好奇心,满意,满足,嫉妒,羡慕,耐心,忍耐力,3意义相近词的词义辨析 (2012高考福建卷)Well, you know, English is my strength. So it is my best choice. 噢,你知道,英语是我的强项。因此这是我最好的选择。,长处,才华,天赋,能力,技能,“Tommy,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with panic clearly in her voice. “汤米,跑!快跑!房子着火了!”妈妈大喊道,声音里明显带着恐慌。

3、,生气,愤怒,粗鲁,遗憾,后悔,恐慌,惊恐,4形似词的词义辨析 (2012高考湖北卷)It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any symptom. 定期检查你的眼睛对核查是否有眼部疾病的迹象很重要,这些眼部疾病可能没有任何症状。,症状,类似,相似,样本,标本,影子,(2012高考湖北卷)The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct proce

4、dure in applying for a visa. 那位官员坚持认为迈克尔在申请签证时没有遵循正确的程序。,模式,模板,程序,手续,步骤,节目,态度,观点,1(2013高考浙江卷)As the worlds population continues to grow,the _ of food becomes more and more of a concern. AworthBsupply CpackageDlist 解析:句意:随着世界人口的持续增长,粮食的供应越来越令人担忧。worth价值;supply供应;package包裹;list清单。“人口增长”与“粮食供应”是一对矛盾,人口

5、越多,粮食供应就越紧张,所以应该选择B项。,B,2(2013高考湖北卷)Carbon dioxide,which makes a_ between us and the sun,prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily,so the earth is becoming warmer. Adifference Bcomparison Cconnection Dbarrier 解析:句意:二氧化碳是我们和太阳之间的一道屏障,它使地球上的热量不容易释放出大气层,于是地球就变得越来越暖和。四个名词选项的主要含义:difference

6、“分歧,区别”; comparison“比较”;connection“联系”;barrier“障碍,屏障”。语境说地球的热量因二氧化碳而不容易释放出大气层,因此这里选D,表示“障碍,屏障”。,D,二、名词的固定搭配 1动词 have,take, make,pay,play,put,give,keep等加名词构成的短语,有个好的名声,了解,有意识,有感觉,可以获得,利用,趁之机,取笑,嘲弄,充分利用,妥善处理,给出解决方案,保持平衡,The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from hi

7、s patients,so he has a very good reputation. 那个医生善于治疗心脏病,并且从来不接受病人的礼物,所以他有非常好的名声。 You are working too hard.Youd better keep a balance between work and relaxation. 你工作太努力了。你最好保持工作和休息之间的平衡。,2介词后加名词构成的短语,需求量很大,大量,大批,在进行中,在产量方面,手不能及,与无联系,看不见,辨认不出来,(2012高考大纲全国卷)The Harry Potter books are quite popular;th

8、ey are in great demand in this city. 哈利波特丛书非常受欢迎,这些书在这个城市需求量 很大。 (2014南昌模拟)How do you like our city? It has changed beyond all recognition in the past 20 years,a completely new one in front of me. 你认为我们的城市怎么样? 在过去二十年里它完全变了,几乎都认不出来,且现在我面前的是一座全新的城市。,1(2013高考江苏卷)With inspiration from other food culture

9、s,American food culture can take a_ for the better. Ashare Bchance Cturn Dlead 解析:本题中四个选项均为常见的名词,考查take分别与这四个名词构成的短语的含义。take a share 分担,为出力;take a chance冒险;take a turn转弯,转;(情况、形势等)转变;take a lead 领先,带头。根据本句关键信息for the better 可知讲的是有所好转,变得更好。句意为“有了源于其他食品文化的灵感,美国饮食文化可以变得更好”。朗文辞典上也有类似的例句:The Presidents f

10、ortunes seem,at last,to have taken a turn for the better(started to improve)总统的时运似乎终于出现转机了。,C,2(2013高考天津卷)While she was in Paris,she developed a _ for fine art. Away Brelation Ctaste Dhabit 解析:句意:“在巴黎期间,她喜欢上了艺术。”develop a taste for“养成爱好;喜欢上;爱上”。,C,三、抽象名词具体化 1表示具有某种特性、状态、情感的抽象名词在表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,常考

11、到的有:,成功,乐趣,成功的人或事,令人高兴的事,吸引,有吸引力的人或事物,美;美丽,美丽的人或事物,安慰;慰藉,令人感到安慰的人或事物,危险,高兴,失败,惊奇,震惊,骄傲,危险的人或因素,令人高兴的事,失败的人或事物,令人惊奇的事情,令人震惊的事情,令人骄傲的事情,Shanghai is a most beautiful city and we are excited that Expo 2010 Shanghai China has been a great success. 上海是一个非常美丽的城市,我们非常高兴上海世博会是一个成功的盛事。,2有些物质名词可个体化为可数名词,常考到的有:

12、,two drinks两杯饮料,a coffee 一杯咖啡,two teas 两杯茶,a beer 一瓶啤酒,a paper 一张报纸;一篇论文,a hair 一根头发,(2014佛山上学期诊断)I knocked over the tea cup and it fell on the mobile phone. You should never put drinks near a phone. 我把茶杯碰倒了,它落在那部手机上。 你从来都不应该把饮料放到手机附近。 Would you like something to drink? Id like a coffee and two beer

13、s. 你想喝点什么? 我想要杯咖啡和两瓶啤酒。,温馨提示通常用作不可数名词的名词:fun,advice,weather,progress,information,clothing,equipment,furniture,luggage,luck,practice,wealth,word(news),(2012高考山东卷)Being able to afford _ drink would be _ comfort in those tough times. Athe;the Ba;a Ca;不填 D不填;a 解析:考查冠词及抽象名词具体化。句意:在那些艰苦的岁月里,能买得起一杯饮料都会是一件令

14、人安慰的事。本题很容易误选C项,认为comfort“安慰”是不可数名词,其实此处为抽象名词的具体化,a comfort意为“令人感到安慰的一个人或一件事”;a drink意为“一杯饮料”,故B项正确。,B,一、不定冠词的用法,(2014河南洛阳统一考试)It is reported that an eightyearold girl jumped out of a running train.,(2014山东潍坊三县上学期联考)Tom works in a company and gets paid by the hour,totally 5,000 yuan a month.,(2014山东

15、十二校高三联考)Excuse me,is there a Mr.Taylor living in the neighborhood?There is a parcel for him. Sorry,but there is no such person here.,(2014深圳质量检测)What do you think about the song What Makes You Beautiful? Its really a most wonderful song this year. 你觉得什么让你如此美丽这首歌怎么样? 它是今年非常好听的一首歌。,(2014汕头第一次模拟)Social

16、 practice is an opportunity for students to gain a better understanding of how society operates.社会实践是让学生来更好地了解社会运作的一个机会。,(2012高考大纲全国卷)He missed the gold in the high jump,but will get a second chance in the long jump.他在跳高比赛中没有赢得金牌,在跳远比赛中他还有一次(获得金牌的)机会。,1(2013高考福建卷)The“Chinese Dream”is _ dream to improve peoples wellbeing and _ dream of harmony,peace and development. Athe;a Ba;a Ca;the Dthe;the 解析:句意:“中国梦”是一个提升人民幸福感的梦想,也是一个和谐、和平以及发展的梦想。根据题意可


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