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1、控制与应用技术x EMC A 2008, 35 ( 5)sOeLCe_骆 皓1, 郑建勇2, 杨 志1, 姜永聪3( 1. 国电南京自动化股份有限公司,江苏南京 210003; 2. 东南大学,江苏南京 210018;3. 江苏省电力公司,江苏南京 226100)K 1:s|6Oe/M,|HssMUS,KM6LC0H_OEbMATLABe_,_T6OeiLCe?b1oM:USM;Oe;6;ms|: TM 301. 2BTM 343 DSM: A cI|: 1673-6540( 2008) 05-0026-04AsynchronousMotorVectorControlRealizeConsta

2、ntTorqueControlSimulationLUOHao1, ZHENG Jian-yong2, YANG Zhi1, JIANG Yong-cong3( 1. Guod ian N anjing Autom ation Co. , L td. , N anjing 210003, Ch ina; 2. SoutheastU niversity,N anJing 210018, Ch ina; 3. Jiangshu Pow er C ompany, N an jing 226100, Ch ina)Abstract: The research and sim ulation of th

3、e rotor flux oriented algorithm w ere proposed wh ile the current trac-ing w as applied. The exciting current and the torque current are transform ed to the 3-phase stationary coord inates,and the 3-phase current are traced to realize the rotor flux orientation. The constant torque control effect is

4、 proposedand the algorithm was validated by sim ulation byM ATLAB softw are.Keywords: coordinatestransformation; vectorcontro;l currenttracing; constanttorque control0 引 言sOeE0H_ZTa#H_ZTa0_ZTa0H_ZTOeZTb,0H_e/LCH,-sOe/KeH 4b,|T*e4Te1,YV1s0US/q|i*q1;He,|0H470H|7 *21,YV1s0US/d|i*d1b|i*d1i*q1YV 1 uH.1ed-edM .:y,.OOed_ZE J.S/v, 2004, 26( 4): 433-437. 4 n.DSP.sOed J.bv(1S), 2001, 41( 3): 21-24. 5 6,B,b,.sOedy_ J.e, 2007, 34 ( 3):11-14. 6 Y,.DSP3SVPWMMIMd J.1!, 2006, 26( 12): 41-44. 7 . M ATLAB /S im ulinked_ M .:0, 2005. 8 .3ed M .:, 2002. 9 T.#dM .:S, 1989.l: 2008-01-10)35)


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