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1、20202020学年北京市宣武区初三下第一次质量检 测英语试题及答案 第 1 卷( 机读卷共 70 分) 听力明白得 ( 共 18 分) 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。( 共 4 分,每题1 分) 听对话和独白,依照对话和独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读 两遍。 ( 共 14 分,每题1 分) 听四段短对话,回答第5 至第 8小题。 5Whats the girlS family name? A Linda BAllan CGreen 6Whats the boy looking for? A Football BBasketball CBaseball 7W

2、hich colour of mobile phone would the girl like? A Brown BPurple C Green 8Whats the woman s telephone number? A 4142889 B4241889 C 4241899 听一段对话,回答第9 至第 10 小题。 9What does the man want to buy? A A pair of spots shoes BA pair of glasses CA pair of trousers 10 How much does the shopkeeper ask for each

3、pair at first? A35 yuan B36 yuan C46 yuan 请听一段对话,回答第11 至第 12 小题。 11 Where are the two speakers? A On a bus BOn a plane C On a train 12 Who lives in Australia? AThe woman BThe womans daughter CThe man 请听一段对话,回答第13 至第 15 小题。 13 What are the man and the woman talking about? A A film BA visit C A plan 1

4、4 Why wont they go to the cinema? ANot both of them like the filmBThey hear the film isnt good CThe film wont be on then 1 5 Where will they stay tomorrow evening? AOnly in the restaurant BOnly at Bob and Sues home CAway from their home 请听一段独白,回答第16 至第 18 小题。 16 How many trees are going to be plante

5、d today? A 700 B1400 C 2000 1 7 What does the speaker advise volunteers to do? A To learn some tree。planting skills B To come along any time they like C To bring along their gloves 1 8 What is the main purpose of the event? ATo increase peoples sense of environment protection BTo invite people to jo

6、in an environmental organization CTo persuade families to have an outing in the mountains 请打开第二卷,看第一大题听力试题。该试题需要在第一大题的相应位置上 作答。 语言知识运用( 共 28 分) 三、单项填空 ( 共 16 分,每题1分 ) 从以下各题所给的A 、B、C、D四个选项中,选择能够入空白处的最正确选项。 19 What have you decided to buy for your mother_Mother s Day? Some flowers Aat B on Cto D in 20

7、 Oh my God! Its a sea of cars How can you pick out your car? That s easy _ is colored differently from any other one AMy BMine CTheir DTheirs 21 _are you going to the airport next Monday,Betty? By taxi AHow BWhat CWhere D When 22 Would you mind_ slowly? I Cant follow you Aspeak Bto speak Cspoken Dsp

8、eaking 23 Liu Xiang may run even_ after the operation because he works very hard and exercises every day Afast Bfaster Cfastest D the fastest 24 During the earthquake ,many school buildings fell down_ the people there didn t give up hope AAnd BSo CBut DOr 25 Do you think John will help me move the p

9、iano? Youd better not ask himHe_ a composition Awrite Bwrites Cis writing Dwrote 26 How long_ Korean singer Jang Nara_ China? For yearsShe can speak and sing in Chinese A does; go to B; was in Chas;been to Dhas; been in 27 Dont you think her radio is too noisy? YeahIll go and ask her_ it up Anot to

10、turn Bnot turn Cto turn Ddont turn 28 David, is that man your Chinese teacher? It_ be himHes having a meeting A mustnt Bcant Cneednt Dwont 29 Do you know how many gold medals the 23 year old Michael Phelps_ at the 2018 Summer Olympic Games? Eight A win Bwins Cwon Dhas won 30. _ my father_ my mother

11、is able to use a computerHowever,I can A Both ;and BNeither ;nor C Either;or DNot only;but also 31 Did you go to Mike s birthday party? No,I_. A didn t invite Bhaven t invited Cwasnt invited Dam not invited 32 I didnt see you when I came here last nightWhere were you I_ my project at home A designed

12、 Bhave designed Cwould design Dwas designing 33 Do you know _ ? PSP A what is it called Bhow it is called C how it calls Dwhat it is called 34 Im afraid I cant return the book to you before Tuesday ADont be afraid B Yon are welcome CTake your time DBe careful 四、完形填空 ( 共 12 分,每题1分 ) 阅读下面的短文,把握其大意,然后从

13、短文后各题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项 中,选择最正确选项。 I should say I owe my success to my motherMy belief began when 1 was just a kid I _35_becoming a doctor My mother was a servantThrough her work,she found that_36_people spent a lot more time reading than they_37_watching televisionShe told my brother and me to watch on

14、ly two to three pre selected TV programs during the weekIn our free time ,we had to read two books from the Detroit Public Library and_38_written book reports to her She would mark them up with check marks and highlightsYears later we realized her marks were a trick because my mother was uneducated

15、When I entered high school,1 was an A student but not for_39_I wanted the brightly coloured clothes and 1 wanted to hang out with the guysI went from being an A student to a Bstudent to a Cstudent 0Be night my mother came home after 40 her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts She said , Okay,Ill give you aU the money I_41_! this week by scrubbing floors and clean



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