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1、1,Project Management,2,3,4,5,PMI(项目管理协会)是全球领先的项目管理行业的倡导者,它创造性地制定了行业标准,并正在构筑不断扩展的专业知识体系,让项目管理从业人员成为各自所在组织不断变革、创新发展的推动力量。 PMI目前拥有来自全球150多个国家和地区的近22万多名会员,该协会正积极地为业界树立标准、从事科学研究、传播专业知识、促进行业发展,并拓展职业前景。此外它还提供教育和认证服务,促进会员间的交流沟通和商机拓展。 PMI的专业人员几乎分布在每个主要行业,包括航空、汽车、商业管理、建筑、工程、金融服务、信息技术、制药、医疗和电信。,PMI的项目管理知识体系(PM

2、BOK )和项目管理专业人员(PMP )资格认证自2000年由中国外国专家局引入中国以来,迄今已有超过20万人次接受了项目管理的培训,1万多人通过认证考试并获得美国项目管理专业人员证书(PMP )。,6,拥有PMP认证的人士在两到三年后的平均薪资为64400美元(比拥有类似经验,但没有获得认证的同事多15.6%) 拥有PMP认证的人士在五到九年后的平均薪资为94340美元(比没有获得认证的同事多17.2%) 拥有PMP认证的人士在十年后的平均薪资为102000美元(比没有获得认证的同事多13.3%),7,PMP 试题分布 考试时间:4个小时考题总量:200题计分题量:175题考题类型:4选1

3、单选及格标准:答对141题(80.6%)考试题分布: 启动Initiation: 11%规划Plan:23%执行Execution: 27% 监控Monitor this plan should include all the work tasks, associated costs, and estimates of the time necessary to complete them.,为使客户满意,良好的计划和沟通对于防止问题产生及解决,都是绝对必要的。,27,Factors Constraining Project Success,Project Success,28,1.2 Pro

4、ject life cycle,Projects are “born” when a need is identified by the customerthe people or the organization willing to provide funds to have the need satisfied.,当客户识别出需求时,项目就诞生了。,29,This first phase the identification of a need, problem, or opportunity and can result in the customers requesting prop

5、osals from individuals, a project team, or organizations (contractors) to address the identified need or solve the problem.,The need and requirements are usually written up by the customer in a document called a request for proposal (RFP).,对需求、问题或是机会的确认,并促使客户向承约商征询项目建议书。,需求建议书客户可以要求承约商提交其如何在成本约束和进度计

6、划下解决问题的建议书。,30,The second phase the development of a proposed solution to the need or problem. This phase results in the submission of a proposal to the customer by one or more individuals or organizations (contractors) who would like to have the customer pay them to subsequently implement the propo

7、sed solution.,After the customer evaluates the submissions and selects the winning proposal, the customer and the winning contractor negotiate and sign a contract (agreement).,提出解决需求或问题的方案。承约商向客户提交建议书( proposal ) ,并希望客户为成功执行解决方案而付酬劳。,客户评估了申请书并选出一个优胜方案后,与中标的承约商将协商签订一份合同。,31,The third phase of the pro

8、ject life cycle is the implementation of the proposed solution.,This phase, referred to as performing the project, involves doing the detailed planning for the project and then implementing that plan to accomplish the project objective. During the course of performing the project, different types of

9、 resources will be utilized.,执行解决方案。,包括为项目制定详细的计划,然后执行计划以实现项目目标。在执行项目期间,将会用到不同类型的资源。,32,The final phase of the project life cycle is terminating the project. When a project is completed, certain close-out activities need to be performed, such as confirming that all deliverables have been provided to

10、 and accepted by the customer, that all payments have been collected. An important task during this phase is evaluating performance of the project in order to learn what could be improved if a similar project were to be carried out in the future.,终止项目。 当项目结束时,某些扫尾工作仍需完成。,33,The four phases of the pr

11、oject life cycle and the relative amount of effort and time devoted to each phase.,34,First phase A,Identifying the need or problem,Second phase B,Third phase C,Fourth phase D,Developing the proposed solution,Implementing the proposed solution,Terminating the project,35,In other situations, a custom

12、er may go through the first two phases of the project life cycle in a less structured, more informal manner.,In general, the project life cycle is followed in a more formal and structured manner when a project is conducted in a business setting.,当项目在商业环境中执行时,项目生命周期会以更正式、更结构化的方式展开。 当项目由私人或志愿者执行时,项目生命

13、周期则趋向于较非正式的形式。,36,1.3 The project management process,The project management process means planning the work and then working the plan.,A coaching staff may spend hours preparing,项目管理过程就是制定计划,然后按计划工作。,37,Project management involves a process of first establishing a plan and then implementing that pla

14、n to accomplish the project objective.,The front-end effort in managing a project must be focused on establishing a baseline plan that provides a roadmap for how the project scope will be accomplished on time and within budget.,集中精力建立一个基准计划,为在预算之内按时完成项目范围提供一份路线图。,38,This planning effort includes the

15、 following steps:,39,1. Clearly define the project objective.,The definition must be agreed upon by the customer and the individual or organization who will perform the project.,清晰地定义项目目标,并达成一致。,40,2. Divide and subdivide the project scope into major “pieces,” or work packages.,A work breakdown stru

16、cture (WBS) is a hierarchical tree of work elements or items accomplished or produced by the project team during the project.,把项目工作范围一步步细分为大的“部分”或工作包( work packages )。,工作分解结构就是实现目标的工作单元或项目等级树。 工作分解结构通常针对每一个工作包确认组织或个人的责任。,41,3. Define the specific activities that need to be performed for each work package.,必须界定对应每一个工作包必须执行的具体活动。,42,工作分解结构,43,4. Graphically portray the activities in the form of a network diagram.,This diagram shows the necessary sequence and interdependencies o



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