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1、 新课标 第一网不用注册,免费下载!新课标第一网系列资料 09 中考英语零距离知识梳理与提高训练八年级上 Unit4-6 综合练习 B听 力 部 分I. 听句子, 选出一个能正确回答或紧接你所听到的句子的选项, 每句听一遍。(5%)( )1. A. Thank you. B. No, its not so well. C. Thats all right. D. Not at all.( )2. A. Yes, I am glad to. B. No, you dont.C. Yes. What is it? D. No, thanks.( )3. A. No, thanks a lot.

2、 B. Thats a good idea.C. Walking is a good exercise. D. I enjoy walking.( )4. A. I dont want to check it. B. I have weighed it.C. It will take half a month. D. Ill have to weigh it first.( )5. A. I am not going to spend it. B. Ill have a nice weekend. C. I have been busy these days. D. I dont have a

3、ny special plans yet.II. 听短文, 根据所听内容, 选择正确选项回答问题。(5%)( ) 1. A. He wants to know something about English.B. He wants to know about something about English people.C. He wants to know something about London.D. He wants to know something about women.( ) 2. A. In England. B. In London.C. In his house. D.

4、 In a city of China.( ) 3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt.C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesnt.( ) 4. A. Because she meets the boy.B. Because she doesnt know about her age.C. Because the boy asks her questions.D. Because the boy asks about her age.( ) 5. A. Because he thinks they are in China.B. B

5、ecause he thinks they are in England.C. Because he doesnt know how to say sorry to the girl.D. Because he doesnt like to say sorry to the girl.笔 试 部 分III. 单项选择 (16%)( ) 1. Yao Ming is one of _ of the world.A. wonderful basketball players B. more wonderful basketball playerC. the most wonderful baske

6、tball player D. the most wonderful basketball players( ) 2.If more and more wetlands disappear, there _ space for plants, animals and birds.A. is more and more B. is less and lessC. will be more and more D. will be less and less( ) 3. The film _ at 8:20p.m, and I _ at the cinema in five minutes.A. s

7、tarting; arrive B. starts; am arriving C. will start; arrive D. start; will arrive 新课标 第一网不用注册,免费下载!新课标第一网系列资料 ( ) 4. How _ the little girl _ !A. beautiful; is dancing B. beautifully; is dancingC. beautiful; dance D. beautifully; dance( ) 5. The teacher told us _ the door when we left the classroo

8、m.A. not to forget to close B. dont forget closeC. not forget to close D. not to forget closing( ) 6. He didnt start to watch TV programs _ he finished all his housework A. that B. until C .if D. because( ) 7. Ill play badminton as _ you do.A. well as B. better than C. more well than D. good as( ) 8

9、. We have different _ in the library, so you can borrow the ones you like.A. kind books B. kinds of book C. kinds of books D. kind of books( ) 9. There is going to _ a snowstorm this evening.A. be B. have C. come D. hold( )10. The large hotel can _ every tourist. A. provide nice food and shelter wit

10、h B. provide nice food and shelter toC. provide nice food and shelter for D. provide nice food and shelter of( )11. _ has long pointed wings and a forked tail.A. A sparrow B. A swan C. A swallow D. A seagull( )12. Every year natural disasters kill _ people.A. three thousands B. thousands of C. three

11、 thousand of D. thousand of( )13. _ it was really snowy, it _ me longer to get to the office.A. As; took B. Because; takes C. As; spent D. Since; cost( )14. - Oh, I came _ and did not bring my food with me.- Never mind. You can have _.A. hurriedly; yours B. in a hurry; ours C. in hurry; you D. hurry

12、; us( )15. Wolves hunt together if they _ hungry.A. were B. are C. will be D. wont be( )16. The man really dont know _.A. what to do it B. how to goC. how to say it D. to ask whatIV. 用所给词的正确形式填空 (8%)1. She can speak both English and Japanese _ (fluent).2. Our plane _ (leave) at ten oclock tonight.3.

13、 He often tells lies, so we all know he is _ (honest)4. The nature reserve is an important _ (live) area of the red-crowned cranes.5. Yesterday Miss King _ (wear) a pair of new leather shoes.6. Giant pandas like eating bamboo _ (leaf).7. When he was _ (trap), he screamed for help.8. Thunder always c

14、omes after _ (light).V. 根据所给中文意思填空 (6%)When we take a walk _(围绕着) Washington Square Park, I see a lot of people walking with dogs. It is still _(真的) that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but people have 新课标 第一网不用注册,免费下载!新课标第一网系列资料 _(改变) the reasons why they keep a dog. Of course, they keep dogs in order to keep _(安全的). But the most important reason is that they can have friends, because the city can be a _(孤独的) place. For child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play


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