The first group Speaker资料讲解

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《The first group Speaker资料讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The first group Speaker资料讲解(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Memos and Minutes The first group Speaker,What has the reader already known about this?,Who is going to read my memo?,The element of memo,1.Do you know the word “memo”? A memo is a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the same company or organization. 2.Do you know the di

2、fference between “memo” and the Chinese word “备忘录”? In English, a memo can be a reminder, or an official document which is used inside a company to delivery information. In Chinese , “备忘录” is much more like a reminder. A memo is the short form of the Latin word memorandum . but today it is employ as

3、 a kind of communication form inside a company or group, in one word, for inner circulation. Example:,sent to upper management: acting as a report and goes to upper management.,sent to divisions affiliated: carrying instructions from upper management.,sent to all staff: working as a notice or bullet

4、in.,sent to colleagues in or outside ones own department: exchanging information.,注意: memo尽量使用短句,这样表达清晰,结构紧凑。 memo使用词汇要简短干练,确保大家都看得懂。 考虑清楚字句的组织,有头有尾地把memo完成。,Target object,MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING,备忘录的种类 备忘录是创纪录的交易或合约的条款,如政策备忘录, 谅解备忘录 , 备忘录的协议 ,或组织章程大纲 。 可供选择的格式包括备忘录,简报,报告,信件或粘合剂。 如果用户是一个内阁部长或高级管

5、理人员,可能会被严格定义的格式. 如果用户是同事,格式通常是灵活得多。 在最基本的层面可以是手写的便条. 谅解备忘录 谅解备忘录是国际协议一种通常的叫法,是一个专有名词,意指双方经过协商、谈判达成共识后,用文本的方式记录下来,谅解旨在表明协议双方要互相体谅,妥善处理彼此的分歧和争议。 “谅解备忘录”相应的英文表达为“memorandum of understanding”,有时也可写成“memo of understanding”或“MOU”。,谅解备忘录实例,1972年5月26日,美国总统理察尼克森和前苏联签署谅解备忘录,其内容系关于反弹道导弹系统的限制。 1973年2月3日,美国和古巴签署

6、谅解备忘录,其内容系关于在这两个国家劫持飞机和船只及其他犯罪行为等问题。 1994年10月21日,美国和就核武器问题的框架协议。 2005年8月15日,印度尼西亚政府和亚齐的自由亚齐运动的和平协议。 2008年,中国大陆和新加坡、新西兰同时在各自的自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreements,FTA)上签署关于劳务合作的谅解备忘录。 2012年,IEA 和WBCSD 签署了一份谅解备忘录,将加强在有关可持续能源政策和技术等领域的广泛合作。这些措施包括在建筑行业、交通和可再生能源部门的能源政策,以及应对气候变化,2010年5月25日上午,中国国务委員刘延東(右二)与美国国务卿希拉里.

7、克林頓(左二)在北京签署了关于建立中美人文交流高层磋商机制的谅解备忘录。,国情备忘录,谅解备忘录的组成:,1、合作机会ThePotentialCooperation 2、保密Confidentiality 3、协议语言Language 4、协议期限Duration 5、不可变更Modification 6、终止Termination 7、法律适用GoverningLaw 8、其他细节OtherConditions,Confidential Information,From time to time prior to and during the term of this MOU either

8、Party (“disclosing Party”) has disclosed or may disclose to the other Party (“receiving Party”) business, marketing, technical, scientific or other information which, at the time of disclosure, is designated as confidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstances of confidence, or would

9、 be understood by the Parties, exercising reasonable business judgement, to be confidential (“Confidential Information”). The receiving Party shall, during the term of this MOU and for years thereafter 本备忘录签署前以及在本备忘录有效期内,一方(“披露方”)曾经或者可能不时向对方(“受方”)披露该方的商业、营销、技术、科学或其他资料,这些资料在披露当时被指定为保密资料(或类似标注),或者在保密的

10、情况下披露,或者经双方的合理商业判断为保密资料(“保密资料”)。在本备忘录有效期内以及随后 年内,受方必须: (a) maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information;对保密资料进行保密; (b) not to use Confidential Information for any purpose other than those specifically set out in this MOU;不为除本备忘录明确规定的目的之外的其他目的使用保密资料; (c) not disclose any such Confidential

11、 Information to any person or entity, except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates, its agents, attorneys, accountants and other advisors who need to know such information to perform their responsibilities and who have signed written confidentiality contracts containing terms at least as s

12、tringent as the terms provided in this Article 除为履行其职责而确有必要知悉保密资料的该方雇员(或其关联机构、该方律师、会计师或其他顾问的雇员)外,不向其他任何人披露,且上述人员须签署书面保密协议,其中保密义务的严格程度不得低于本第 条的规定。,Public announcements,备忘内容保密 Neither Party shall make any announcement or disclosure concerning the MOU without the other Partys prior written consent exce

13、pt as may be reasonably required by law. 除非按照法律规定有合理必要,未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得就本备忘录发表任何公开声明或进行任何披露。,Effectiveness and termination of MOU,备忘录的生效和终止 This MOU shall come into force on signature by both Parties and shall continue in effect until the earliest to occur of: 本备忘录经双方签字生效,至下列日期终止(以最早者为准) (a) the r

14、eplacement of this MOU with a Contract or further agreement; 双方登记合同或进一步的协议取代本备忘录; (b) anytime without cause upon providing a one (1) month prior written notice of one Party to the other Party; or 任何一方无须提供任何理由,提前一个月书面通知另一方终止本备忘录; 或 (c) days from the signing of this MOU. 本备忘录签署60天后。,Other particulars

15、No consequential damages 不承担间接损失 No Party is liable for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage or any loss or damage due to loss of goodwill or loss of revenue or profit arising in connection with this MOU. 任何一方对与本备忘录有关的任何间接或附带损失或损害、商誉的损失或者损害或者收入或利润的损失不承担责任。 Assignability of MOU 本备忘录的转让 A party may not assign this MOU to any third party without the written consent of the other party. 未经对方事先书面同意,任何一方不得转让本备忘,


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