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1、International Environmental Law,Teng,Yean-Sen Professor of Law Soochow University tengscu.edu.tw,綠色科技與永續發展法律與政策,十五1 為何需要保護環境 十六2 為何需要法律以保護環境 十七3 為何需要國際法的介入 十八4 如何執行環境法,The effects of climate change are being felt already, Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate C

2、hange (UNFCCC), said.,Failing to recognize the urgency of this message and acting on it would be nothing less than criminally irresponsible, he said. De Boer was speaking at the start of a meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).,Yan Hong, deputy secretary of the World Meteor

3、ological Organisation (WMO), one of the IPCCs two parent bodies, said climate change bore potential implications for world peace by intensifying squabbles over water, food and energy.,It could also lead to massive population resettlement, especially to urban areas that may not have capacity to shelt

4、er, feed and employ them.,Climate change and life style,global warming could decimate the world fisheries sector, threaten the tourism industry and cause widespread job losses among those displaced by its impacts.,scores of new jobs would be created in the environment technology sector as countries

5、work to avoid and lessen the effects of climate change. U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Achim Steiner said,The problem is the jobs that will be created will not be created at the same time, or in the same place, as the ones that are lost, said Joaquin Nieto, president of Sustain

6、labour, an international foundation for sustainable development. We are talking about a major change, as substantial as what resulted in the industrial revolution, he told the forum.,RISING TEMPERATURES, MORE EXTREME WEATHER,as the climate changes, more dramatic weather and disasters - not just drou

7、ghts, but storms, floods and spreading disease too 250 million people could be displaced by climate-related disasters by 2050,Africa, Latin America and parts of Asia - where the climate is already more extreme and arid regions are common - are likely to be most affected as rainfall declines and its

8、timing becomes less predictable.,Saving rainforests a thorny issue at Bali talks,deforestation in the tropics is responsible for about 20 percent of all man-made carbon dioxide emissions blamed for global warming. Halting the destruction, or at least curbing the clearing and burning of remaining tro

9、pical forests, is widely regarded as a crucial part of any new climate pact.,Reduced Emissions from Deforestation- REDD,Under the scheme, developing nations could earn billions of dollars through carbon trading by simply leaving forests such as in the Amazon and Congo basins the Kyoto Protocol does

10、not include schemes that reward developing nations to preserve tropical rainforests,CASH FOR FORESTS,the idea is to issue carbon credits to qualifying developing nations and rich nations buy these credits to offset their emissions at home. Its a system that commoditises forests and rewards poor nati

11、ons for keeping forests that might otherwise be cleared for their hardwood or to create vast plantations for biofuels or timber to feed ever-growing global demand for pulp and paper. Right now there are no standards for these credits,氣候變遷將威脅地球表面30%物種生態的存亡 (專題報導),提供單位: Canada, The Ottawa Citizen Wedn

12、esday, April 4, 2007發佈時間:96.04.14,來自於加拿大以及世界各國超過120個國家的代表團,將共同於本月在Brussels 完結此份國際性的報告並正式發表。 這份報告是今年度聯合國政府網路,近2000位科學家共四次研究計畫的第二份報告。這些科學家們評估可提供的證據以相互達成對氣候變遷的共識,並提出相關的因應措施。,今年度的第一份報告則是在二月份時發表,第一份報告中指出,全球暖化是十分明確而不含糊的,人類的活動像化石燃料的焚燒是主要導致氣候攀升的主因。,氣候變遷正重組全球的地表,威脅著20%30%地表物種的生存,以及數以百萬的人類將因洪水的氾濫而遷移家園。 隨著氣溫持續

13、上升,加拿大可能面臨的重大問題如:森林火災、廣大的地域永久凍土層融化、以及致命的熱浪威脅等。,數以百萬的人類,將因海平面上升所造成洪水氾濫而受傷害 在西元2100以前,亞洲地區及其附近小島國家將因海水暴漲,而致低窪地區及海岸沿海地區將被洪水淹沒 如果冰河和積雪持續退縮和減退,世界上六分之一的人類也將面臨水資源短缺的嚴重問題。,生態系統以及生物棲息居住地,如:紅樹林、珊瑚礁、鮭魚水域以及北極熊等也同樣面臨危機 初步評估約20% 30%的生物物種很可能面臨生物滅絕的高度危機,如果全球的平均溫度增加超過1.5 2.5度C,以目前存在溫室效應的程度而言,這危機將可能於數十年內發生。如果溫度持續攀升,則

14、更多的植物、蟲類、鳥類以及哺乳動物等將消失於地球表面,科學家們表示,氣候的變化是清楚而瞭然於目的,像是許多大自然的系統,如全球的大陸和部份海洋系統,正在被區域性的氣候變化所影響,特別是氣溫溫度的上升。 冰河的融化、不穩定的永久凍土層、早春的雨流量以及鳥類的遷徙就是最好的證明,然而這只是剛開始的徵兆而已,氣候變化的好處是船運可經過極地、冬天凍死的人數會減少,以及加拿大的農業及森林木業可以向北方拓展。 然而負面的影響則遠遠多過好處,將有超過數百萬的人因乾旱、穀物無法收成而饑餓、數億的人口將面臨飲用水短缺;在本世紀末,數千萬居住在亞洲巨大三角洲的人們以及在各個小島的人們,將因氣溫的上升及古冰河的融化

15、,而被漲高的海洋所淹沒。,科學家重申,海平面的高漲並不像汽車的引擎一樣可以被關掉。相較於其他氣候的變化因素,海平面漲高是一種積極的貫性,並且會必然地持續至2100後的更多世紀。科學家們聲明,氣候的安定可以降緩海平面升高的情況,但是確無法避免。,這份總結報告也預測了在非洲、拉丁美洲和一些亞洲國家的營養不良和疾病的問題,而這些問題將因穀類收成不足、乾旱及洪水侵襲,在未來的數十年引發更嚴重的後果。 另一方面,熱浪的侵襲也將可能愈來愈密集的發生,並在北美和歐洲等地的城市造成致命的災難。有一種說法預測,在北美洲與煙霧和熱浪有相關連的臭氧層遭到破壞,會在2050年以前攀升5%。,當冰河以及積雪浮冰消失後,

16、清淨的水源將變成罕見而稀有。如果以現在暖化的速度持續下去,一直供應水源給數百萬人引用的喜瑪拉雅山冰河,可能在2030年以前,從現在500,000平方公里的供應量縮減為100,000平方公里。,火災、瘟疫和疾病同樣被科學家們所預測;在2100年以前,加拿大的森林火災可能會增加近兩倍之多;對居住在北方的人們而言,極地將會有顯著的正面及負面改變的衝擊。,對於北極熊、海豹和遷徙性的鳥類等,也會造成不利的影響。 極地的景觀也正在轉型中,凍原被森林所覆蓋以及永久凍土層融化,報導中指出在2050年以前,高達35%的北半球永久凍土層將消失不見。在熱帶地區的生態系統也迅速的被改變,熱帶森林區被熱氣所威脅,珊瑚礁海域會暖化以及受污染的酸性海水所侵蝕。,許多生態系統的回復力,會因氣候變遷的影響,而有可能在本世界超越其極限。 如果氣溫升高2.5度,則20% 30%生物物種將處於滅絕的危險,像是亞馬遜河的樹種、哺乳類動物、鳥類、蝴蝶、青蛙以及爬蟲類等。如果氣溫升高4


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