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1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.,第六课时Section B (2c2e),lead动词,意为“带路;领路;领导”,其过去式形式为led。 eg:The guide led us through the forest.向导带领我们穿过了森林。 【拓展】lead to引起;导致;通向 eg:Eating too much sugar can lead to some health problems.吃太多糖会导致一些健康问题。 All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。 lead sb.to do sth.领导某人做某

2、事 eg:He leads us to start the new project.他领导我们开始新的工程。 lead a.life过的生活 lead还可作名词,意为“榜样;主角”。 eg:He is the lead player in the competition.他在比赛中是主力队员。 leader名词,意为“领导人;领袖”。,【辨析】voice,noise与sound voice名词,意为“声音”,通常指人发出的声音,如说话声、唱歌声等,即嗓音,也可指动物的叫声。 noise名词,意为“噪音”,指人们不愿意听到的声音。 sound名词,意为“声音”,泛指人们听到的一切声音,即指自然界

3、中的各种声音。,重点短语归纳 hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事 hear sb.do sth.听见某人做某事 make a plan制订计划 go to sleep去睡觉 get up起床 wake up醒来 made of由制成的 brave enough足够勇敢 get lost迷路 something bad坏事情 never mind不要紧,没关系,一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 1I think she is very _Do you agree with me? 2The boy opened the box and looked_ 3Th

4、e road_ you to the station. 4Weve got no coffee.Lets have tea _ 5Her _sounds very beautiful. 6I can see a basketball and a baseball on the _,inside,leads,instead,voice,ground,brave,二、单项选择。 ( )7.Does your sister sing very well? Yes.Everyone says she has a good _. AvoiceBsoundCstampDtime ( )8.The poli

5、ceman was _.He fought with a thief without thinking twice. Abrave Bclever Ccreative Dtalented ( )9.The birds song led them to a wonderful house _ bread. Amake of Bmake up Cmade of Dmade up,A,A,C,( )10.We make a plan _ shopping this afternoon.Would you like to go with us? Yes,Id love to. Ago Bwent Cg

6、oing Dto go ( )11.Jack,is there _ in todays newspaper? No,nothing.(易错题) Aanything important Bsomething important Cimportant anything Dimportant something ( )12.Oh!Weve just missed the 8 oclock film. _.Itll be on again in one hour. AMy pleasure BHave fun CDont worry DGood idea,D,C,A,三、情景交际:在空缺处填入一个适当

7、的句子,使对话完整、正确。 A:Hi,Cathy.What are you doing? B:13. A:What is the name of the book? B:The Old Man and the Sea. A:14. ? B:Hemingway. A:15. ?,Im reading a book,Who wrote it,Where was he from,B:He was from the United States. A:16. ? B:Its interesting.The old man is really brave. A:17. ? B:Yes,sure.Ill f

8、inish reading it very soon.You can come to my home and get it tomorrow morning.,Can you lend it to me after you finish reading it,How do you like the book/What do you think of the book,20这个小女孩在森林里迷路了,她找不到出去的路。 The little girl got lost in the forest and she couldnt _her way _ 21食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。 Eating too much sugar can _health problems. 22好漂亮的一幅画啊!谁画的? _nice picture!Who painted it?,find,out,What a,lead to,


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