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1、Charpter 4,Negotiation: Strategy and Planning,Relationship between Key Steps in the Planinning Process,Goals Srategy Planning,What drives the negotiation strategy,1. The first step before negotiating is to set a goal(s) 2. Specify goals and objectives clearly 3. Goals have a direct and indirect effe

2、ct on the negotiators strategy,Goals-the forcus that drives a negotiation strategy,Goal-setting ( consider 4 key points) 1. the target point (目标点) 2. the resistance point (抗拒点) 3. the alternative to BATNA(选择达成谈判协议的最佳方案) 4. the asking price/ opening bid (要价),Goals,substantive goals ( 本质价值) intangible

3、 goals ( 模糊目标) procedural goals ( 程序目标),Direct effect of goals on the choice of negotiation strategy,1. Wishes are not goals. A wish is a hope that something might happen. A goal is a specific, focused target that one can realistically plan to achieve. 2. Goals are often linked to other partys goals

4、. buyers goal: to get the car cheaply sellers goal: to sell the car at the highest price Issue: the price the buyer will pay for the car,3. There are boundaries to what our goals can be. 4. Effective goals must be concrete, specific and measurable. to agree on a price so that the loan payment doesnt

5、 use all of my paycheck( 薪水).,Indirect effects of goals on choice of strategy-episodic assumption (情景假设),Episodic assumption are assumptions negotiators make about what will happen in the next negotiation transaction.,A focus on substantive goal success typically involves the assumption that this si

6、ngle negotiation is important enough to pursue substantive outcomes and ignore the possible impacts on relationship. -distributive strategy Other negotiation goals may require intiating a sequence of negotiation episode to establish a strong relationship with the other party. -integrative strategy,S

7、trategy,An overview: Strategy is the pattern of plan that integrates an organizations major targets, policies, and action sequence into a cohesive whole. strategy vs. tactics 1. one major difference is that of scale, perspective, or immediacy. tactics are short-term, adaptive moves designed to enact

8、 or pursue broader strategies. 2. tactics are subordinate to strategy; they are structured, directed, and driven by strategic considerations.,strategy vs. planning planning is an integral part of the strategy process - the action component.,the power of this model lies in requiring the negotiator to

9、 determine the relative importance and priority of two dimensions in the desired settlement,the nonengagement strategy: avoidance(non-negotiation),one is able to meet his/her needs without negotiating at all. it simply may not be worth the time and effort to negotiate. the decision to negotiate is c

10、losely related to the desirability of available alternatives. if the negotiator has a strong alternative, might he avoid the negotiation? if the negotiator has a weak alternative, might he avoid the negotiation? case: avoiding negotiation may get you what you want, but at a high cost.,The flow of ne

11、gotiation,the steps to implementing the strategy,1. Define the issue 2. Assemble the issues and define the bargaining mix - The bargaining mix is the combined list of issues 3 Define your interests - Why you want what you want 4. Know your limits and alternatives 5. Set your objectives (targets) and

12、 opening bids (where to start) - Target is the outcome realistically expected - Opening is the best that can be achieved 6. Assess constituents and the social context of the negotiation 7. Analyze the other party - Why do they want what they want? - How can I present my case clearly and refute the o

13、ther partys arguments? 8. Present the issues to the other part 9.Define the protocol to be followed in the negotiation,What are the steps to implementing the strategy.,Analyzing the other partyQ: how to probe the other partys information?,the other partys resources, issuse and bargaining mix the other partys interests and needs the other partys limits and alternatives,Thank you !,


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