备战2021届高考高三英语一轮复习专题:Unit 5 Music 课件

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1、Unit 5Music,人教版 必修二,基础自主梳理考点分层突破单元能力提升,基础自主梳理考点分层突破当堂跟踪检测,【单词回顾】分类识记 拓展运用 一、基础识记词汇 .填一填(基础会书写) 1. vt. 假装;假扮 2. vt.后来,基础自主梳理,earn,attach,pretend,extra,form,afterwards,dip,.填一填(阅读识其义) 1. roll vt. 演播室,工具; 器械; 乐器,滚动,(使)摇摆,百万富翁,酒馆; 酒吧,古典的; 古典文艺的,摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈,7.reunite vt. 8.folk adj. 9.cash n.,基础自主梳理,民间的

2、,再统一; 再联合; 重聚,现金,.用一用(语境推意) 1. 2018全国卷 Oh, yes, she is a great fan of classical music. Ill give her a ring after lunch. 2.A lot of famous Chinese paper-cuttings by some folk artists will be exhibited there.,基础自主梳理,古典的,民间的,二、核心拓展词汇 .填一填(掌握书写) 1. vt.播放 (过去式) (过去分词),基础自主梳理,musician,performer,perform,mu

3、sic,performance,musical,passer-by,broadcast,broadcast,broadcast,passers-by,_n. 加;增加;加法additional adj.附加的_ vt. 诙谐的 n. 幽默,基础自主梳理,invite,add,addition,rely,invitation,reliable,humorous,humour,inviting,9. adj.吸引人的 vt.吸引 n. 吸引人的人或事物 10. adj.自信的;确信的 n. 自信 11. adj.敏感的;灵敏的 n. 感觉 12. adj. 简短的;简要的 n. 摘要;大纲 adv

4、. 简要地;短暂地,基础自主梳理,confidence,attract,attractive,sensitive,confident,sense,brief,briefly,attraction,.用一用(境中提升) 1. As reported, more than 100 (passer-by) gathered and lifted the bus together to save the little girl. 2.She has turned down several (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on

5、her studies. 3.TOKNOW makes complex ideas (attract) and accessible to children, who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy(哲学). 4. Who will take over the company is a very (sense) issue.,基础自主梳理,invitations,passers-by,attractive,sensitive,5. The doctor the operation quite well a

6、nd the director was very satisfied with his and praised him as a real of difficult operations. (perform) 6. Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors: (humour), aggressive, and making fun of each other. 7. She wants to be a nurse. “I feel more (confidence) in my ac

7、tions now,” Taylor says. 8. Are you interested in becoming a (music) and getting a recording contract?,基础自主梳理,performance,performed,humorous,performer,confident,musician,【记一记】词不离群,基础自主梳理,1.与“音乐”有关的高频单词集锦 perform vt.演出;表演performance n.演出;表演classical adj.古典的compose vt. 作曲;创作composer n.创作者conduct vt.指挥

8、conductor n. 指挥album n.音乐专辑 2.高频合成名词荟萃 passer-by过路人;行人steamboat汽船airport飞机场 teamwork协作armchair扶手椅 sandstorm沙尘暴,【短语扫描】归纳积累 一网打尽 .填一填(掌握书写) 动词+介/副词 1. rely 依靠;依赖 2. break 打破;分裂;解体 3. attach 认为有(重要性、意义);把附在上面;连接 4. sort 分类 5. dream 梦想(重要性、意义),基础自主梳理,up,on,to,out,of,介词+名词 _all 最重要;首先 7. cash 用现金支付 8. ad

9、dition 此外;也 动词+名词+介词 9. play jokes sb 戏弄某人,基础自主梳理,in,above,on,in,be+形容词+介词 10.be/get familiar 熟悉 其他 11. or 大约 12. be honest 说实话,基础自主梳理,with,to,so,.用一用(境中提升) 选用以上短语填空 1.Besides our group, we need 20 extra workers to get the work finished in time. 2.Little children should go to school to learn somethi

10、ng. , they should learn how to behave well in social life. 3., I dont believe what you said just now.,基础自主梳理,To be honest,or so,Above all,4. With another try, they may gain what they . 5.The boys Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldnt find them.,基础自主梳理,dream of,played jokes on,【记一记】词不离群,基础自主梳理,1. “动

11、词+up”必备短语小结 break up 打破;分裂;解体give up 放弃;献出set up 架起;建立 do up 整理;包装;打扮go up 增长;上涨blow up 爆发;爆炸bring up 抚养;呕吐;提出grow up 成长,长大 2.“动词+of” 必备短语一览 dream of 梦见;梦想;设想think of 想到consist of 由组成 approve of 赞成die of 死于talk/speak of 谈到hear of 听说complain of 抱怨,基础自主梳理,【句式再现】攻克句型 对接高考,most of which was based,some o

12、f which will appeal to you,基础自主梳理,without being followed,cant live without,pretend vt. 假装;假扮 经典例句 (1)Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? 你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像是宋祖英或刘欢那样的著名歌手? (2)It is shameful that some men pretend to be rich on matchmaking websites in orde

13、r to find a beautiful Miss Right. 有些男士为了找到漂亮的另一半而在相亲网站上假装富有,这是可耻的。,核心词汇,归纳拓展,【名师指津】 pretend后接动词不定式作宾语时,根据不同的语境要求,不定式可以采用一般式、进行式、完成式来表达不同的时间概念。有类似用法的动词有happen,appear,seem,claim等。,即学即练 (1)语境填词 As Tom wasnt interested in his lessons,whenever there was an exam,he would pretend (be) ill.Last week,he _(pr

14、etend) a headache when the teacher was going to give a quiz.He pretended _(suffer) great pain during the quiz.An hour later,when the quiz was finished,he pretended (recover).What a guy!,to be,pretended,to be suffering,to have recovered,(2)单句改错 He would ask who we were and pretend not to knowing us.,

15、knowingknow考查不定式。文中to是不定式符号,know应该用动词原形。,2 attach vt.连接 经典例句 (1)To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。 (2)Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand, the scientists say. 科学家们说,很久以前的建造师有

16、可能把木棍连在石头上,使它们在沙子上滚动。,归纳拓展 attachto 认为有(重要性、意义);把附在上面;连接 attach importance to 重视 attach oneself to 依附;热爱,依恋 attach to sb/sth 与某人/物相关联/有关系 attached adj. 依恋的;附属于的 be attached to sb/sth 喜爱/依恋某人/物 attachment n.(用电子邮件发送的) 附件;附属物,【名师指津】 attachto中的to为介词,其后跟名词、动名词等。,即学即练 (1)单句语法填空 Learning strategies, which teachers have attached importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students. Please find my application letter and rsum in the


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