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1、OUTLINE,Numbers,Imperative sentences,Listening,writing,Do you know imperative sentences,No?,Lets learn!,Language,祈使句是用以表示请求,命令,警示,指令的句 子.通常以动词开头.,Find the book.,Use your computer.,Open the door.,Write it down in figures.,Multiply it by zero and then add 1.,祈使句的否定结构由肯定结构之前加 do not或dont.,Do not write

2、it down in figures.,Dont multiply it by zero and add 1.,Dont find the book.,Do not use your computer.,Dont open the door.,有时,为了出于礼貌, 会在祈使句的开头或结尾 加上please.,Please be quiet.,Sit down, please.,Dont touch the desk, please.,Sometimes we start with the name of the person receiving the instruction.,Peter,

3、be quiet.,Mary, dont be late.,Kate, look out!,Now, lets do some exercises.,1. Turn left.,Dont turn left.,2. Add 5 and 7.,Dont add 5 and 7.,3. Turn on the TV.,Dont turn on the TV.,4. Tom, eat the bread.,Tom, dont eat the bread.,5. Park the car here.,Dont park the car here.,6. Give him the paper, plea

4、se.,Dont give him the paper, please.,7. Now tell me the answer.,Now dont tell me the answer.,Play a game,Work in teams. Give each team a group of numbers and let students recite the numbers to the next member in the team to the last one. See which team can pass the numbers fastest and correctly.,Car

5、dinal numerals,642520 753631 864742531419 420308 319297,1357913 0246802 9864375 4356792 1346807 2587904,Practise saying the following numbers,126 1,026 12, 026 100,260 110,206 1,200,02610,200,026 100,200,026,Ordinal numerals,表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。,1 one -first 2 two-second 3 three-third 4 其余的序数词是由基

6、数词后加-th 变化而来。,几个特殊变化的序数词,1 five-fifth 2 twelve-twelfth 3 eight-eighth 4 nine-ninth,整十的序数词把 y 变成 i加-eth,1 twenty-twentieth 2 thirty-thirtieth 3 forty-fortieth 4 fifty -fiftieth 5 你能写出 sixty seventy eighty ninety 的序数词吗?,你对了吗?,1. Sixty-sixtieth 2. seventy-seventieth 3.eighty-eightieth 4,ninety-ninetiet

7、h,几十几的序数词,十位数不变,个位数变成序数词。,1. twenty-one 21-twenty-first 21st 2.thirty-two 32-thirty-second 32nd 3.ninety-nine 99-ninety-ninth 99th 4 .请写出66 83 48 55的序数词。,日期的表达 date,Whats the date today? Its March 28th.,( 1879.3.14-1955.4.),Einstein,His birthday is March 14th.,Lu Xun. His birthday is Sept.25th,(1881

8、.9.25-1936.10.19),When is your birthday?,Its _ .,When is Teachers Day?,Its Sept.10th.,When is Childrens Day?Its June 1st.,When is Christmas Day?,Its Dec.25th,+,-,=,=,add v. plus prep.,minus prep. subtract v.,equal,-,-,0.7,100,fraction,multiply,decimal,divide,percentage,Play a game.,Ask one student t

9、o read the following, and ask the other students to tell the answer. See which team can get the most points.,Here, youre going to watch a flash on the instructions and statements about the numbers!,?,?,23+45=58+31=67+89= 16+28=32+11=17+74=,?,?,?,23+45= 58+31= 67+89= 16+28= 32+11= 17+74= 111+123=311+

10、462= 222+333= 51-15= 74-14= 88-50= 66-49= 19-18= 102-44=,B1,2 Subtract 5 from 13 3 Multiply 7 by 8 4 Divide 16 by 4. 5 Add 9 and 6 6 Add 14 and 4and then divide the answer by2 7 Subtract 9 from 19 and then multiply the answer by 3.,2 13 minus 5 equals 8 3 7 times by 8 equals 56. 4 16 divided by 4 eq

11、uals 4. 5 9 plus 6 equals 15. 6 14 plus 4 and then divided by 2 equals 9. 7 19 minus 9 and then times by 3 equals 30.,Listening,A quiz about numbers,When you listen to numbers, you need to pay attention to: . the different kinds of numbers, such as even numbers, odd numbers, percentages and fraction

12、s. . key words about the units of height, length, time, speed, etc.,A Now try a quiz about numbers. Listen and draw a circle round the right answer.,80 49 17 2.66 26% 2/6 75 75% 75 1/8 0.75 33 56 65 66 90 90% 1/9 2565 3881 2566 2881 2565 2881 1.8% 80% 18% $5,000 $50,000 $15,000 30.5 13.5 35,writing,

13、Traffic accidents,B After drawing a graph, May wrote a paragraph about it. Complete the parograph, following these instructions:,Traffic accidents 2002-2006,The graph shows that there _ 3,691 accidents in 2002 in our city. In _, the number_ to _ and _ to _ in _. In _, the number_ again to _. It _ to _ in _.,


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