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1、1,昏迷的诊断,2,意识( consciousness),觉醒水平-上行网状激活系统 意识内容-皮层,3,上行网状激活系统The ascending reticular activating system (ARAS),4,意识障碍( disturbance of consciousness),分类 鉴别 评价 查体 定位 定性 参考文献,5,临床分类,1)嗜睡 是程度最浅的一种意识障碍,患者经常处于睡眠状态,给予较轻微的刺激即可被唤醒,醒后意识活动接近正常,但对周围环境的鉴别能力较差,反应迟钝,刺激停止又复入睡。 2)昏睡 较嗜睡更深的意识障碍,表现为意识范围明显缩小,精神活动极迟钝,对较强

2、刺激有反应。不易唤醒,醒时睁眼,但缺乏表情,对反复问话仅能作简单回答,回答时含混不清,常答非所问,各种反射活动存在。 3)昏迷 意识活动丧失,对外界各种刺激或自身内部的需要不能感知。可有无意识的活动,任何刺激均不能被唤醒。按刺激反应及反射活动等可分三度:,6,临床分类,浅昏迷: 患者意识大部分丧失,无自主运动,对声、光刺激无反应,对疼痛刺激尚可出现痛苦表情或肢体退缩等防御反应,角膜反射、瞳孔对光反射、眼球运动、吞咽等脑干反射可存在,肢体可呈伸直性去脑强直,出现病理反射,呼吸、脉搏、血压等尚无显著改变。 中昏迷: 对重度疼痛刺激可有反应,防御反射、角膜反射减弱,瞳孔对光反射迟钝,眼球无转动,呼吸

3、、脉搏、血压等生命体征出现轻度变化。 深昏迷: 患者意识全部丧失,强刺激也不能唤醒。肢体常呈弛缓状态,无自主运动,深、浅反射均消失,偶有深反射亢进与病理反射出现,常有大小便失禁、脉速、血压下降,呼吸频率与节律异常。,7,昏迷分类,8,注意,英文单词与中文词汇并非一一对应 英文的定义相互之间并不一致,9,觉醒水平arousal (level of consciousness ),Alertness, Alert 警觉 Lethargy,Lethargic / Drowsiness, Drowsy / Somnolence,somnolent 嗜睡 Obtundation, Obtunded, S

4、tupor, Stuporous / Sopor , Soporous昏睡 Coma,Comatose 昏迷,10,嗜睡 Lethargy,Lethargy (somnolence) refers to a state in which arousal, although diminished, is maintained spontaneously or with repeated light stimulation. 觉醒水平下降,但是仍存有自发活动,或对重复的轻微刺激有反应。,11,Obtundation,moderate reduction in alertness with decr

5、eased interest in environment, responsive to stimuli other than pain. Obtundation refers to a lesser state of decreased arousal with some responsiveness to touch or voice. 觉醒水平下降,对声音和碰触有反应。,12,昏睡Stupor,unresponsiveness from which the subject can be aroused only by vigorous and repeated stimuli , but

6、 lapses back into unconsciousness when stimulation ceases . 严重影响觉醒水平,对强刺激有反应 .,13,昏迷coma,Coma: “Unarousable unresponsiveness in which the subjects lie with eyes closed” Coma implies total or near-total unresponsiveness. It is a sleep-like state of unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be aro

7、used by external or internal stimuli. 对外界完全或接近完全没有反应。,14,另一种划分,Alert: normal awake and responsive state Lethargic: easily aroused with mild stim. Can maintain arousal. Somnolent: easily aroused by voice or touch; awakens and follows commands; req stim to maintain arousal Obtunded/Stuporous: arousabl

8、e only with repeated and painful stim; verbal output is unintelligible or nil; some purposeful movement to noxious stim Comatose: no arousal despite vigorous stim, no purposeful movement- only posturing, brainstem reflexes often absent,15,意识内容awareness (content of consciousness),Confusion 意识模糊 / twi

9、light state 朦胧 Delirium 谵妄 Inattentiveness, inattention 注意迟钝 Dementia 痴呆 Stupor 木僵 Delusions 妄想,16,意识模糊Confusion,意识范围缩小,注意力损害,定向力障碍,觉醒水平下降,不能执行精神状态的检查。,17,谵妄 Delirium,a clouding of consciousness with reduced ability to sustain attention to environmental stimuli. Diagnostic criteria for delirium from

10、 the DSM-IV-R include at least two of the following: (1) perceptual disturbance (misinterpretations, illusions, or hallucinations), (2) incoherent speech at times, (3) disturbance of sleep-wake cycle, and (4) increased or decreased psychomotor activity. 意识模糊,注意力涣散,语无伦次,阵发的激越,有时过度觉醒,易激惹,幻觉,典型者激越与注意力涣

11、散相交替.,18,最小意识状态 Minimally conscious state,The diagnosis is established by the presence of one or more of the following behaviors: (1) ability to follow simple commands, (2) gestural or verbal yes/no responses, (3) intelligible verbalization, or (4) purposeful behaviors that are contingent upon and r

12、elevant to the external environment.,19,持续性植物状态 Persistent vegetative state,No evidence of awareness of self or environment; inability to interact with others No voluntary response to visual, auditory, tactile, or noxious stimuli No language comprehension or expression Sleep-wake cycles Bowel and bl

13、adder incontinence Variably preserved spinal and cranial nerve reflexes Sufficiently preserved hypothalamic and autonomic functions to permit survival with medical and nursing care Condition persists for at least one month,20,无动性缄默 Akinetic Mutism,Silent, immobile but alert appearing Usually due to

14、lesion in bilateral mesial frontal lobes, bilateral thalamic lesions or lesions in peri-aqueductal grey (brainstem),21,特殊类型的意识障碍,22,容易与意识障碍混淆的行为状态,癔病 木僵 闭锁,23,癔病发作,起病多有精神因素,病人发病时仍有情感反应(如眼角噙泪)及主动抗拒动作(如扒开其上眼睑时眼球有回避动作或双睑闭得更紧)。四肢肌张力多变或挣扎、乱动。神经系统无阳性体征。心理治疗可获迅速恢复。,24,木僵,见于精神分裂症的紧张性木僵、严重抑郁症的抑郁性木僵、反应性精神障碍的反

15、应性木僵等。表现为不言不动,甚至不吃不喝,面部表情固定,大小便潴留,对外界刺激缺乏反应,可伴有蜡样屈曲、违拗症,或言语刺激触及其痛处时可有流泪等情感反应。缓解后多能清楚回忆。,25,闭锁综合征 locked-in syndrome 去传出状态 (de-efferented state),由于桥脑腹侧病变,损及皮质延髓束和皮质脊髓束所致。表现为除眼睑及眼球垂直运动外,头面及四肢运动功能丧失,不能说话,貌似意识障碍。但实际意识清楚,可以通过残存的眼硷及眼球运动回答“是”与“否”。见于桥脑肿瘤,血管病及脱髓鞘疾病等。,26,注意,谵妄、最小意识状态、持续性植物状态等有明确的诊断标准 而嗜睡、昏睡、昏

16、迷等从来没有统一的诊断标准,27,格拉斯哥昏迷量表Glasgow Coma Scale,Graham Teasdale,Jennett Bryan,28,格拉斯哥昏迷量表Glasgow Coma Scale,E 最好眼反应(4) 1、无睁眼 2、疼痛刺激睁眼 3、语言命令睁眼 4、自然睁眼 V 最好语言反应(5) 1、无语言反应 2、无意义的声音 3、无意义的语言 4、语言含糊 5、定向力好 M 最好的运动反应(6) 1、无运动反应 2、疼痛刺激伸直 3、疼痛刺激屈曲 4、逃避疼痛 5、疼痛定位 6、遵嘱运动,29,30,31,GCS的几个常见问题,1.为什么以格拉斯哥命名? Glasgow Coma Scale(格拉斯哥昏迷量表)由格拉斯哥大学的Graham Teasdale和Bryan J. Jennett于1974年制定。 2.主要包括哪几方面的内容? 主要包括睁眼反应(E)、言语反应(V)、运动反应(M)等三方面的内容。 3.评分结果如何表示? 记录方式为E_V_M_, 字母中间用数字表示。如E3V3M5=GCS11。历史上对于是否报告总分有过争论。目前认为无论是


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