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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻Module 1 一根据汉语补全单词(10分) l_fe(生活) d_ff_r_nt (不同的) t_l_v_sion(电视机) f_re(炉火) gr_ndch_ldren(外孙子、女) h_ _se(房子) fi_ld(田地) h_pe(希望) r_d_o(收音机) _go(以前)二选出每组中不同类的单词(5分) ( )1. A.changing B.were C.cooked ( )2. A.television B.radio C.life ( )3. A.small B.big C.fire ( )4. A.sister B. grandmother C.l

2、ife( )5. A.now B.ago C.lady三判断每组单词划线部分字母发音是否一样(一样写T不一样写F)(5分)1.star warm( ) 2. all autumn( )3. hard car ( ) 4.play rain( ) 5.star party( ) 四翻译短语(10分)1.a programme about China_ 2.many years ago_3.lots of buses_ 4.every day _ 5.last night _ 6.cook on a fire_ 7.work in the field _8.an old lady_ 9.how a

3、bout_ 10.talk about_五写出下列单词的过去式(10分)live_ _ can_ _ do_ _ are_ _ watch_ _ change_have_ is_ talk_ cook_六单项选择(20分)( )1.There isnt _ milk in the bottle. A. some B. any C.many( )2. We lived _ a small house. A.at B. in C.on( )3.Thank you for _ to us. A.talked B. talk C.talking( )4.Its a programme _ food.

4、A.in B. about C.at( )5.There _ any apples on the desk yesterday. A.werent B. were C.arent( )6.He _ China every day. A.miss B. missed C.misses( )7.My mother _ have any new dresses five years ago. A.doesnt B. did C.didnt( )8.Now there _ lots of buses. A.is B. was C.are( )9.She didnt have a television

5、_ a radio. A.or B. and C.but( )10.I _ you are well. A.hoping B. hoped C.hope七选词填空(5分) in to of with for1. Thank you _talking _ us. 2.I watched TV _ my grandma.3.There are lots _ books. 4.Life was different _ China.八用be的适当形式填空(5分)1.There_(be) some big houses now.2. There_(be) an old TV two years ago.

6、3. There_(be) some bikes many years ago.4. There_(be) a pen on the desk now.5. There_(be) lots of small houses ten years ago.九选择正确答句(10分)( )1.Did he have a radio? A. No,it isnt.( )2.Is it a programme about food? B. No,he didnt.( )3.Were there any cars? C.No,there arent.( )4.Are there many buses? D.Y

7、es ,there were.( )5.Did she have enough food? E.Yes ,she did.十连词成句(10分)1. in we a house lived small (. )_2. have television a she didnt (. )_3. lots buses there cars are of and (. )_4. werent any there buses (. )_5. fields worked she the in(. )_十一阅读理解,判断对错。(正确的写T, 错误的写F)(10分)Many years ago, my mothe

8、r was a teacher.She was in a small school. All the children liked her.She was a good teacher. Now she doesnt work. She likes children. She helps me and my friends with our homework.We love her very much.1.My mother was a driver. ( ) 2.She worked in a big school. ( )3. She was a good teacher. ( ) 4.S

9、he doesnt like children. ( )5. We love her very much. ( )Module2一根据汉语补全单词(6分)L_ar_t(学习)th_se(这些)d_nc_r (舞蹈演员)r_ti_ed(退休的)h_rd(努力地)cl_th_s(衣服)二翻译短语(10分)1.lots of Chinese cities_2.foreign languages_3. in his class_ 4.an English teacher_5.study very hard_ 6.learn English_7.teach Chinese_ 8.wear these c

10、lothes_9.my grandparents_ 10.a good pupil_三写出单词的正确形式(10分)1.wear(现在分词)_2.dancer(动词)_3.city(复数)_ 4.learn(过去式)_5.learn(同义词)_ 6.teach(过去式)_ 7.study(过去式)_8.teach(现在分词)_9.make(过去式)_ 10.dance(过去式)_四选出划线部分读音不同的一项(5分)( )1A.draw B.snow C.saw ( )2. A.cat B.class C.pass ( )3. A.party B. park C.warm ( )4. A.hard

11、 B.warm C.car ( )5. A.chair B. here C.hair五选出不同类的一项(10分)()1. A.lived B.cooked C.have D.were()2.A.radio B.house C.telephone D.television()3. A.learnt B.was C.dance D.made()4. A.driver B.write C.teacher D.dancer()5. A.big B.small C.good D.his六单项选择(30分)( )1.-_ not watch TV ? -Because we didnt have a TV

12、. A.What B.Where C.Why( )2.-Did they _English? -Yes, they _English. A.learnt learn B.learn learnt C.learnt learnt( )3.She _ a student ten years ago, but she _ a teacher now. A.is,was B.was,is C.was,was( )4.He is _ English teacher. A.a B.the C. an( )5.She _ very hard many years ago. A.studyed B.study C.studied( )6.-_ is that old lady? -She is my grandmother. A. What B.Who C.Whose( )7.Mr Wang _ Chinese now. A.teach B.is teaching



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