话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇.ppt

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《话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,命题点:针对的话题主要关于课堂学习方式与方法、课堂学习情况的评价、课外学习与提升等方面。主要涉及描述学校学习情况、帮助同学解决学习问题、通过阅读或其他方式进行自我提升等方面。,话 题 点 睛,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,参考谚语 1Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 2No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 3Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。 4There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟

2、。 5It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。,常 用 表 达,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,相关短语 be helpful to 有助于; as much as possible 尽可能多地; be afraid of 害怕; make mistakes 犯错误; make good use of 充分利用; open ones eyes 开阔眼界; have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事; try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,亮点句型 学习方法 1We can get

3、 knowledge by reading a lot of good books. 2Im writing to offer you some advice on how to learn Chinese well. 3It is helpful to read some good Chinese newspapers and magazines. 4Try to speak Chinese as much as possible and dont be afraid of making mistakes. 5Wed better make good use of time.,话题写作 (二

4、) 学习提高篇,学习体验 1It can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy. 2Reading also helps us grow up better. 3In this way your reading ability can be improved. 4The more you speak, the better your spoken Chinese will be. 5Not only can they help develop our ability of independent study, but

5、also we can have more chances to show ourselves.,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1你说英语越多,你的英语就会越好。 _ _ you speak English, _ _ your English will become. 2不要把今天能做的事情推迟到明天。 Dont _ _ what we can do today till tomorrow.,基 础 写 作,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,The more,the,better,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1你说英语越多,你的英语就会越好。 _ _ you speak Eng

6、lish, _ _ your English will become. 2不要把今天能做的事情推迟到明天。 Dont _ _ what we can do today till tomorrow.,put off,3用英语记日记是提升你写作(技能)的好方法。 _ a diary in English is _ _ _ _ improve your writing (skill) 4我们每天应该花费至少一小时锻炼我们的身体。 We should _ at least an hour _ our body every day. 5当我的英语提升时,我会很喜欢说英语。 When my English

7、 _, I _ _speaking it.,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,Keeping,a good,way to,spend exercising,improves will,enjoy,.用括号内所给的短语,将下列句子译成英语 1不要害羞,也不要害怕犯错误。(be afraid of) _ _ 2如果我们有问题,我们应该向老师或同学寻求帮助。(askfor) _ _ _,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,Dont be shy or afraid of making mistakes.,We should ask the teachers or classmates for help if

8、we have questions./If we have questions, we should ask the teachers or classmates for help.,3我们的老师将会尽最大努力使课堂有趣生动。(makeadj.) _ _ 4语文老师经常给我们讲故事,以便我们能对她的课保持兴趣。(so that) _ _ 5我们老师给了我们足够的时间去学习和自主思考。(think for oneself) _ _,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,Our teachers will try their best to make the classes interesting and

9、 lively.,Our Chinese teacher often tells us stories so that we can keep interested in her class.,Our teachers give us enough time to study and think for ourselves.,随着中国诗词大会和朗读者的开播,全国上下再一次掀起了阅读的热潮,请以“Lets Read More!”为题,写一篇短文。 写作要求:1.表达清晰,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2词数80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 3文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名和地名。 参考词汇:get

10、 knowledge, make us clever and happy,典 型 例 题,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,Lets Read More! Reading is very important in our daily lives. _,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,【思路点拨】 1要点提炼:主题是号召大家阅读,结合参考词汇,写作内容可以从以下几方面展开: (1)开门见山,指出阅读的重要性,号召多读书; (2)具体阐述阅读在学习和生活方面给我们带来的好处; (3)拓展造成阅读少的原因,并提出克服的建议。 2确定时态:一般现在时 3确定人称:第一人称,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,【写

11、作模板】,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,【佳作赏析】 Lets Read More! Reading is very important in our daily lives. We can get knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open up our eyes but also make us clever and happy. Our study can be improved if we read more books. Reading also helps us grow up better. How

12、ever, many activities take up much of our reading time, such as listening to music, watching TV and surfing the Internet. What a pity! So I would like to suggest that everyone should read some good books. They will be very helpful to us! Lets start reading now!,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,【名师点评】 1给出的首句开门见山,直接点明了

13、阅读的重要性。 2在正文部分从多个方面进行论证,结合了参考词汇,并适当拓展,使文章具有说服力。 3句式多样化,并巧妙运用连词。not onlybut also连接的并列句,if引导的条件状语从句,转折连词however的运用,what引导的感叹句,that引导的宾语从句等,凸显了作者深厚的英语功底,为文章增色不少。,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,A 假设你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Mike最近对中文很感兴趣,写信向你询问如何学好中文。请你根据以下提示内容,给他写一封回信。 提示:,实 战 演 练,话题写作 (二) 学习提高篇,注意: 1内容必须包含表格中所提供的所有信息,可适当发挥; 2词数:80100。开头和结尾


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