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1、,第三部分 写作技能培优,第四课时如何写好补语,一、宾语补足语 补充说明宾语是什么、做什么、处于什么状态的成分,其逻辑主语为句子的宾语。常用结构为: 主语谓语动词宾语宾语补足语 I think the film well worth seeing as it carries the main idea that justice can always beat evil.(形容词作宾语补足语) 我认为这部电影很值得一看,它表达了正义总是能够战胜邪恶的观点。,练一练 体育运动有助于我们增强体质,提高平衡能力,培养耐力和合作精神。(不定式作宾语补足语) Sports _,improve our ab

2、ility of balance,develop our endurance and cooperation sense. 二、主语补足语 主语补足语是对主语的补充,在写作中用到的句子相对较少。 She was elected chairman of Students Union.(名词短语作主语补足语) 她被选为学生会主席。,help us build up our body,三、with的复合宾语结构 with的复合结构是写作的一种高级表达形式,常见的形式有: With many things to settle,he cant attend the party.(不定式作宾语补足语) 有

3、许多事情要处理,他不能参加晚会。,【温馨提示】with是介词,因此在with复合结构中的动词要使用非谓语形式。 As the Internet is becoming more and more popular,we have fewer facetoface talks with our friends.(as是连词故其后使用了谓语动词) With the Internet becoming more and more popular,we have fewer facetoface talks with our friends.(with后使用了现在分词短语) 句式升级:恰当地使用with

4、复合结构可以提高句子的档次。 The newlyelected president is busy as he has much work to do. With much work to do,the newlyelected president is like a cat on a hot brick.(用了with复合结构,并使用了谚语),练一练 随着期末考试的来临,老师敦促我们努力学习。(现在分词短语作宾语补足语) _,our teacher urges us to study hard. 四、it作形式宾语的复合宾语结构 主语谓语形式宾语it宾语补足语真正宾语(不定式或宾语从句)可以

5、用于这样结构的动词有:feel,find,think,make,consider等。 I found it pleasant to be with your family.(形容词作宾语补足语) 我发现和你的家人在一起很令人愉快。,With the final exam drawing near/approaching,【温馨提示】受母语的影响,在写作中往往漏掉这个结构中的形式宾语“it”。 他觉得很有必要接受他们的建议。 He found necessary to follow their advice.() (按照汉语思维句子意义通顺,但是英语句子结构错误) He found it nec

6、essary to follow their advice.() 练一练 我认为帮助穷人是我们的责任。(名词作宾语补足语) _,I think it our duty that we should help the poor.,.基础巩固(单句改错) 1The speaker spoke louder but still couldnt make himself understand._ 2 was elected the chairman of the Peoples Republic of China._ 3The teacher asked us not make so much noi

7、se._ 4Dont leave the water run while you brush your teeth. _,understandunderstood,去掉第一个the,not后加to,runrunning,5Hed like to sleep with the window opening._ 6She looked around and caught a man put his hand into the pocket of a passenger._,openingopen,putputting,.能力提升 1按要求翻译句子 (1)随着教育的迅速发展,课外活动变得越来越受到学

8、生的欢迎。(使用with复合结构) _ _ (2)过去学生被迫去参加各种补习班。(使用不定式作主语补足语) _ _ (3)现在学生被鼓励参加各种各样的课外活动。(使用不定式作主语补足语) _ _,With education developing fast,afterclass activities are becoming more and more popular with students.,In the past,students were forced to attend all kinds of extra classes.,Nowadays,students are encour

9、aged to take part in varieties of afterclass activities.,(4)课外活动把学生从繁重的学习中解脱(free)出来。(使用介词短语作宾语补足语) _ (5)课外活动让我们丰富知识、强壮身体成为可能。(使用it作形式宾语) _ _ (6)课外活动不仅让我们的学校生活丰富多彩,还能够提高我们的学习。(使用形容词作宾语补足语) _ _,Afterclass activities free students from the heavy study.,Afterclass activities make it possible for us to

10、enrich our knowledge and build up our body.,Afterclass activities will not only make our school life colorful,but also improve our learning.,2根据提示,选用以上句子写一篇关于学生课外活动(afterclass activities)变化的小短文 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,One possible version: With education developing fast,afterclass activities are becom

11、ing more and more popular with students.In the past,students were forced to attend all kinds of extra classes while nowadays students are encouraged to take part in varieties of afterclass activities,which free students from the heavy study. Afterclass activities will not only make our school life colorful,but also improve our learning.Whats more,afterclass activities make it possible for us to enrich our knowledge and build up our body.,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,


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