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1、用心爱心专心1 湖南省怀化市会同三中八年级英语上册Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation:period 1 教案人教新目标版 学习目标 掌握有关假期生活的动词 假期里自己打算的简单表达 谈论假期要做的事情及可能的情况。 谈论假期时旅游的天气,旅游者以及食物等。 二、学习向导 语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇 What are you doing for vacation? I m spending time with my friends When is she going? Shes going on Monday / on the 12 th / n

2、ext week How long is she staying? Shes staying just for four weeks Role playing Listening for key words relaxing, visiting, spending time, babysitting, bike riding, sightseeing, fishing, take walks, rent, how long 语言结构语言功能跨学科学习 Pr esent progressive as future Where, when, how long questions Talk abou

3、t future plans 了解和熟悉北京地 理 三主题思维图及任务型活动 用心爱心专心2 四教学步骤: Step 1: Lead in: Listen to the tape of Section A 2a,2b Before listening, two questions are given: What are they doing on vacation? When are they going on vacation? Step 2: Task one: show ones own vacation plan Pair work and presentation Brai n st

4、orm: let students speak out the vacation activities they d like to do Step 3: Task two: Travel around Listen to the tape of Section B2a,ab Step 4: Class work: ask classmates about their vacation plan and fill in a chart Name Place Weather Activities When How long Sample: Name Place Weather Activitie

5、s When How long 用心爱心专心3 Mary Hongkong Sunny, warm and humid Going to the beaches, going to the Sea Park Next summer Two weeks Jim Step 5: Task three: Venessas tour in Beijing Imagine you are a tourist guide from agency You plan the schedules with you group mates for Venessa in Beijing The schedule m

6、ust contains: Where are you going? What are you doing there? What should tourists take with them? Where are you leaving from? What time are you leaving? What are you eating? Step 6: Report: Hi, Venessa I m glad to tell you the agenda Step7: Homework: write down your schedule and write a letter to he

7、r 教学点评及反思: 一环节设计思路: 本课以听说为主线,以三个环环相扣,循序渐进的任务展开知识学习。 首先就以课本中的一段对话听力引入,将学生自然带入语言环境,并初步感受到本课的 主要话题是谈论假期活动。由此引出本课第一个任务,学生自己谈论各自的假期活动安排, 用心爱心专心4 并为第二个任务做了铺垫。学会陈述自己的情况之后,还要交流和了解他人的假期活动,因 此,第二个任务接踵而来,学生开始自由调查班级里其他同学的假期活动安排是怎样的。 这个任务承上启下,它引出本课的中心任务:即为Venessa 安排北京之旅的日程。 二课后反思: 本课在设计上听说结合,相得益彰。 首先给学生创造了一个语言环境,让学生自然融入, 然后,缓缓导入阶梯状任务链,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实, 因此学 生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导点到为 止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。另外,教师在几个任务之间的点评也很及时到位,给学 生非常清晰的范例和指示,利于学生明确任务的方向。


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