Unit 2 My School Lesson 3 教案 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 My School Lesson 3教案 1教学目标1、理解对话大意,并用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2、运用句型Do you have?询问教室或场馆;运用Welcome to our school!表示欢迎以及This way, please.引导方向。3、在语境中理解新词和词组class, computer room, art room, music room, playground, gym的意思并正确发音。4、热情接待来访者,向他人介绍自己的学校,热爱自己的学校。教学重难点1、用句型Do you have?询问教室或场馆;2、在语境中理解新词和词组class, comput

2、er room, art room, music room, playground (gym)的意思并正确发音。教学准备与教材内容相关的教学视频、录音、图片。教学过程设计一、热身(Warm-up)教师播放歌曲Our school学生先跟唱再齐唱。二、新课呈现与操练 (Presentation and practice)1、教师利用主情景图第一个场景图片,请学生根据学校模型简单介绍相关场所,如:Thats the playground. Its big and nice. Its on the floornext to (适当替换横线上的单词或词组).2、教师扮演来访者,学生根据实际情况作介绍。

3、师问:Do you have a library?生答:Yes, we do. Its on the first floor.出示更多居室或学校建筑的单词卡,让学生用卡片练习该句型。3、基于以上学习,教师进一步介绍:Chen Jies school is big, and her classroom is big, too. How many students are there in her class? 学生听完整对话录音,回答问题。4、课件出示教材第16页learn部分图片,介绍自己的学校,学习单词playground 、gym和词组computer room,art room,musi

4、c room.三、扩展延伸(Consolidation and extension)1、教师播放talk录音,学生完整听完一遍后,逐句进行跟读,注意说话者的语气及句子的升降调。2、仿照Lets play,一人扮演来访者,一人扮演向导,练习句型Do you have? Yes, we do. Where is it? Its。3、教材第8页,Look, ask and answer.巩固learn部分单词。四、总结(Sum-up)Through the study of this lesson, what knowledge have you learned?局部语言:Do you have a library? Yes, we do. Its on.感知、理解句子:Welcome to our school! 表示欢迎以及This way ,please.引导方向。5、 限时作业(Time-limited practice)写一段话介绍自己的学校。板书设计: Unit 2 Lesson 3computer room,art room,music room, playground , gymIs that the? No, it isnt. Its the .Do you have a ? Yes, we do.Where is it? Its on.


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