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1、用心 爱心 专心1 学科English 课型fres h 年级9 课题Unit 12 You re supposed to shake hands. 3/5 教学 媒体 A tape recorder , CAI 教 学 目 标 知识 技能 1.Key Vocabulary land, drop by, after all, relaxed, a bit 2.Target Language Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do? 过程 方法 1.Train students integrating skills 2.Train student

2、s communicative competence 情感 态度 When youre invited to a place, you mustn t be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes That is, you should act according to your hosts customs 教学 重点 Train students integrating skills 教学 难点 How to improve students integrating skills 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意

3、图 Step 1. Revision Ask some pairs to act out the conversations about telling what you are supposed to do before the class. Step 2.Presentation 3a 1.Read the instructions 2.Ask a student to answer what an opinion is (An opinion is what you think or how you feel about something ) 3.Look at the chart P

4、oint to the word attitude on the chart and say, An opinion is like an attitude Tell students what they will write in the chart 4.Ask students to read the first paragraph on their own When they read, move around the classroom helping them as necessary Then ask students to read the second paragraph Ag

5、ain, as they read, move around the classroom answering any questionsThen read the instructions again and point out the chart Point to the words attitude toward and ask what other words in the instruction line mean the same thing (opinions of) Work as the teacher says. 复习上节课所学 内容 , 巩固所学知 识。 理解一些短语, 为

6、 理解文章做准备。 用心 爱心 专心2 5.Invite a student to read the sample answer t o the class Then let him point out which sentence the answer is found in 6.Ask students to read the paragraphs again and complete the chart on their own 7.Correct the answers with the class 3b 1.Go through the instructions for the ac

7、tivity with the class 2.Look at the example in the box Ask two students to read the conversation to the class 3.Have students work in pairs 4.Ask some different pairs to say their conversations to the class Part 4 1.Let students read the instructions 2.Ask a pair of students to model the sample dial

8、ogueCorrect any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class 3.Get students to complete the work in pairsAs they work, walk around the classroom offering help as needed 4.Review the task Ask a few students to share their conversations with the w

9、hole class Step 3 Summary 1.Learning some new words. 2.Know the differences between in different countries. Step 4 Homework Writing: . First practice this conversation with a partnerThen talk about their attitude toward bei ng on time and getting together with their friends Use true information Make a pairwork. 运用所学知识, 结 合实际情况, 使知 识运用到实际生 活中去。 通过任务练习, 检 测学生本堂课的 掌握情况。 板 书 设 计 Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands. The third period Words:relaxed,land,towards,greet Phrases:drop by,after all Countries:Colombia,Switzerland Cities:Cali,Lausanne 教 学 反 思



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