Unit 5 Family Activities Lesson 1 习题.doc

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1、Unit 5 Family Activities Lesson 1习题一、写出下列动词的-ing形式1、watch-2、water-3、cook- 4、dance-5、sing-6、do-二、写出下列单词的中文意思。1. clean the room_ 2. watch TV _ 3. walking the dog_ 4. clean the windows_ 5. feeding the fish_ 三、选择填空。1.Whatareyou_now?A.doingB.doC.does2.Im_ane-mail.A. writingB.writeingC.writting3.Tomisread

2、ing_.A. bookB.abooksC.apple4. Kateis_.A. runingB.runningC.run5. Werelistening_music.A.toB.atC.of6.What_theydoingnow?A.isB.amC.are7. What_youdoing?A.isB.areC.do8. _isyourbrotherdoing?A. WhoB.WhatsC.What四、根据上下文补上所缺的单词的ing形式,使短文完整。(writedocookcleanwashanswerlistendrawreadwork)Everybodyisverybusy.Grandp

3、ais_aletter.Grandmais_abook.Dadis_inthestudy.Momis_dinnerinthekitchen.Brotheris_tomusic.Sisteris_theroom.Iam_pictures.Uncleis_thephone.Auntis_clothes.Cousinis_homework.答案:一、watching watering cooking dancing singing doing 二、打扫房间 看电视 遛狗 擦窗 喂鱼 三、A A A B A C B C 四、writing reading working cooking listening cleaning drawing answering washing doing


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