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1、Welcome to Successful Transition to Supervisor 欢迎参加成功成长为一名主管之培训,Warm It Up!热身活动,Select one of the listed “arguments” 选择一个罗列的“观点” Select someone you dont already know well 选择一位你不太熟悉的学员 Introduce yourself 介绍你自己 For one minute, “convince” the person of your “argument” 在一分钟内,让对方信服你的“观点” Reverse roles 互换

2、角色,PLG 1,What is your most important responsibility as a supervisor? 做为一名主管,你最重要的职责是什么? To produce results: The only way to do this is through the efforts of the people around you 要产生结果:通过你周围人的共同努力是唯一途径 Interesting fact: 89% of supervisors and managers surveyed indicated that their least favorite ma

3、nagement activity was “dealing with the performance of people” 有趣的事实:调查表明,89%的主管和经理最不喜欢的管理活动是“处理人的工作表现”,PLG 2,Introduction 介绍,Definition: Management is the process of accomplishing organizational objectives through Associates, teams and other supervisors/managers 定义:管理是在员工、团队和主管/经理的共同努力下达成组织目标的过程 Ma

4、nagement is technique and process driven and can be learned by anyone able to follow a process 管理是一项技能和推动的程序,任何能遵循一定程序的人都能来学习这项技能,PLG 2,Introduction 介绍,PLG 3,Main Objective of Management 管理的主要目标,PLG 3,Main Objective of Management 管理的主要目标,Individually, read the following list of benefits and outcomes

5、 that can result from a successful transition每个人阅读成功成为主管后会取得的收益及结果 Select the three most important to you选择你认为最重要三项收益 As a table group, decide on three that you all agree on分组讨论你们一致认为的三项收益 Please be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与各组分享讨论结果,PLG 6,Which Benefits Do I Want?我想获得哪些收益?,In

6、dividually, read the list of situations 浏览所列工作场景 Select the top two situations you currently face 选择二个目前你工作中正面临的问题 Please be prepared to share these with the larger group准备与其它小组分享你的选择,PLG 6,When Can I Apply These Skills?我什么时候能够使用这些技能?,Individually, read the list of course objectives 浏览课程目标 Select th

7、e top three that are most important to you 选择你认为最重要的三个目标 As a table group, decide on three that you all agree on 与小组成员讨论小组认为最重要的三个目标 Please be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与其它小组分享讨论结果,PLG 7,What Will I Learn? 我将学习什么内容?,(Can be Taylor made) Session Time 课程时间: 8:30- 5:30 Breaks and

8、Rest Rooms 课间休息 Cell Phones and Pagers 手机和拷机 Room Temperature 房间室温 Class Agreements 课堂共识,Ground Rules and Housekeeping 上课规则,Please read the directions and complete the exercise 请阅读指南并完成练习 Be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与其它小组分享,PLG 8,What Is Your View?你看到了什么?,(Taylor made) Obtain

9、a Supervisor JD for your function 拿一份相关职务的岗位职责 Review the JD and highlight what you think are the key roles of a supervisor, especially those that are different from an Associate回顾岗位职责,找出你认为主管的主要职责,特别是你认为与员工明显不同的职责 Please be prepared to share these with the larger group准备与其它小组分享你的想法,Main Roles of a

10、Supervisor 主管的主要职责,Below is just a sample of some of the necessary competencies of a Great Supervisor. Which ones are most important for you?,PLG 10,Starwoods Leadership Success Profile,Development based on Career Turns 基于事业“拐点”的个人发展,Associate (Independent Contributor) 员工(独立工作者),PLG i,This self-asse

11、ssment will help you determine how much this workshop can help you enhance your effectiveness as a supervisor这个自我评估将帮助你了解本课程对你的主管技能之提高能够发挥多少效力 There are no right or wrong answers这里没有正确或错误答案 Please be honest. Only you will see the results请诚实回答,只有你能看到答案,PLG 11-12,Self-Assessment自我评估,Travel around the

12、room and collect 4 pieces of great management advice from 4 different people在教室内从其它四位不同的学员那里每位得到四个关于卓越管理的建议 At the end you should have 16 tips from others活动结束后你应收集到共16个建议,PLG 13,Supervisor Scavenger Hunt 主管技能建议搜寻,Individually, read the situation.独自阅读案例 As a table group, answer each question.与小组成员一起回

13、答每个问题 Please be prepared to share your responses with the larger group. 准备与各小组一起分享你的答案,PLG 14,Case Study: Jane Moves Up! 案例分析:简的事业发展,Pair up with another participant与一位学员组成小组 Arrange your chairs so that you are sitting directly behind each other, back-to-back 调整你的座位与你的组员背靠背的坐 Review the card given t

14、o you by the facilitator 仔细观察训导师给你的卡片 Do not show or describe the image to your partner 不要给他人看卡片或向你的同伴描绘你看到的 Wait for further instruction 等待训导师的下一步指示,Clay Charades 猜谜,Sender 说话人,Receiver 听话人,Visual 视觉,The sender has a purpose, an understanding of timeliness, and an understanding of timing说话人的目的是取得听话

15、人适时的理解,The response and effect on the receiver is exactly as intended by the sender. It is predictable.听话人的反应和回应正是说话人想要达到的目的,这种反应是可以预见的,Vocal 声音,Verbal 措辞,The sender selects the right media based on the simplicity and content of the message. 说话人基于简单的原则和信息的内容选择适当的媒介,A Perfect Communication Situation

16、一个完善的交流场景,55%,7%,38%,PLG 15-16,LM 2 - The 3Vs of Communication 三V沟通方式,Sender 说话人,Receiver 听话人,Visual 视觉,The sender has a purpose, an understanding of timeliness, and an understanding of timing说话人的目的是让听话人能够适时的听懂 他的话,The effect on the receiver is uncertain. The response is unpredictable. 听话人的听话效果不明确,因而做出地反应是不可预见的,Vocal 声音,Verbal 措辞,Here, noise interferes with the intended message. T



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