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1、 编号:_本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载租赁合同,中英文版 甲 方:_乙 方:_日 期:_说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。PREMISES LEASE CONTRACT立合同人:出租方(以下简称甲方):Parties to the Contract:Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):承租方(以下简称乙方):Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B

2、):甲、乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。Having reached unanimity through friendly consultation and negotiation, Party A and Party B, hereby agree to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties.一建物地址:甲方将其所有的位丁苏州市园 区 的房屋在正常状态下出租给乙方 居住使用。Address of Premises : Party A lets to Party B its lawfully

3、 owned premises in normal condition ,located at District, Suzhou for purpose.二、房屋面积:出租房屋的登记面积为约 平方米(建筑面积)。Area of Premises :The registered area of the premises let by Party A shall be square meters ( area).三、租赁期限:租赁期自 年月日起至 年月日止。甲方应丁 年月日以前将房屋腾空交给乙方使用。Lease Term:The lease term shall be from(month) (d

4、ay), (year) to(month) (day), (year).Party A shall vacate the premises and deliver it to Party B for use before (month) (day) (year).四、定金:1、乙方应付的定金为 整,年 月 日支付给甲方定金共计 整。余额丁 日内补足。Earnest Money: Party B should pay as a earnest money . The earnest money to be paid to Party A on (month) (day), (year) shal

5、l be in total. The rest shall bemade up withindays.2、 在本合同签定之后至租期开始之前如甲方违约,则上述定金由甲方双倍返还乙 方,如乙方违约则定金甲方所有并不再返还。If Party A violates the Contract after it is signed and before the lease term begins, it shall pay double earnest money back to Party B . If Party B violates the Contract, the earnest money s

6、hall be confiscated by Party A.3、租期开始之后,上述定金 。After the lease term begins, the above mentioned earnest mon 五、租金:1、 数额:双方议定租金为每月人民币 整,乙方以 形式支付给 甲方。Rental:Amount: The total amount of monthly rental agreed upon by both parties shall be. Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in the form of.2、租金调整约定:Ag

7、reement of rental adjustment:。3、支付方式:租金按个月为壹期支付,第一期租金丁 年月日以前付札以后每期租金支付时间为 ,先付后用(若乙方以汇款 形式支付租金,则汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担),甲方收到租金后应予以 书面签收。Method of Payment :The payment of rental shall be made every months.The first payment shall be made before(month) (day), (year). Each successive payment shall be made .Par

8、ty B shall pay the rental before it moves into the premises. ( If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be day of rental payment . The remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party A shall issue a written receipt after each payment of rental is receiv

9、ed.4, 如乙方逾期支付租金超过五日,则每逾期一日按应付租金的白分之一向甲方 支付滞纳金。如乙方逾期超过十五日,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约。甲方有权 收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。If Party B delays such rental payment in the excess of 5 days, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party A at the rate of 1% of the due rental for each day of delay. If the delay is in excess of 15 days, it sh

10、all be deemed as automatically quitting tenancy, which shall constitute breach of contract. Then, Party A shall have the right to recover the leased premises and take actions against Party B for liabilities of breach of contract六、保证金:1、为确保房屋及其附届设施之安全与完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意支付给甲方保证金共计 整,除乙方已支付的部分外,乙方应丁

11、 年月 日前支付给甲方,甲方在收到保证金后应予以书面签收。Deposit of Security:To ensure that the premises and its accessory facilities asafe and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the term of lease, Party B agrees to pay to Party A as a deposit of security for fulfilling the Cont

12、ract. In addition to the amount has been already paid, Party B shall pay before (month) (day), (year) to Party A. After receiving the deposit, Party A should issue a written receipt.2、除合同另有约定之外,甲方应丁租赁关系消除且乙方迁空房屋、以正常使用后 的状态归还房屋及其附届设施、并付活所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退 还乙方。Unless otherwise agreed upon, the full a

13、mount of deposit of security shall be refunded by Party A without interest to Party B upon expiration of the lease, Provided that Party B has vacated the premises, left the premise and everything in the premises intact and paid up all expenses due.3、因乙方违反本合同的规定,而产生的违约金、损害赔偿金以及应付租金及相关费 用,甲方可在保证金中扣抵,不

14、足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十天内补足。Any penalty for breach of contract, compensation for damage and rental and other relevant fees payable arising from Party Bs violation of the provisions of the Contract may be deducted by Party A from the deposit of security. Any shortage thereof must be made up for by Party B

15、 within ten days of the receipt of the notice of payment issued by Party A.七、其他费用:1) 乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电讯、等一切因乙方实际使用而产生的费 用,并按单如期缴纳。Other Fees: Party B shall bear the water, electricity, gas and communication fees, and all other fees incurred by Party B in actual use and pay the bills on schedule during the term of lease.


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