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1、第四章 国际海上货物运输与保险法,本章内容:提单的性质、种类、承运人的责任以、租船运输合同的种类。 海上运输保险的原则、承保的损失、承保的险别、保险人责任的起讫。,教学要求:掌握提单的性质和种类,以及承运人的责任。 了解海上运输保险的原则,掌握承保的损失、承保的险别,熟悉保险人责任的起讫。,第一节国际海上货物运输法 一、提单 (一)调整提单的公约 1、海牙规则 2、维斯比规则 3、汉堡规则,3、The Bill of Lading as a Document of Title(权益凭证) (三)提单的种类 1、以货物是否装船分为已装船提单和收货待运提单 (1)已装船提单(On Board BL

2、 or Shipped BL),同一票货物全部装进船舱或装上舱面并经大副签收后,根据托运人要求,由承运人、船长或代理人签发给托运人的提单。 (2)待运提单(Received for Shipment BL) 承运人收到并掌管托运货物等待装船期间,经托运人要求所签发的提单。,2、按收货人抬头分为记名提单、指示提单和不记名提单 (1)记名提单(straight BL) 指记名货物交付或指定给具体人的凭证。 记名提单安全,但在多数国家不具备流通性。,(2)不记名提单(Blank B/L; Open BL; Bearer B/L) 指发货人没有指明任何收货人,收货人栏内仅注明“交与持有人”(to be

3、arer)的 提单。 缺乏安全性。,(3)指示提单(Order B/L) 处理提单所列货物的人经背书指示交付货物的提单。 指示提单发生遗失或被盗,不致被他人任意冒领提货;并可经背书 转让。,3、以提单上是否有不良批注分为清洁提单和不清洁提单 (1)清洁提单(Clean BL) 指对货物外表未加不良批注的提单。 (2)不清洁提单(Foul BL) 明显声明货物及或包装有缺陷的提单。,(四)Carriers Duty under a Bill of Lading 1、to exercise due diligence to the ship seaworthy, before and at the

4、 beginning of the voyage,2、 To Exercise Due Diligence to Properly and Carefully Loading, Handing, Stowing(积载), Carrying, Keeping(保管), Caring for(照料), and Discharging the Goods Carried. 管货过失与管船过失不同:前者不能免责;后者可免责。,3、unlawful deviation is not allowed (五)Carriers Immunities Article 4(2) of the Hague Rule

5、s provides: “Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from 1、Act, neglect, or default of the master,mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation(驾驶) or in the management(管理) of the ship; 2、Fire, unless caused by the actual faul

6、t or privity of the carrier,3、Perils, dangers, and accidents of the sea or other navigable water(海难); 4、Act of God(天灾); 5、Act of war; 6、Act of public enemies; 7、Arrest or restraint of princes, rules,or people, or seizure under legal process; 8、Quarantine(检疫) restrictions; 9、Act or omission of the sh

7、ipper or owner of the goods, or his agent or repre-sentative; 10、Strikes or lockouts or stoppage or,or restraint of labor from whatever cause, whether partial or general ; provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve a carrier from responsibility for the carriers own acts; 11

8、、 Riots and civil commotions;,12、Saving or attempting to save life or property at sea; 13、Wastage in bulk or weight or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect, quality, or vice of the goods; 14、Insufficiency of packing,15、Insufficiency or inadequacy of marks; 16、Latent defects not disc

9、overable by due diligence; and 17、Any other cause arising without the actual fault and privity of the carrier and without the fault or negli-,ence of the agents or servants of the carrier, but the burden of proof shall be on the person claiming the benefit of this exception to show that neither the

10、actual fault or privity of the carrier nor the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier contributed to the loss or damage.,The provisions show that the Hague and Hague Visby Rules exempt carriers from almost all liability from damages. Once the goods carried are damaged, carriers ca

11、n use any of the 17 immunities to excuse his liability. The Hamburg Rules prolongs the carriers period of,responsibility: The responsibility of the carrier for the goods under this Convention covers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the port of loading, during the carr

12、iage and at the port of discharge. The,carrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods: (1) from the time he has taken over the goods; (2) until the time he has delivered the goods. The most important modification by the Hamburg Rules is that it has canceled carriers immunities from the,act, neglect,

13、 or default of the master. marine, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship.,(六)承运人的责任限额 1、海牙规则:100英镑/件或单位 2、维斯比规则:10 000金法郎/件或单位 30法郎/公斤(毛重), 以两者较高者为准 3、汉堡规则:835特别提款权/件,或单位 2.5特别提款权/公斤(毛重)。 比海牙规则高4倍,比维斯比规则提高25%。,二、租船运输 (一)Voyage Charterparties(航次租船合同)

14、 When a charterer hires a ship and its crew for the carriage of goods from one place to another, the charterer and shipowner have entered into a voyage,charterparty . Under the terms most commonly used in such a contract, the owner agrees to provide the ship at a named port at a specified time and t

15、o carry the goods to the contracted desti-nation. The charterer agrees to provide a full cargo and to arrange for its load-,ing at an agreed-upon time. In the charterparty both the port of loading and the port of discharge must be mentioned, although the charterer may be given power to order the shi

16、p to proceed to any port within the limits named in the charterparty.,1、The Implied Terms The law implies the following three terms into every voyage charter: (1) that the ship is seaworthy; (2) that it shall proceed with reasonable dispatch; and that three should be no,unjustifiable deviation. 2、Lay Days and Demurrage When the ship is an arrived ship and the shipowner gives the charterer notice of readiness, the lay days begin to run. Notice of readiness to load must al


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