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1、IWPE 99 JinanTotal Normalized Productive Maintenance- TNPM 全员规范化生产维修,李葆文 Li Baowen 广州大学 Guangzhou University 广州,小北登峰麓景路,510091,IWPE 99 Jinan什么是TPM? What is TPM ?,全效率 O E E 全系统 Whole System 全 员 All Members Participating,TPM大行动 TPM ACTION 空间、时间全系统 SPACE,TIME,THE WHOLE SYSTEM 设备管理靠全员 ALL MEMBERS PARTIC

2、IPATING 提高效率才成功 SUCCESS RELIES ON OEE INCLRESING,What is The Most Difficult Point to Implement TPM in China ?,什么是在中国推行TPM的最难点? 全 员参加 All Members Participating,“ 全员” 这一理念对不对?,“ All members participating”, right or wrong? 有人说:“ 设备维修是维修工人的事,这么先进的设备让只会操作的操作工人去维修,简直是胡闹!” Somebody said:” It is a nonsense

3、that the advanced equipment is repaired by the operator who knows only operating”,We need to change our traditional thinking pattern !,我们应该改变传统的心智模式! What effects our thinking pattern? 什么影响着我们的心智模式? 经验,教训, 历史, 习惯,理论 experience, teaching, history, habit, theory, ,“ Clear to zero.” Let s change our th

4、inking pattern .,让我们改变自己的心智模式。 不断的使自己思想进入“ 归零” 状态。,EVEN ANIMAL HAS HIS THINKING PATERN.即使动物都有自己的心智模式,什么拴住了大象? WHAT FASTENS THE PITY ELEPHANT? 是细细的绳子和棍子? IS THE THIN ROPE OR BAR? NO!不是! THE THINKING PATERN OF THE ELEPHANT! 是大象的心智模式!,What is the failure? 什么是故障?,故障的语源:故障是人 故 意使 设备产生 障 碍的。 According to

5、the linguistic source of “ failure” in Chinese, it is the people who break down the machine on purpose.,Worker is the mother of the machine, machine is a baby who can not say.,工人是设备的母亲,设备是不会说话的婴儿。 如果每个员工象母亲对待自己不会说话的婴 儿那样对待和关心设备,设备就是健康宝宝。 If the operator is concerned with and pay close attention to h

6、is equipment like the mother toward her son, then the equipment will certainly be a healthy baby.,故障是冰山的顶峰。The failure is the peak of an iceberg.,failure 故障 dirt 脏污 heating 发热 vibrating 振动 leaking 滴漏 loosening 松动 short-circuit 短路 aging 老化 softening 软化 deforming 变形 冰山下面这么多潜在问题,不靠“ 全员” 关注行不行?,Why shou

7、ld we repair a control box of an overhead travelling crane for more than 40 times a month ?,为什么天车的控制盒一个月要修理40多次? 因为:操作工人把控制盒内的导线拉断, 或把控制盒沾上水而短路。 Since, the wire inside the control box is drawn out or made short-circuit by putting into the water carelessly by operators. + , -,Fault always begins from

8、 minor problems.,故障总是从小处开始的。飞机失事很少会 是飞机头或机翼掉下来,往往是油管堵塞或 是某一个小螺丝松落。 The airplane accident is seldom caused by the cracking down of the head or the wing, but always by the lost of a small nut or the block of an oil pipe.,为什么在中国企业安装TPM会更困难?WHY IS IT MORE DIFFICULT TO INSTALL TPM IN CHINESE COMPANIES?,历

9、史文化不同; DIFFERENT HISTORY AND CULTURE; 企业员工平均素质不同; DIFFERENT AVERAGE PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION; 管理模式不同; DIFFERENT PATERN OF MANAGEMENT。,TPM 在中国企业安装应适应中国企业文化TPM should be re-tailored to suit the body of Chinese companies.,The comparison of enterprise culture in different countries. 中外企业文化比较 项目 日本企业 美国企业

10、 中国企业 item Japanese company American company Chinese company 员工素质 高,平均 高, 参差不齐 低,参差不齐 qualification high, same high, different low , different 团队合作 好,同舟共济 一般,有独立性 差,无形组织 cooperation good so so, independent bad, invisible group 职业道德 优秀 良好 一般 responsibility excellent good general 流动性 低 高 较低 mobility l

11、ower high low,A successful TPM installed in Chinese company, three problems should be solved.,中国企业成功的TPM,应解决好三个问题: 1 工人素质行不行? Is the capability of operators suitable to TPM ? 2 工人愿意不愿意? Will the operators want join TPM activities ? 3 制度允许不允许? Do the rules and regulations permit operators to particip

12、ate TPM activities ?,如何解决?- 规范,HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM- NORMALIZATION 规范:根据企业设备实际,员工素质而制 订的工作规程和行为准则。 THE WORKING PROGRAM AND THE BEHAVIOR REGULATION ACCORDING TO THE REALITY OF EQUIPMENT AND OPERATORS QUALITY,解决方案 规范 SOLUTION - NORMALIZATION,1 Capability: Training, education, but can not meet the

13、requirement immediately build appropriate behavior normalization on maintenance,training. 1 员工素质:靠培训,教育, 但不可能很快达到要求 制订适应员工水平 的维修行为规范,培训上岗。,解决方案 规范 SOLUTION - NORMALIZATION,2 Willingness: company culture, education and promoting, but sometime, distant water cannot quench present thirst. Normalization

14、 is the inner law of company, that everybody should obey. 2 愿意:靠企业文化,教育, 宣传,但有时远水 解不了近渴。 规范就是企业内部的家法,每 个人都要遵守。,解决方案 规范 SOLUTION - NORMALIZATION,3 Regulation: can be changed to meet the requirement of TPM. In other words, if the operator maintain the equipment according to the normalization, then the

15、 regulation permits. 3 制度:制度当然可以改变以适应TPM的 需要。也就是说,只要按照规范执行, 制度就是支持(允许)的。,The difference between normalization and standard,规范与标准有什么不同? 1 规范是企业内部规定,不同企业可以有所不同。而标 准则是跨行业、跨企业的。 2 规范是动态可调的,应随设备进步,人员素质进步及 时加以调整。标准则有相对较长时间的稳定性。 1 Normalization is the inner regulation, different companies may have different normalization. However, standard is trans-company or trans-trade, standard is true to every company. 2 Normalization is dynamic and changeable, the normalization can be alternated along with the progress of personnel and eq


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