2.Unit 14 Section A (3a-4c).ppt

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《2.Unit 14 Section A (3a-4c).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2.Unit 14 Section A (3a-4c).ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,九年级(下),Go,for,it!,学练优英语教学课件,学练优九年级英语下(RJ) 教学课件,Section A (3a-4b),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,学习目标,Key words & phrases: overcome,graduate,caring,ours,senior,text,level,look back at,pride of overcoming fear,make a mess,keep ones cool,try to be on time for morning reading,look fo

2、rward to doing sth.,join the school swim team,have problems with sth. Key sentence: My time in junior high school has been enjoyable.,Lead in,What activities can the writer remember about his or her life in junior high?,I remember,morning readings,sports meets,New Years parties,prepare for exams,Pre

3、sentation,1. What kind of writing is this? This is a poem. 2. What is the main subject of this writing? The main subject is the writers memories of school over the last three years. 3. Who do you think the writer is? The writer is the student who is just about to graduate.,3a,Read the passage and an

4、swer the questions.,Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme with the words below.,things _ land _ year _ school _ class _ flowers _,rings,cool,fear,ours,understand,pass,3b,Have you experienced any of the following things? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them?,trying to be on

5、 time for morning readings,3c,It was a struggle to be on time for morning readings.,2. running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings,They were hungry so they rushed to the dining hall when the bell rang.,3. training for sports day They were excited about training and proud when they overcame

6、their fears.,4. starting the first day in Grade 7 He/She was shy when starting his/her first day in Grade 7.,5. slowly making some new friends 6. helping classmates with homework,He/She felt a little hard to make friends.,He/She was happy to help classmates with homework.,7. preparing for art festiv

7、als 8. going to New Years parties 9. learning English,There were many challenges and they had to work hard to understand.,They enjoyed preparing for art festivals and making a great big mess.,They had fun at New Years parties.,Language points,1. At junior high school, I remember a friend helping me

8、with a problem. 在中学时,我记得一个朋友曾经帮助 我解决问题。help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人干某事”。 例如: Lucy often helps her mother with housework on Sunday. 露西星期天经常帮助她妈妈做家务。,help构成的短语: help oneself 自助, (进餐时) 自己取用 cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 with the help of 在的帮助下 例如: Children, help yourselves to some fruits. 孩子们,请随便吃些水果吧。 I co

9、uldnt help crying. 我忍不住哭了。 With the help of the neighbors, the fire was at last brought under control. 在邻居们的帮助下,火势终于被控制住了。,2. remember losing a schoolbag full of homework. 记得丢失了装满作业的书包。 remembervt. & vi. 记起;想起。常与 to + n.及that连用。例如: He remembered that he had to finish the homework by the next day. 他想

10、起他必须在第二天之前完成作业。 remember to与名词连用时,表示: “请向致意;代向致意”。 Please remember me to your mother. 请代我向你母亲致意。, remember句型 remember doing sth. remember to do sth. 1)当动名词所表示的动作发生在前时,则用remember doing sth.。例如: I remember reading about the earthquake in the newspaper 我记得在报纸上看到过关于这次地震的消 息。 (read这一动作发生在前,remember这一 动作发

11、生在后。),Ill never forget waiting for you in the rain for the whole night 我将永远不会忘记在雨中等了你整整一个晚上。 (wait这一动作发生在前,forget这个动作发生在后。) He often forgets to close the door. 他经常忘记关门。 (forget这一动作发生在close这个动作之前。),Grammar Focus,Translate the sentences.,1. 在七年级发生了什么特别的事? _ _ in Grade 7 that was special? 我们队赢得了学校篮球赛。

12、Our team won the _ _ _.,What happened,school basketball,competition,2. 自你开始读初中以来,你有怎样的变化? How _ you _ since you started junior high school? 我更擅长说英语了。 Ive become much better at _ _.,have changed,speaking,English,3. 你认为高中会有什么不同? How do you think things will _ _ _ senior high school? 我认为我会更加努力为考试作准备。 I

13、 think that Ill have to _ _ _ for exams.,be different in,study much,harder,4. 明年你有什么计划? _ _ _ _ for next year? 我要参加学校排球队。 Im going to _ the school volleyball team. 5. 你记得八年级的什么事吗? What do you remember about Grade 8? 我记得当过志愿者。 I remember _ _ _.,What are your plans,join,being a volunteer,6. 什么事你过去常做但是

14、现在不做了? What _ _ _ _ _ that you dont do now? 我过去常上舞蹈课,但是现在不了。 I used to _ _ _ , but I dont anymore.,did you use to do,take dance lessons,7. 你在期待什么? What are you _ _ _? 我很期待进入高中。 Im looking forward to going to senior high school.,looking forward to,4a,Number the sentences to make a paragraph.,_ When I

15、 get to senior high, I will join the school swim team. _ My time in junior high school has been enjoyable.,1,6,_ In Grade 8, I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English. I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts. So the next year, I worked much harder and got better grades. _ Next year, I will be in senior high school. I cant believe how fast the time went by!,3,5,_ This year, with Mr. Trents help, my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year. _ In th


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