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1、复合句之条件状语从句与时间状语从句复合句之条件状语从句与时间状语从句(必考知识点必考知识点) Outline 常用连词的用法常用连词的用法“一一就就”结构结构 其他条件状从连词其他条件状从连词 h用法特点用法特点 认真听讲喽认真听讲喽 认真听讲喽认真听讲喽 when用法特点用法特点 while用法特点用法特点 认真听讲喽认真听讲喽 while用法特点用法特点 until用法特点用法特点用法特点用法特点 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 条件状语从句条件状语从句 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 常见连词的用法常见连词的用法:最常见的引导词是最常见的引

2、导词是if 和和unless 条件状语从句条件状语从句 常见连词的用法常见连词的用法:最常见的引导词是最常见的引导词是if 和和unless if表示表示 _, unless表示表示_ 或或 _ If you study hard, you will be able to pass the exam. You will be able to pass the exam, unless you dont study hardunless you don t study hard. 当当if, unless引导条件状语从句时,如果主句是将来时或引导条件状语从句时,如果主句是将来时或 含有情态动词含

3、有情态动词从句必须用般现在时表示将来的动作从句必须用般现在时表示将来的动作含有情态动词含有情态动词,从句必须用从句必须用一一般现在时表示将来的动作般现在时表示将来的动作。 If you are well, you can climb the mountain. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 1 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 条件状语从句条件状语从句 其他条件状语从句的连词其他条件状语从句的连词 as(so)long as once on condition thatas(so)long as, once, on condit

4、ion that S loork hard eno gh an iron rod can beSo long as you work hard enough, an iron rod can be ground into a needle. You may use the book as long as you return it on time. 【2011陕西】陕西】 24 If thereno buying and selling of animals thereno killing in24. If there _ no buying and selling of animals, t

5、here _ no killing in nature. A. is; will beB. will be; will beA. is; will be B. will be; will be C. is; is D. will be; is 【2011雅安雅安】【2011雅安雅安】 10.The students _ have a sports meeting this weekend if it _. A wont; rainsB will; rainsA. wont; rains B. will; rains C. wont; will rain D. are going to; is

6、going to rain 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 when的用法特点的用法特点 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句一般过去时从句一般过去时 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句过去完成时从句过去完成时 a) 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句过去进行时从句过去进行时 b) 主句过去进行时主句过去进行时+从句一般过去时从句一般过去时 c)主句一般将来时主句一般将来时+从句一般现在时从句一般现在时 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句一般过去时从句一般过去时 I started my dinner when he left.y He left when I got there. 都都表表若主从句若

7、主从句都都用一般过去时,则用一般过去时,则表表示示_先发生。先发生。 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句过去完成时从句过去完成时 I started my dinner when he had left. He left when I had got there. 这两句的从句用了过去时完成时,更强调这两句的从句用了过去时完成时,更强调_先发生。先发生。 2 a) 主句一般过去时主句一般过去时+从句过去进行时从句过去进行时 The doorbell rang when I was telephoning. b) 主句过去进行时主句过去进行时+从句一般过去时从句一般过去时 I was telep

8、honing when The doorbell rangI was telephoning when The doorbell rang. when=at the time when强调短强调短暂暂动动作作突然发生突然发生,不可以不可以在在when引导引导的的暂作暂作,在在引导引导 从句中添加从句中添加suddenly一词一词 b) 主句过去进行时主句过去进行时+从句一般过去时从句一般过去时 The doorbell rang when suddenly I was telephoning. I was telephoning when suddenly the doorbell rang

9、I was telephoning when suddenly the doorbell rang. c) 主句主句一一般将来时般将来时+从句从句一一般现在时般现在时c) 主句般将来时主句般将来时+从句般现在时从句般现在时 I will speak to him when he arrives. I will tell him about it when he comes back. 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 while 的用法特点的用法特点 during the time. The phone rang while I was taking my bath. taking my bath是是

10、一一个个动作动作。taking my bath是个是个_动作动作。 The doorbell rang while we were watching TV. watching TV是一个是一个_动作。动作。 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 while VS when while 相当于相当于during that time,表示某一时间段内发生,表示某一时间段内发生 的动作的动作从句谓语动词接从句谓语动词接动词动词的动作的动作,从句谓语动词接从句谓语动词接_动词动词。 when相当于相当于at that time,从从句谓语动词为句谓语动词为动词动词相当于相当于,句谓语动词为句谓语动词为_动词动词

11、when也相当于也相当于during that time,从句谓语动词接,从句谓语动词接_动词。动词。 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 until的用法特点的用法特点 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 延续动词延续动词+until+短暂动词或时间点短暂动词或时间点 短暂动词短暂动词+until+短暂动词或时间点短暂动词或时间点 3 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 until的用法特点的用法特点 延续动词延续动词+until+短暂动词或时间点短暂动词或时间点 Wait until he comes backWait until he comes back. Until I came back, he was wai

12、ting for me at my home. Well stay here until it stops rainingWe ll stay here until it stops raining. I will be away from my office until next Tuesday. until在这里是在这里是_词。词。 until的用法特点的用法特点 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 短短暂动词暂动词+until+短短暂动词或时间点暂动词或时间点 until的用法特点的用法特点 暂动词暂动词暂动词或时间点暂动词或时间点 He didnt leave the office until

13、his boss came back. I didnt go to bed until 12 oclock last night. Ice cream did not reach America until about the middle of the eighteenth century.of the eighteenth century. 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 “一一就就”的结构的结构 从句动作先于主句动作从句动作先于主句动作 主句动作先于从句动作主句动作先于从句动作 主句动作先于从句动作主句动作先于从句动作 从句动作先于主句动作从句动作先于主句动作 We will leave as

14、 soon as it stops rainingWe will leave as soon as it stops raining. 从句动作发生之后,紧接着主句的动作就发生了。从句动作发生之后,紧接着主句的动作就发生了。 态态表将来作表将来作将有将有主从句时主从句时态态一般一致。若一般一致。若表表示示将来将来动动作作,则主,则主将将从现时间关系连词从现时间关系连词有有 as soon as, the minute, the moment, the instant, immediately, directly和和instantly 4 It began to rain immediately

15、 I arrived home. Dont trust those who leave their friends the momentDon t trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty! 四种泛指表达四种泛指表达 “一一就就”的结构的结构 主句动作先于从句动作主句动作先于从句动作 主句从动作发生之后主句从动作发生之后紧接着从句动作就发生了紧接着从句动作就发生了主句从动作发生之后主句从动作发生之后,紧接着从句动作就发生了紧接着从句动作就发生了。 时间关系连词有 。 时间关系连词有 hardl

16、ywhen,scarcelywhen和和no soonerthan 主句多用过去完成时,且常倒装,从句用一般过去时主句多用过去完成时,且常倒装,从句用一般过去时 It began to rain as soon as I arrived home. No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain. Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain. TO SUM UP 互动方式互动方式 QQ: 1640383511 QQ群群: 255384194(网校萝卜老师学生群网校萝卜老师学生群) QQ空间空间: Email: Email: BBS: 5



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