Section B第3课时(导学案).doc

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1、Section B第3课时(1a1e)类别学习重点重点单词sour, customer重点短语thin enough, in the end重点句式1.The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.2.The customer was happy in the end.课前预习写一写1.酸的;有酸味的sour2.顾客;客户customer译一译1.无意中地,失误地by mistake2.最后;终于in the end背一背1.你知道薯条是无意中被发明的吗?Did you know potato chips were invente

2、d by mistake?2.你知道薯条是怎样被发明的吗?Do you know how potato chips were invented?新课导入T:Do you know how the apples can taste?S1:Yes.They may taste sweet.T:And the oranges?S2:新课展示 【完成教材1a1e的教学任务】1.1a学生根据要求完成任务。2.1b学生在每个单词后写上不同食物的名字。3.1c学生听录音并圈出对(T)或错(F)。4.1d学生再听听力材料,完成句子。5.1e学生根据1c和1d的信息练习关于薯条的发明的对话。【语法提要】1.en

3、ough作副词时,意为“足够的;充分地”,用来修饰形容词或副词,一般置于被修饰词之后。它还可用作形容词,意为“足够的;充分的”,在句中作定语修饰名词。如:I have enough money.我有足够的钱。He wrote carefully enough to get the award of the competition.他写得够认真,获得了比赛的奖励。 the end(1) in the end后来;最后;终于/at the end of在末/by the end of到末为止。如:At the end of this month,well have a meeting.这个

4、月末我们要开一次会。By the end of last year,weve made ten planes.到去年末我们造了十架飞机。(2) in the end 用一个单词表达可以是finally;用一个词组表达可以用at last。如:He won in the end./He won finally./He won at last. 最终他赢了。【问题探究】1.同义句转换:He wrote carefully enough to get the award of the competition.He wrote so carefully that he could get the aw

5、ard of the competition.2.I am sorry I have A to do today.I am not_.A.something special;free enoughB.special something;enough freeC.special something;enough free活学活练(B)1.He is _ to go to school.A.enough oldB.old enoughC.young enough(A)2. _ I got there.A.In the end B.Last C.Finally布置作业:教师引导学生课后完成本课时对应练习,并预习下一课时内容。教学反思本课时主要通过一系列的听说练习及学生的自主学习谈论炸土豆条的发明,这些都是通过模拟真实的情景活学活用被动语态。通过让学生表演对话,实现交际策略。教学过程中老师的疑问:教师点评和总结:教学说明:通过提问,进入本节课有关食物(品)的内容。3


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