2018年中考英语总复习(人教版) 教材知识梳理-七年级上册优化训练:Units 1-4.doc

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1、七年级(上册)Units 1-4.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词1.My skirt is (紫色的).答案:purple2.There are some (字典) on the shelf.You can borrow one.答案:dictionaries3.Dave and Lin Hai are not brothers.They are good (朋友).答案:friends4.My brother bought a (电脑) for my mother and father.答案:computer5.Its my brothers (模型) plane.答案:model.用括号内

2、所给单词的适当形式填空1.His (one) name is Tom,and his last name is Brown.答案:first2.His family (go) to Beijing for vacation every year.答案:go3.Here (be) four nice pictures of my family.答案:are4.The green pen is mine and the red one is (her).答案:hers5.My computer is not in my room.Its in my (parents) room.答案:parent

3、s.单项选择1.Betty and Kitty are twin sisters. mother often dresses them in colorful clothes. A.TheyB.TheirC.TheirsD.Them答案:B解析:句意:贝蒂和吉蒂是双胞胎姐妹。她们的妈妈经常让她们穿色彩鲜艳的服装。由于后面有名词mother,须用形容词性物主代词。所以答案为B项。2.Are those books ?No,they are not mine.They belong to.A.your;herB.yours;herC.your;hersD.yours;she答案:B解析:句意:那些

4、书是你的吗?不,它们不是我的,它们属于她。第一空用yours=your books;belong to后接代词的宾格。故选B项。3.John often asks his teacher help.A.toB.withC.forD.on答案:C解析:ask sb. .for . 意思是“向某人要”,所以答案选C项。4.Look at that photo.What a happy family!Yes,its a photo my family.A.atB.forC.ofD.in答案:C解析:of 表示所属关系,a photo of my family意为“一张我全家人的照片”。故选C项。5.

5、Uncle Wang bought two for me yesterday.A.breadB.milkC.dictionaryD.books答案:D解析:因为所填名词前有数词two,故应填名词的复数形式。bread和milk是不可数名词,应先排除;dictionary是单数也应排除。故选D项。6.She is mother.A.Kates and JanesB.Kate and JanesC.Kates and JaneD.Kate and Jane答案:B解析:根据mother是单数形式,可知此处表示凯特和简共有的妈妈,在最后的人名后加s。故选B项。7.(2017西宁中考)Shanghai

6、 Disneyland opened June 16,2016.We want to visit it.A.inB.onC.atD.of答案:B解析:在具体的某一天用介词on。故选B项。8.I am tidy, Jim is not.His things are everywhere.A.butB.andC.soD./答案:A解析:根据句意可知表示转折关系,故选A项。9.Where my pens?Sorry,I know.A.is;dontB.are;notC.are;dontD.are;doesnt答案:C解析:主语是复数形式,所以系动词用are;know是实义动词,否定形式要借助于助动词

7、,主语是第一人称,所以选C项。10.(2017乌鲁木齐中考)He is honest boy.I want to become person like him.A.a;aB.an;aC.the;aD.an;the答案:B解析:这两个空都表示泛指,故用不定冠词,第一空后的honest是以元音音素开头,故用an,所以选B项。.阅读理解Hi,Im Tina.This is a photo of Class 1.This class has twenty-five students,twelve girls and thirteen boys.These are Amy and Bob.Amy is

8、Bobs sister.Amy is 12 and Bob is 13.Amy likes English and math.Bob likes music.He has a CD collection.This is Bruce.He is 14.He likes sports and has a sports collection.Jerry is a teacher.He is thirty-four years old.He likes blue,black and green.Many of his clothes are in these colors.Do you know th

9、e relationship between Jerry and Bruce?Aha!Jerry is Bruces uncle.And you can call him at 0551-3617625.1. girls are in Class 1.A.12B.13C.24D.25答案:A解析:根据文中“This class has twenty-five students,twelve girls and thirteen boys.”可知一班有12名女生。故选A项。2.Bruce likes.A.sportsB.EnglishC.musicD.white答案:A解析:根据文中“This

10、is Bruce.He is 14.He likes sports .”可知A项正确。3.The word “relationship” means “” in Chinese.A.关系B.性别C.爱好D.差异答案:A解析:根据“Jerry is Bruces uncle.”可以猜出relationship是“关系”的意思。4.and Bob are in a family.A.JerryB.AmyC.BruceD.Tina答案:B解析:根据“Amy is Bobs sister.”可知他们在一个家庭。5.Jerrys is 0551-3617625.A.card numberB.teleph

11、one numberC.bus numberD.school card number答案:B解析:根据最后一句“And you can call him at 0551-3617625.”可知这是一个电话号码。.补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。M:Good morning,Anna!W:Good morning,Mike!M:1W:No,it is not my dictionary.Mine is in my schoolbag.M:Are these your pencils?W:Are they on the table?M:2 T

12、he dictionary is on the table,too.W:Oh,my pencils are in my pencil box.They are yours.M:3W:Is your English book on the sofa?M:4 Its under the sofa.Where is my baseball?W:5 You can ask Mom.M:OK.A.Where is my English book?B.Whats this in English?C.Is this your dictionary?D.Yes,they are.E.I dont know.F.Are these your books?G.No,it isnt.答案:15 CDAGE第4页


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